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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Eric Bixby edited this page Sep 11, 2022 · 12 revisions

Why does options/preferences page keep showing or startup?

In versions prior to 3.3, your preferences are stored as a cookie in Firefox and cookies are being cleared on startup. Either disable clearing cookies or exclude the clearing of the auto-sort-bookmarks cookie. Starting in version 3.3, preferences are no longer stored as a cookie.

On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 1:28 AM, Connect wrote: Today I did some testing and found that I’m sure that Ccleaner is the source of the problem – but I also found a cookie 54cd1d42-a605-426f-b906-a5e1b6f07d8c which when I added it to the list of Ccleaner’s ‘Cookies to keep’ stopped the problem.

How do I change the language used by the add-on?

My default Firefox add-ons use the language specified by the Operating System (OS). If the ASB add-on supports your language, then use the following guide to override the language specified by the OS: Testing out your extension. If your language is not supported, then you can use the "Translation" feature to provide your own custom translation. Send me your exported translation file if you would like contribute.

Why does the addon need to access Firefox history?

I created a wiki page to list the permissions requested by the ASB add-on and the corresponding usage.