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Rails from scratch

I haven't created a brand new rails application from scratch in quite a long time. This is my attempt at creating a new rails app with the intention of setting up a basic app with authentication, and trying out some new Rails features.

Run Specs

The beginning

Set up a new Ruby on Rails application with PostgreSQL and Stimulus

rails new rails-from-scratch --webpack=stimulus -T -d postgresql

The basics

Add RSpec, because that is the test framework I like.

Setup Github Actions with caching to run the test suite workflow on each push to Github. See this app's workflow setup to get an idea of how the continuous integration runs after each push to master.

Add Tailwind CSS for simple basic styles without fighting.

Add Devise authentication so I can have user log in!

Add [ViewComponent] for building view components that are reusable, testable & encapsulated, in Ruby on Rails.


Dockerize this app

Docker Compose to set up and run a Rails/PostgreSQL app. This will help get the app up and running on different development machines as well as packacking up this app for smooth deploys.

    docker-compose build
    docker-compose run web rails db:setup
    docker-compose up

Deploy to Heroku

Using the Docker image we created (and updated with docker-compose build) we can now deploy to Heroku. This app is on the Free plan and will go to sleep after 30 minutes, so it may take a while to wake up.

    heroku container:push web -a rails-from-scratch
    heroku container:release web -a rails-from-scratch
    heroku run rake db:migrate -a rails-from-scratch