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Ivan Santos edited this page Mar 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents

Contributing A New Language

  1. Create a folder using the 2 character code (e.g. jp, en, es, etc) with lesson subfolders:
$ cd elixir_school
$ mkdir -p jp/lessons/{basics,advanced,specifics}
  1. Update _config.yml by including the 2 character code in languages and adding translations to sections and description:
languages: ['en', 'jp']
default_lang: en
exclude_from_localization: []
  - tag: basics
      en: Basics
      jp: 基本
  en: Lessons about the Elixir programming language
  pt: Lições sobre a linguagem de programação Elixir

Translating A Lesson

  1. Create the lesson in the appropriate language subfolder.

  2. Translated lessons must include lang: XX in the page meta data. For example /jp/lessons/basics/

layout: page
title: 基本
category: basics
order: 1
lang: jp