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Releases: embulk/embulk

Release v0.11.4

24 May 01:40
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## [0.11.4] - 2024-05-24

### Changed
- Upgraded built-in plugins that depend on Jackson 2.16.2 [#1661]
- Upgraded Jackson to 2.16.2 in embulk-deps [#1663]
- Bumped embulk-util-timestamp to 0.3.0 [#1666]
- Bumped commons-cli to 1.7.0 [#1667]
- Bumped netty-buffer to 4.1.109.Final [#1668]
- Bumped Apache Maven Resolver to 1.9.20, and Commons Lang to 3.14.0 [#1669]
- Bumped SnakeYAML to 2.2 [#1670]
- Bumped commons-codec to 1.17.0 [#1671]
- Bumped slf4j-api to 2.0.13, and Logback to 1.3.14 [#1672]

Release v0.11.3

11 Mar 08:00
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## [0.11.3] - 2024-03-11

### Added
- Install a Maven artifact from the Embulk command-line [#1645]

### Changed
- Upgrade Apache Maven to 3.9.6 [#1652]

Release v0.11.2

21 Nov 01:26
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## [0.11.2] - 2023-11-21

### Changed
- Unused embulk-util-json's JsonParser, instead have the implementation in embulk-deps
- Upgraded embulk-parser-csv / embulk-guess-csv(_all_strings) to v0.11.4 to fix

### Deprecated
- Started to warn against use of org.embulk.spi.json.JsonParser

Release v0.11.1

26 Sep 07:05
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## [0.11.1] - 2023-09-26

### Changed
- Fixed PreviewValueFormatter to accept Boolean values
- Upgraded standard plugins to use org.embulk.spi.json.JsonValue, instead of org.msgpack.value.Value
- Upgraded embulk-util-json in embulk-deps to 0.3.0
- Split dependencies of embedded JARs strictly for each

Release v0.11.0

13 Jun 01:30
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## [0.11.0] - 2023-06-13

### Changed
- Bumped up to v0.11.0 from the same code base as v0.10.50, without any substantive change
- Segregated embulk-spi out of embulk-core's release cycle, in another source code repository, with an independent version scheme
- Upgraded all the standard plugins to v0.11.0

Release v0.11.0-RC1

09 Jun 07:16
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Release v0.11.0-RC1 Pre-release
## [0.11.0-RC1] - 2023-06-09

### Changed
- Publishing just an executable archive as a release candidate for the final check before v0.11.0. No substantive changes. Almost the same as v0.10.50.

Release v0.10.50

15 May 03:56
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## [0.10.50] - 2023-05-15

### Changed
- Upgraded standard plugins to v0.10.42, including the fix for explicit null in CSV quote and escape [#1615]

Release v0.10.49

17 Apr 05:28
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## [0.10.49] - 2023-04-17

### Removed
- Removed config validations with BVal from org.embulk.config and org.embulk.deps.config [#1609]

Release v0.9.25

17 Apr 02:27
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## [0.9.25] - 2023-04-12

### Added
- Added a warning message to try Release Candidate for v0.11

Release Date

Release v0.10.48

12 Apr 02:18
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## [0.10.48] - 2023-04-12

### Added
- Added guess_sample_buffer_bytes and preview_sample_buffer_bytes as Embulk System Properties [#1379] [#1603]

### Changed
- Changed gem, bundle, and mkbundle to exit with their appropriate exit status [#1364] [#1599] [#1601]

### Removed
- Removed @ConfigInject [#1404] [#1602]