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Brian Egge edited this page Jan 25, 2016 · 7 revisions

It all starts with a list:

using my_list = brigand::list<char, int>;

Let's append a type to that list:

using new_list = brigand::push_back<my_list, bool>;

Note that in meta-programming, as the type resulting from the push back is different (and incompatible) with the type before the push back, every operation creates a new, different type. You cannot write something like

using my_list = brigand::push_back<my_list, bool>;

You can get the size of the list

static const std::size_t v = brigand::size<my_list>::value;

What is more interesting is that you can apply algorithms on lists:

// reverse the list
using reversed = brigand::reverse<my_list>;

// transform into a list of pointers
using my_ptr_list = brigand::transform<std::add_pointer<brigand::_1>, my_list>;

Note the use of a MPL style placeholders (brigand::_1) to describe the transformation functor

And you can transform your list into tuples or variants:

brigand::as_tuple<my_list>   my_tuple;
brigand::as_variant<my_list> my_variant;

One more thing, brigand also comes up with maps:

using my_map = brigand::map<
    brigand::pair<bool, char>, 
    brigand::pair<int, bool>>;

using lookup_result = brigand::at<my_map, bool>;
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