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My Third Project

Project Name: ShareBox

Project Link: ShareBox

Developed by: Erwin Rosas

Source: [Tutorial Followed] (

Project Tutorial

This porject is based on a DropBox tutorial which was based on Rails 3.

Once a user navigates to the site they will be greeted by a welcome page.

  • A user is first greeted at a home screen, which a user will need to signup or login.
  • In order to signup a user will need to input E-mail, Name, Password and Password Confirmation.

Once a User is logged in, your email will be displayed on the upper right side.

  • Clicking on the ShareBox logo will direct a user to the home screen.
  • User is able to Edit Profile and Logout.
  • A user is able to upload files as-well as create folders.
  • Once a folder is created a user is able to upload files within this folder, as-well as create another folder.
  • A user is able to view the size and upladed date/time only for files.
  • A user is able to Dowload or Delete a file.
  • A user is able to Share, Rename and Delete a folder.
  • When a user requires to share a folder, they will have a popup screen show up to enter another users email address and a message.
  • The user who is being shared a folder, will recive an email informing them when the folder is shared and by who.

Project Implementations

This project is based on Ruby on Rails along with HTML and CSS. Below will be a list of other features and technologies,

  • ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
  • Rails 4.1.7
  • pg (PostgreSQL) 9.3.5
  • devise
  • paperclip
  • acts_as_tree
  • jquery-ui-rails

Link to my ERD


Third class project, this is my sharebox app.






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