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The EMC (Easy Minecraft Client) Development Kit

Development kit for EMC

You can find API documentation at the EMC website

Setting up your IDE to develop with EMC

Make a new gradle project and match your build.gradle file with the example one

Making your first mod with EMC

  1. Create a file called client.json in the resource folder of your project, this file is used so that EMC can find your main class and info about your mod.
  2. In that file add the following:

    "name": "Example mod",
    "website": "",
    "author": "Deftware",
    "minversion": 13.8,
    "version": 1,
    "main": "me.deftware.mod.Main.Main",
    "updateLinkOverride": false

  1. Create the main class you specified in the client.json file.
  2. Extend your class by EMCMod, add the required methods.
  3. Here's an example of a main class:
package me.deftware.mod;

import me.deftware.client.framework.event.*;
import me.deftware.client.framework.command.*;
import me.deftware.client.framework.wrappers.IChat;
import me.deftware.client.framework.main.EMCMod;

public class Main extends EMCMod {
	public void initialize() {
		// Here you initialize anything needed for the mod
		// We need to register this class to handle events 
		EventBus.registerClass(this.getClass(), this);
		// We can also register a custom client command here
		CommandRegister.registerCommand(new ExampleCommand());

	@EventListener(eventType = EventUpdate.class) 
	public void onUpdate(EventUpdate event) {
		// Example of an update event, called 20 times a second

	public class ExampleCommand extends EMCModCommand {

		public CommandBuilder getCommandBuilder() {
			return new CommandBuilder().set((LiteralArgumentBuilder) LiteralArgumentBuilder.literal("test")
					.executes(c -> {
						IChat.sendClientMessage("It works!);
						return 1;



If you want more help you can check out this example Discord rich presence mod made with EMC.

Installing your mod

Once you're done with your mod, run the gradle build task. Copy your mod jar file from build/libs/ to .minecraft/libraries/EMC/<Minecraft version>/ and start Minecraft with EMC.


EMC is licensed under GPL-3.0