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Empirica Recruitment - BETA

Empirica Recruitment is an application meant to simplify the operations needed to recruit experiment participants using online participant platforms (only AWS MTurk supported at the moment).

Empirica Recruitment is currently in early beta and will require some effort from the user to setup and use. It has been tested on limited experiments with up to 100 participants and multiple steps.

Quick Usage

Download the latest pre-built binary release from the releases page (currently only macos supported, adding other platforms soon).

Then copy the config file recruitment.example.yaml to recruitment.yaml in the folder where you will be running recruitment from. Modify the configuration as needed.

Make the binary you downloaded executable with:

chmod u+x ./recruitment

Finally run with:


It will create the SQLLite database in the same folder (recruiment.db) and start the HTTP server on port 8880. Head over to http://localhost:8880.