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PYTCo web application based on AngularJS framework.


You need Docker installed:

This command should succeed before proceeding:

$ docker info

If it fails, and you are on using Docker Toolbox, (i.e. Windows) you need to init your cmd line shell environment so it knows how to talk to Docker running in a virtual machine likely on VirtualBox:

$ docker-machine start default
$ docker-machine env default

# Copy the command at the end of that output and run it

Now your $ docker info should work.

To get a development environment up and running, first you need to install the Node.js dependencies we use to manage the project:

$ npm install -g grunt
$ npm install

You only need to do this once initially, and is a good idea to do after you $ git pull ...

Then run grunt to loop through the tasks-local

$ grunt

Now you have pytco-frontend Docker container running, and you can access it in browser at http://localhost:8000

NOTE: If you are running Windows or Mac, you might be using docker-machine to run Docker in Virtualbox. If this is true then your container's ip will be $ docker-machine ip $(docker-machine active). Should be something like

NOTE: Everytime you make a change to one of the files under app/ Grunt will automatically build it into the Docker container and run it for you.


TODO: Briefly explain the architecture


Allows us to easily build releases across different developer machines (Windows, MacOS, Linux). Makes our development environment portable.


This file loads the Grunt tasks defined in tasks and tasks-local


NOTE: Don't run these on your local machine. These tasks are used by the Dockerfile while building the pytco-frontend image. They are focused on compiling/compressing/minifying assets like scss, css, and js based on what type of release that is being created. See Release


These tasks are meant to be executed from your local machine. They mostly interact with Docker to: remove the existing pytco-frontend container, build your most recent changes into the next version of pytco-frontend, and run new container instances of pytco-frontend.


In production, ideally you want to delegate your static website content delivery to a CDN service. This suites AngularJS applications well because all of the control logic is running client-side (browser).

$ grunt release
$ docker copy pytco-frontend:// </output/path/app>


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