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In-Situ Processing - datAcron

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A component within the datAcron EU project; it provides a Flink component that processes a stream of raw messages (i.e., AIS Dynamic Messages), and enriches it with derived attributes such as min/max, average, and variance of original fields (See Output Format and Samples & Output Schema Description). In addition, a stream simulator for the raw messages is developed in the context of this module. It provides a feature to re-play the original stream of raw messages by generating a simulated new Kafka Stream and taking into the account the time delay between two consecutive messages of a trajectory. Furthermore, this delay can be scaled in/out by a configuration parameter (streamDelayScale).

Deployment on datAcron YARN cluster:

  • Clone in-situ code:
  • Go the project directory cd in-situ-processing-datAcron.
  • Update the as described the Configurations section below.
  • Run mvn clean package -Pbuild-jar to compile and build the project jar.
  • Run the raw input stream simulator java -cp ..../in-situ-processing-datAcron/target/in-situ-processing-2.0.0.jar eu.datacron.insitu.InputStreamSimulatorApp.
  • Go the Flink directory cd .../flink-1.4.1
  • Start Flink yarn session using
    cd ../flink-1.4.0/

./bin/ -n 8 -tm 15360 -s 8

 to allocate 10 Task Managers, with 15 GB of memory and 8 processing slots for each task manger.

* To run In-situ module:

cd ../flink-1.4.0/

./bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 10 -ynm insitu_p..../in-situ-processing-datAcron/target/in-situ-processing-*.jar

* Check the output stream that has the kafka topic name in [](  file, in particular, the value of `outputStreamTopicName` (e.g., ais_messages_in_situ_processing_out_v2).

# Output Format and Samples:
 * The data schema of the In-Situ Processing component's output as the following:
  ` timestamp,id,longitude,latitude,speed,heading,msgErrorFlag,turn,course,status,
  * The following four samples of a trajectory (id=228037600​):
1443660610,228037600,-4.3429365,48.18521,9.1,511,,-127.0,180.5,15,688,14.827034883720925,10,7,311,10.2,5.6,9.128924418604647,0.3492941919618716,-4.45445,-4.316455,48.113506,48.20134,-127.0,-127.0,511,511,false, 1443660620,228037600,-4.3428435,48.184795,9.1,511,,-127.0,171.3,15,689,14.820029027576192,10,7,311,10.2,5.6,9.128882438316397,0.34878844626633326,-4.45445,-4.316455,48.113506,48.20134,-127.0,-127.0,511,511,true,area1112315100

Output Description:

  • We use the same attributes and the delimiter (i.e., ",") as the AIS messages of NARI source with adding addition attributes computed by this module as depicted in the following table:
Index Attribute Data type Description
[0] timestamp long timestamp in UNIX epochs (i.e., milliseconds elapsed since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000).
[1] id integer A globally unique identifier for the moving object (usually, the MMSI of vessels).
[2] longitude double Longitude (georeference: WGS 1984).
[3] latitude double Latitude (georeference: WGS 1984).
[4] speed double Speed over ground in knotsint (allowed values: 0-102.2 knots).
[5] heading integer True heading in degrees (0-359), relative to true north.
[6] msgErrorFlag string The MariWeb Security Appliance (MSA) error flags (if available).
[7] turn double Rate of turn, right or left, 0 to 720 degrees per minute.
[8] course double Course over ground (allowed values: 0-359.9 degrees).
[9] status integer AIS Navigational Status reported by the vessel.
[10] NumberOfPoints long The accumulated number of the received points i.e., AIS messages of the trajectory.
[11] AverageDiffTime double The average of the time difference between the consecutive AIS messages of the trajectory
[12] LastDiffTime long The time difference of the current message and the previous received message
[13] MinDiffTime long The minimum value of time difference until the current AIS message.
[14] MaxDiffTime long The maximum value of time difference until the current AIS message.
[15] MaxSpeed double The maximum value of speed within the trajectory until the current AIS message.
[16] MinSpeed double The minimum value of speed with the trajectory until the current AIS message.
[17] AverageSpeed double The average value of the speed
[18] VarianceSpeed double The sample variance of speed
[19] MinLong double The minimum value of longitude of the trajectory until the current AIS message.
[20] MaxLong double The maximum value of longitude of the trajectory until the current AIS message.
[21] MinLat double The minimum value of latitude of the trajectory until the current AIS message.
[22] MaxLat double The maximum value of latitude of the trajectory until the current AIS message.
[23] MinTurn double The minimum value of turn until of the trajectory the current AIS message.
[24] MaxTurn double The maximum value of turn until the of the trajectory the current AIS message.
[25] MinHeading int The minimum value of heading until of the trajectory the current AIS message.
[26] MaxHeading int The maximum value of heading until of the trajectory the current AIS message.
[27] isChangeInArea boolean A flag to indicate if there is change in the area or not.
[28] detectedAreas string empty string or list of area codes/names separated by ;


This section describes the different configurations/parameters that customize the execution of the In-Situ Processing module, and the following are the full parameters list of the module alongside with their description and usage, can be changed in the file.

Parameter Name Example Description Used In
bootstrapServers localhost:9092,localhost:9093 Kafka zookeeper host string InSituProcessingApp & RawStreamSimulator
zookeeper localhost:2181 A list of host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster, for more details check here InSituProcessingApp & RawStreamSimulator
inputStreamTopicName aisInsituIn This is the topic name of the output stream of the RawStreamSimulator and the topic name of the input stream of InSituProcessingApp, so both components are connected through a Kafka stream InSituProcessingApp & RawStreamSimulator
outputStreamTopicName aisInsituOut The topic name of the output stream of the In-Situ Processing (i.e., enriched stream) InSituProcessingApp
kafkaGroupId in_situ The Kafka consumer group name for the InSituProcessingApp if the streamSourceType is set as KAFKA InSituProcessingApp
aisDataSetFilePath ./data/nari_test_dataset.csv The path of the input dataset file InSituProcessingApp & RawStreamSimulator
streamSourceType FILE or KAFKA This to select which source to be used as input for the In-Situ Processing module either directly by reading an input file (aisDataSetFilePath)
or by ingesting a Kafka stream (inputStreamTopicName)
streamDelayScale 1.0 Scale factor of the time delay between the raw messages in the Stream simulator (i.e., simulated delay = actual delay *streamDelayScale ) RawStreamSimulator
inputDataSchema nariRawStreamSchema.json , imisRawStreamSchema.json and imisFullRawStreamSchema.json Specifies the schema of the input raw messages to support multiple sources such as IMIS Global and NARI files in the maritime use case InSituProcessingApp & RawStreamSimulator
flinkCheckPointsPath checkpoints The directory of the Flink checkpoints InSituProcessingApp & RawStreamSimulator
parallelism 8 The parallelism level of the Flink job InSituProcessingApp
outputLineDelimiter , The separator of the line of the output stream InSituProcessingApp
outputFilePath The output path of enriched stream file if writeOutputStreamToFile is true InSituProcessingApp
polygonsFilePath polygons.csv The file path of areas polygons InSituProcessingApp

Run on stand alone Flink cluster (locally):

  • To deploy the In-Situ Processing module on Flink cluster (locally):

    • Go the root directory of the project.
    • Edit the /in-situ-processing-datAcron/scripts/ and update the correct directory of the Flink installation by changing the FLINK_DIR variable in the script.
    • Make sure that the script file has a permission to be executed, use /in-situ-processing-datAcron/scripts/
    • Run the script by /in-situ-processing-datAcron/scripts/ that submit the In-Situ Processing job to the local Flink cluster.
  • To run the Raw AIS Messages Stream Simulator component on Flink cluster (locally):

    • Go the root directory of the project.
    • Edit the /in-situ-processing-datAcron/scripts/ and update the correct local directory of the Flink installation by changing the FLINK_DIR variable in the script.
    • Make sure that the script file has a permission to be executed, use chmod +x /in-situ-processing-datAcron/scripts/
    • Run the script by ./scripts/ that submit the Stream simulator job to the Flink cluster.

Setup for local development:

  • To Setup the Kafka cluster locally, run a predefined shell script scrips/
  • To execute the simulator for the stream of raw messages, run eu.datacron.insitu.InputStreamSimulatorApp.
  • To execute the In-Situ Processing module: eu.datacron.insitu.InSituProcessingApp.
  • To check the module output run the scrips/ that lunches a consumer console for the output stream of the module.
