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Demo application

This is a "Hello World!" application written in Node.js/Express with Mocha/Chai for testing.


Getting started

Fork & clone the repository

Create your fork by clicking the Fork button on the top right of this page.

After creating the fork, git clone it to your local machine.

$ cd <the-place-where-i-usually-clone-on-my-machine>
$ git clone<your-github-username>/node-demoapp.git

Setup the app & run the tests locally

$ cd node-demoapp
$ npm install
$ npm run test

You should see a similar output in your terminal:

$ npm run test

> demoapp@1.0.0 test /Code/node-demoapp
> mocha --require babel-register tests/*.js --exit

Demo app listening on port 3000!

    GET /
      ✓ should say Hello World!

  1 passing (22ms)


Create a GitHub Action workflow that will run the test suite each time you commit to your repository.

You'll find more information on how to do so in the GitHub Actions documentation. Or follow the guide below.


Create a new branch to add the GitHub Action workflow for continous integration:

$ git checkout -b setup-continous-integration

Add the workflow configuration file:

$ mkdir -p .github/workflows/
$ touch .github/workflows/node-ci.yml

Add the following content to the file you just created:

name: Node.js CI

on: [push]


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # Checkout the code
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    # Setup Node.js
    - name: Use Node.js 12.x
      uses: actions/setup-node@v1
        node-version: 12.x
    # Install dependencies
    - run: npm install
    # Run test suite
    - run: npm test

Save your file, commit and push:

$ git add .github/workflows/node-ci.yml
$ git commit -m "Add continuous integration workflow configuration file"
$ git push origin setup-continous-integration

Now head to your GitHub account and navigate to your forked repository. Open the Actions tab and you should see your workflow running.

It is now time to create a pull request to merge this feature into the master branch. Navigate back to the home of your repository and click the green Compare & pull request button.

ATTENTION: Since this is a fork, you can choose the base repository to merge your code into. Merge into your fork by setting the base repository to <your-github-username>/node-demoapp.

Click Create pull request.

If GitHub indicates that all checks have passed, click the Merge pull request button. The continous integration workflow will now run for every future commit, branch and pull request, preventing you and your teamates to deploy broken code to production.

That's it!


A Node.js/Express demo application






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