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Releases: elafarge/karch

Move to kops 1.11

02 Apr 00:10
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This release makes it possible to use kops 1.11 and adds some fixes, to make Google SSO possible among other things.

Volume Expanding feature Gates

23 May 23:22
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This adds the Volume expanding feature gates to the APIServer and Kubelet by default.

Advanced hook customization

15 Dec 13:56
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Also, the test-cluster has been oriented towards performance testing of the NGinX ingress controller.

Kubernetes/Kops 1.8.x support

12 Dec 01:30
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Check out the kops 1.8 release notes for possible required actions (depending on your settings).

Follow Kubernetes/Kops version number

15 Nov 03:53
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Note: from this release, karch minor releases (ex.: 1.8.x) will be made
against the corresponding kops release. On CoreOS, compatibility is guaranteed
between these versions. You should therefore use karch v1.8.x with kops


  • Relative path handling issue wrt Terraform 10.0.6
  • OIDC Server templating fix


  • It is now possible to configure (runtime,kubelet) and system resource
    reservation on nodes
  • The APIServer --runtime-config flag is now exposed, allowing users to
    easily enable/disable Kubernetes API groups
  • batch/v2alpha1


  • [refactoring] Remove efs/ebs-pv and revisit folder structure

    Coupling the creation of a complete Kubernetes cluster and of resources
    (PersistentVolumes, in the case of the efs-pv and ebs-fv volumes) was a
    really bad idea:

    • If the Kubernetes API Server is down, it blocks any plan/apply on
      your Terraform code using these modules, being unable to run
      Terraform when an outage occured in a cluster isn't... cool :(
    • It even prevents you to create a custom cluster from scratch

    It is therefore advised to create your Kubernetes infrastructure
    (including EBS/EFS volumes, karch module calls...) in one piece of
    Terraform code and to use the "terraform_remote_state" datasources from
    another to retrieve some data you'd need to provision resources (such
    as Secrets or PersistentVolumes) from the original codebase or - more
    precisely - from the state bound to it.

  • Some alpha API Groups have been enabled. This will soon be configurable with
    a list variable

  • Use dashes in all output names


  • ebs-pv and efs-pv volumes: these were a really bad idea: they imply that,
    for each plan or apply call you'll be willing to make, the Kubernetes API
    server must be up. This is totally impossible during cluster bootstrap
    (without commenting code) and when the API server is unreachable. You don't
    want your terraform apply to be down during outages :)

OIDC provider support + EBS volume -> PersistentVolume helper

11 Sep 15:57
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  • Node security group ID as output of the kops-cluster module
  • Helper module to provision EBS volumes as kubernetes persistent volumes
    (includes the ability to restore them from a snapshot)
  • Possibility to configure an OIDC provider to the Kubernetes API (tested with
    Google and Github)


  • We're not creating an S3 VPC endpoint automatically, however you can create
    it outside of the kops-cluster module using the exported vpc-id.

Add VPC id to outputs

01 Sep 03:31
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Not really a bugfix, but I can't increment the minor release twice a day :)

Karch now supports RBAC

31 Aug 21:56
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It is now possible to spawn clusters with RBAC enabled :)

Note that clusters have RBAC enabled by default - which is a breaking change.

Add relevant variables and outputs to our kops modules

31 Aug 21:55
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Refer to the changelog for more details

Initial release

28 Aug 17:12
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For now, we only guarantee compatibility with Kops v1.7.0. Once the module has been tested and extended to support more Kops topologies, we're planning to stick to kops versioning: karch vX.Y.Z will be compatible with kops vX.Y.Z.

Status of the release:

  • We've been experimenting with the module for the past few days, it's still rather experimental, but it does the job for us at the moment
  • However, it's a just simple wrapper around kops, we have been spawning/updating/destroying kops clusters with it several times without encountering issues :)
  • Only private topologies have been tested. Adding public ones is on the RoadMap though