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Edouard A edited this page Jul 23, 2016 · 9 revisions

How to use

Brigand is header-only, to use it in your project you need to specify the path to the brigand include directory. No linking necessary. We also have a tool to generate a single header that contains the whole brigand library for convenient in the script directory.

Brigand requires a C++ 11 compiler, make sure you compiler supports C++ 11 features and that they are enabled.

Let's get started

How do I create a list of types?

A list of types has no runtime footprint and is your basic tool for most metaprogramming tasks. We provide you with a sequence named brigand::list that supports all basic operations you expect from a sequence.

Let's start simple, with an empty list:

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>

using empty_list = brigand::list<>;

We predefined for you an empty list for clarity: brigand::empty_sequence.

We will now create a list of type that contains a bool, an integer and a pointer to a string of characters.

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>

using my_list = brigand::list<bool, int, char *>;

Thanks to the usage of variadic templates, Brigand has no practical limit to the number of items in a list. There is also no restriction to the type that may go in a list, as long as it's properly defined. Gentlemen: start your compilers!

Accessing elements in a list

You can access the front and back element with convenience functions:

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/back.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/front.hpp>

using my_list = brigand::list<bool, int, char *>;

// head is 'bool'
using head = brigand::front<my_list>;

// last is 'char *'
using last = brigand::back<my_list>;

Lists in Brigand also support efficient random access:

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/at.hpp>

using my_list = brigand::list<bool, int, char *>;

// e1 is 'int'
using e1 = brigand::at<my_list, std::integral_constant<int, 1>>;

// you might want to use the convenience function at_c
using e1bis = brigand::at_c<my_list, 1>;

Adding and removing elements in a list of types

You may want to declare a list of types somewhere in your code, just to modify it later on. It's possible to add entries to the end and the beginning of a list.

We will add a char to the end of the list and another bool to the beginning.

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/back.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/front.hpp>

using my_list = brigand::list<bool, int, char *>;

// somwhere else

using my_list2 = brigand::push_back<my_list, char>;
using my_list3 = brigand::push_front<my_list2, bool>;

The resulting list will be bool, bool, int, char *, char.

It's important to understand that in template metaprogramming, types are never updated in place. A meta function will return the result of your operation that you may want to "save" in another type.

You could also write:

using my_list2 = brigand::push_front<brigand::push_back<my_list, char>, bool>;

You may also remove elements at the beginning and the end of a list:

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/back.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/front.hpp>

using my_list = brigand::list<bool, int, char *>;

// my_list2 is int, char *
using my_list2 = brigand::pop_front<my_list>;

// my_list 3 is int
using my_list3 = brigand::pop_back<my_list2>;

All these meta functions support multiple parameters, you can therefore write:

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/back.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/front.hpp>

using my_list = brigand::list<bool, int, char *>;

// my_list2 is 'bool, int, char*, short, long'
using my_list2 = brigand::push_back<my_list, short, long>;

// my_list3 is 'bool, int, char *'
using my_list3 = brigand::pop_back<my_list2, std::integral_constant<int, 2>>;

Merging two lists

If you have two lists, don't do complex manipulations!

There is a meta function perfectly suited for the job:

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>
#include <brigand/sequences/append.hpp>

struct proton {};
struct neutron {};

using deuterium = brigand::list<proton, neutron>;
using tritium = brigand::list<proton, neutron, neutron>;

// omg will contain 'proton, neutron, proton, neutron, neutron'
using omg = brigand::append<deuterium, tritium>;

Transforming a list of types

You may find list of types to have limited usage in themselves, we will see later more advanced manipulations. However, you may right away transform your list into a tuple.

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>
#include <brigand/adapted/tuple.hpp>
#include <string>

using my_list = brigand::list<bool, int, std::string>;
using my_tuple = brigand::as_tuple<my_list>;

// t is std::tuple<bool, int, std::string>
my_tuple t;

Combined with the possibility to add (and remove) types from a list, this enable you to create and validate the list of types that go in a tuple at compile time.

Brigand also supports other types such as Boost.Variant:

#include <brigand/sequences/list.hpp>
#include <brigand/adapted/variant.hpp>
#include <string>

using my_list = brigand::list<bool, int, std::string>;
using my_variant = brigand::as_variant<my_list>;

// v is boost::variant<bool, int, std::string>
my_variant v;

Everything we saw, works on any type

One of the greatest strength of Brigand is that it works on list of types. We give you the brigand::list but anything which is a list of types will work with our meta functions and algorithms...

...and this story shall also be told.

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