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RESTSchemaRetry is a C# library that implements a simple Schema-Retry pattern in REST services context to improve the stability of the application. A Schema-Retry can handle transient failures when it tries to connect to a service or network resource, by transparently retrying a failed operation.

How it works

RESTSchemaRetry implements a simple after delay retry schema, managing communication timeouts or service error transparently to the application. The retry schema check the HTTP response code to decide if the error is transient or not.

Transient error recovery

Below is the list of potentially transient errors handled by RESTSchemaRetry:

  • TooManyRequests
  • InternalServerError
  • BadGateway
  • ServiceUnavailable
  • GatewayTimeout
  • InsufficientStorage
  • RequestTimeout
  • HttpVersionNotSupported
  • NetworkAuthenticationRequired

How to use it

To use the RESTSchemaRetry library, just instantiate a RetryClient object specifying the base URL and the resource. There are multiple constructor to specify the REST API parameters.

var retryClient = new RetryClient("","resource");

at this point the REST API requests can be performed. For example, below how to execute a POST request:

var response = retryClient.Post<T>(objectToPost);

RESTSchemaRetry uses the RestSharp library to execute the web requests.

NuGet Package

The library is available on NuGet packetmanager.

RestSharp Reference

RESTSchemaRetry uses the RestSharp library, which is distributed under Apache 2.0 license.


Thank you for considering to help out with the source code! If you'd like to contribute, please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base.

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RESTSchemaRetry source code is available under MIT License, see license in the source.


Please contact at francesco.delre.87[at] for any details.