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Merge pull request #13916 from easybuilders/4.4.x
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release EasyBuild v4.4.2
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migueldiascosta committed Sep 7, 2021
2 parents 50d0761 + 8606662 commit dc9a371
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Showing 1,025 changed files with 36,632 additions and 577 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/unit_tests.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ jobs:
eb --show-system-info
# run test suite
python -O -m test.easyconfigs.suite
# if tests failed, print error message that is picked up by boegelbot to determine end of test output
python -O -m test.easyconfigs.suite || (echo "ERROR: Not all tests were successful" && exit 1)
Expand Down
129 changes: 128 additions & 1 deletion RELEASE_NOTES
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,137 @@ For more detailed information, please see the git log.

These release notes can also be consulted at

The latest version of easybuild-easyconfig provides 12,607 easyconfig files, for 2,388 different software packages,
The latest version of easybuild-easyconfig provides 13,265 easyconfig files, for 2,467 different software packages,
incl. 36 different (compiler) toolchains.

v4.4.2 (September 7th 2021)

update/bugfix release

- added easyconfig for foss/2021.07 (candidate for foss/2021b) (#13788) and iomkl/2021a (#13521) toolchains
- added example easyconfig files for 79 new software packages:
- AlphaFold (#13867), andi (#13768), aria2 (#13709), AUTO-07p (#13831), babl (#13216), BAli-Phy (#13484),
biogeme (#13735), Bio-SearchIO-hmmer (#13419), BuDDy (#13907), c-ares (#13709), CellRank (#13408), Coin (#13818),
Co-phylog (#13769), cppy (#13823), CREST (#13648), CRISPR-DAV (#13139), CSBLAST (#13794), DGL (#13793),
DistributedStream (#13659), Excel-Writer-XLSX (#13139), FBPIC (#13500), freebayes (#12859), freud-analysis (#13354),
fumi_tools (#13517), GEGL (#13216), GIMP (#13216), glib-networking (#13216), GOATOOLS (#13364, #13629),
gofasta (#13651), GTK2 (#13900), GTK3 (#13900), Highway (#13453), hipSYCL (#13837), ISA-L (#13663), jax (#13760),
JSON-GLib (#13216), Kalign (#13463), LADR (#13351), lDDT (#13794), libdivsufsort (#13768), libjxl (#13453, #13829),
libmypaint (#13216), libtecla (#13908), lie_learn (#13793), longestrunsubsequence (#13800), Maude (#13909),
mimalloc (#13726), MINPACK (#13802), Mish-Cuda (#13759, #13784), muparserx (#13779), nlohmann_json (#13777),
OpenStackClient (#13644), OSPRay (#12852), pandapower (#13687), pangolin (#13733, #13848), PSIPRED (#13794),
PYPOWER (#13689), PyPSA (#13673), PyRosetta (#13793), pysamstats (#13139), pytest-benchmark (#13622),
python-isal (#13663), QCxMS (#13650), RepeatModeler (#13126), Schrodinger (#11698), sklearn-som (#13699),
SoQt (#13818), spdlog (#13778), SpectrA (#13743), SymEngine-python (#13652), SyRI (#13800), torchinfo (#13662),
TRAVIS-Analyzer (#13503), UShER (#13708), Vampire (#13352), VBZ-Compression (#13536), VisPy (#13468),
wgsim (#13475), Yices (#13906)
- added additional easyconfigs for various supported software packages, including:
- ABAQUS 2020.eb, ANTs 2.3.5, AOCC 3.1.0, Arb 2.19.0, archspec 0.1.2, Armadillo 10.5.3, ASE 3.22.0,
Autotools 20210726, BamTools 2.5.2, bgen 4.1.3, Biopython 1.79, bitarray 1.5.3, Boost 1.76.0, Bowtie2 2.4.4,
bpytop 1.0.67, Cartopy 0.19.0.post1, Centrifuge 1.0.4, Clang 12.0.1, CMake 3.21.1, CRISPResso2 2.2.1, CUDA 11.4.1,
cuDNN, cURL 7.78.0, cutadapt 3.4, DIAMOND 2.0.11, DROP 1.1.0, Dsuite 20210718, dtcmp 1.1.2, ecCodes 2.22.1,
Elk 7.2.42, ESMF 8.1.1, expat 2.4.1, fastq-tools 0.8.3, Fiona 1.8.20, FLINT 2.7.1, g2clib 1.6.3, g2lib 3.2.0,
GCC(core) 11.2.0, GDCM 3.0.8, GDRCopy 2.3, GenomeTools 1.6.2, GffCompare 0.12.2, gffread 0.12.7, GLib 2.69.1,
GMT 6.2.0, Go 1.16.6, GPAW 21.6.0, Gradle 6.9.1.eb, GROMACS 2021.3, HarfBuzz 2.8.2, HDF5 1.12.1, Horovod 0.22.1,
hwloc 2.5.0, hypothesis 6.14.6, igraph 0.9.4, ImageMagick 7.1.0, IMOD 4.11.5, IPython 7.26.0, Java 16,
Julia 1.6.2, JupyterHub 1.4.1, JupyterLab 3.1.6, Kent_tools 418, lavaan 0.6-9, libfabric 1.13.0, libffcall 2.4,
libffi 3.4.2, libgeotiff 1.7.0, libRmath 4.1.0, LIBSVM 3.25, LibTIFF 4.3.0, likwid 5.2.0, LLVM 12.0.1, LMDB 0.9.29,
magma 2.6.1, MariaDB 10.6.4, MATIO 1.5.21, matplotlib 3.4.2, MEGA 10.0.5, Mesa 21.1.7, Meson 0.59.1,
Metal 2020-05-05, Mini-XML 3.2, molmod 1.4.8, MPICH 3.4.2, nanopolish 0.13.3, NCCL 2.10.3, ncdu 1.16, NCO 5.0.1,
neptune-client 0.10.5, netcdf4-python 1.5.7, networkx 2.5.1, nodejs 14.17.6, NSPR 4.32, NSS 3.69, NVHPC 21.7,
OpenBLAS 0.3.17, OpenEXR 3.1.1, OpenFOAM 9, OpenFOAM v2106, OpenMM 7.5.1, OpenMolcas 21.06, openpyxl 3.0.7,
Pango 1.48.8, parallel 20210722, Paraver 4.9.2, ParaView 5.9.1, patchelf 0.13, PCRE2 10.37, PCRE 8.45, Perl 5.34.0,
PETSc 3.15.1, petsc4py 3.15.0, Pillow 8.3.1, Pillow-SIMD 8.3.1, 5.1.0, PLUMED 2.7.2, PMIx 4.1.0,
poppler 21.06.1, PostgreSQL 13.3, preseq 3.1.2, pybind11 2.7.1, pyFFTW 0.12.0, PyGEOS 0.10.2, Pyomo 6.0.1,
PyQt5 5.15.4, pyshp 2.1.3, Python 3.9.6, python-igraph 0.9.6, QTLtools 1.3.1, RAxML-NG 1.0.3,
R-bundle-Bioconductor 3.13, re2c 2.2, ReFrame 3.8.0., RStudio-Server 1.4.1717, Rust 1.54.0, Scalasca 2.6,
scVelo 0.2.3, Shapely 1.8a1, shrinkwrap 1.1.0, SLEPc 3.15.1, slepc4py 3.15.1, snakemake 6.6.1, snappy 1.1.9,
snippy 4.6.0, snpEff 5.0e, SOCI 4.0.2, SpaceRanger 1.3.0, Spack 0.16.2, spatialreg 1.1-8,
spglib-python 1.16.1, SQLite 3.36, STAR 2.7.9a, statsmodels 0.12.2, StringTie 2.1.7, Subread 2.0.3, SymEngine 0.7.0,
TensorFlow 2.6.0, TetGen 1.6.0, Tkinter 3.9.6, torchtext 0.9.1, tqdm 4.61.2, UCX 1.11.0, UCX-CUDA 1.11.0,
unrar 6.0.2, util-linux 2.37, VTune 2021.6.0, WIEN2k 21.1, WPS 4.2, WRF 4.3, X11 20210802,
x264 20210613, xarray 0.19.0, XlsxWriter 1.4.4, XML-Parser 2.46, zstd 1.5.0
- minor enhancements, including:
- add extensions to recent R v4.x easyconfigs: PCAmatchR (#13448), hal9001 (#13451), cobalt (#13544), CBPS (#13549),
SBdecomp (#13565), lwgeom (#13674), naturalsort (#13762), finalfit + gtsummary (#13766)
- add VBZ compress capability to nanopolish 0.13.3 (for fast5 files) (#13536)
- add CMake build dependency to easyconfig for tbb 2020.03 (#13704)
- also build shared libs for MUMPS 5.3.5 (#13702) and 5.4.0 (#13705)
- add dependency on pkg-config to OpenSSL wrappers (#13765)
- various bug fixes, including:
- fix LAMMPS 3Mar2020 easyconfigs using intel toolchain on AMD CPUs by patching out hardcoded -xHost (#11577)
- fix sanity check error for OpenCV v4.5.1 by adding (and using) freetype and HarfBuzz dependencies (#12517)
- add patches for TensorFlow 1.13.1 to fix installation (#13326)
- remove Python 2.6 from list of supported Python versions in (#13349)
- switch back to Bundle easyblock for PyQt5 5.15.1 + add back source URLs for components (#13371)
- add pkg-config build dependency for GDAL 3.2.1 (#13383, #13808), Rust (#13538), GenomeTools (#13805), x264 (#13834)
- add missing Python 3 build dependency for Rust v1.52.1 (#13399)
- fix order of cffi extension in old Python easyconfigs (#13400)
- patch out __asm__ use in ctffind to avoid build failure on ppc64le (#13409)
- disable building man pages in Gdk-Pixbuf (#13410)
- add missing Bio-Search-hmmer dependency for prokka (#13419)
- avoid downloading old numpy version during install for h5py (#13428)
- add patch for Qt5 5.8.0 to fix compilation failure in webkit (#13434)
- avoid downloading and building freetype and qhull for matplotlib 3.4.2 (#13437)
- fix order of components in recent GTK+ easyconfigs to avoid dependency on system GTK+ in GTK+ themes (#13449)
- fix Python 2.7.13 easyconfigs by adding missing extensions (#13456)
- add TensorFlow patch to fix crash on shutdown (#13462)
- allow for non-x86_64 in postinstallcmds for CuPy (#13501)
- disable default EULA acceptance in easyconfig for NVHPC v21.5 (#13516)
- fix error with p7zip's 7z command not finding 7z.dll (#13542)
- patch MaxBin2 Perl script to use provided Perl dependency (#13551)
- add missing zlib dependency to libarchive (#13579)
- fix pkgconfig version in patch for bzip 1.0.8 (+ add easyconfig with GCCcore/11.2.0 toolchain) (#13581)
- fix build of DIRAC 19.0 easyconfig with high compiler optimizations (#13613)
- fix source URLs and add alternative checksum for Hypre 2.15.1 (since it moved to a different GitHub repo) (#13616)
- add new source URL for Mesa easyconfigs using 2017b toolchain (#13617)
- avoid MPICXX dependency in SimpleElastics ITK (#13623)
- add upstream patch for GCC 9.x, 10.x, 11.x to avoid spurious FPE on avx512 (affects UCX) (#13628)
- add patch for ctffind 4.1.14 to declare functions without return as void (fixes segfault) (#13665)
- enable EGL in recent libepoxy ECs (#13684)
- remove unused buildcmd from libgpuarray easyconfigs (#13720)
- add patch to fix building Qt5.10.1 against newer glibc (#13730)
- add Python 3 as a builddependency to recent fontconfig easyconfigs (#13731)
- update source_URL in BLAST 2.2.26 easyconfig (#13732)
- restore error message on failing easyconfigs test suite, required by bot to determine end of output of test suite (#13745, #13770)
- add Perl build dependency to recent Clang easyconfigs (#13746)
- disable using system Valgrind in the json-c tests (#13750)
- use Archive source URL for spatstat.geom extension in Seurat (#13761)
- add relocts patch to binutils 2.30 (#13785)
- add missing Python + Zip build dependencies for old Bazel versions used as build dep for TensorFlow 1.12.0 + 1.13.1 (#13786)
- add alternative checksum for AFNI 18.3.00 (#13790)
- update tensorflow-probability easyconfigs to include '--release' flag in installopts (#13810)
- fix source URL for DB 18.1.32 (#13813)
- add missing cppy build dependency for matplotlib 3.4.2 (#13823)
- disable bash completion in recent x264 easyconfigs (#13834)
- add Perl as build dependency for ELPA 2021.05.001 + patch to fix hardcoded /usr/bin/perl (#13835)
- add archive source URL to Spark 3.x easyconfigs to fix broken download (#13842)
- fix PCRE dependency for GDAL 3.2.1 and 3.3.0, don't use PCRE2 (#13861)
- add Perl build dependency for HMMER 3.3.2 + patch to ensure it is used (#13870)
- stick to intel-compilers toolchain for DFT-D3 v3.2.0 (#13878)
- add missing flex build dependency for leidenalg (#13884)
- update CMake build dependency for Eigen 3.3.4 + 3.3.5 (#13889)
- fix source URL for Yasm 1.3.0 (+ add missing checksum) (#13901)
- update to more recent Meson build dependency for GCCcore/8.3.0 easyconfigs to fix failing RPATH sanity check (#13910)
- fix shebang for RepeatMasker 4.1.2-p1 Perl script (#13911)
- other changes:
- use custom ORCA easyblock in easyconfigs for ORCA v4.x (#13348)
- move archived easyconfig files to correct __archive__ folder (#13422)
- rename NINJA to TWL-NINJA to avoid nameclash (#13529)
- remove superflous configopts and add sanity checks/checksums in CLHEP easyconfigs (#13614)
- remove superflous -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE configuration option in Arrow easyconfigs (#13615)
- switch ITK easyconfigs to CMakePythonPackage easyblock, also enable -DITK_USE_SYSTEM_HDF5 configuration option, fix download URLs (#13619)
- use build_type instead of -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE in configopts in MMseqs2 easyconfigs (#13620)
- avoid using system GTK+3 and remove -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE configure option in OpenCV easyconfigs (#13621)
- remove -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE configure option and add checksums in LLVM easyconfigs (#13624)
- create libtinfo symlinks in easyconfigs for ncurses with system toolchain (#13658), 6.1 (#13661) and 6.2 (#13660)
- increase test timeouts for PyTorch 1.8.1 and 1.9.0 (#13700)
- rename CUDAcore to CUDA for v11.3.1 and v11.4.1 after merging foss/fosscuda, to ensure that get_software_root('CUDA') used in easyblocks works (#13874)
- use CUDA instead of CUDAcore in recent NVHPC comments (#13875)

v4.4.1 (July 6th 2021)

Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions easybuild/easyconfigs/a/ABAQUS/ABAQUS-2020.eb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
name = 'ABAQUS'
version = '2020'

homepage = ''
description = """Finite Element Analysis software for modeling, visualization and best-in-class implicit and explicit
dynamics FEA."""

toolchain = SYSTEM

sources = [

checksums = [
'583da4cb732b7cf479eb437a3f6ff76e91771c0fa6dd020e5a21c6c498357157', # 2020.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS.1-4.tar
'3c0a028fc8c4ce2eb633eb0c4aa1d590de7214b093193e48b9a212d185d03ae6', # 2020.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS.2-4.tar
'376c6285a8ba258a9beedb801bc6846b1536e472fc252492f77174c3afd3119f', # 2020.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS.3-4.tar
'76cfff12bd6dd8a4c52fde58af3e42c7e1a1f92c3294e5d48d4e112bc51e7d0c', # 2020.AM_SIM_Abaqus_Extend.AllOS.4-4.tar

moduleclass = 'cae'
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions easybuild/easyconfigs/a/ABINIT/ABINIT-9.4.2-intel-2021a.eb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'

name = 'ABINIT'
version = '9.4.2'

homepage = ''
description = """
ABINIT is a package whose main program allows one to find the total energy, charge density and electronic structure of
systems made of electrons and nuclei (molecules and periodic solids) within Density Functional Theory (DFT), using
pseudopotentials and a planewave or wavelet basis.

toolchain = {'name': 'intel', 'version': '2021a'}
toolchainopts = {'usempi': True, 'openmp': True, 'pic': True}

source_urls = ['']
checksums = ['d40886f5c8b138bb4aa1ca05da23388eb70a682790cfe5020ecce4db1b1a76bc']

builddependencies = [
('Python', '3.9.5'),
dependencies = [
('libxc', '5.1.5'),
('netCDF', '4.8.0'),
('netCDF-Fortran', '4.5.3'),
('HDF5', '1.10.7'),
('Wannier90', '3.1.0'),

# Ensure MPI with intel wrappers.
configopts = '--with-mpi="yes" '
configopts += ' FC="mpiifort" CC="mpiicc" CXX="mpiicpc" '

# Enable OpenMP
configopts += '--enable-openmp="yes" '

# BLAS/Lapack from MKL
configopts += '--with-linalg-flavor=mkl '

# FFTW from MKL
configopts += '--with-fft-flavor=dfti '

# libxc support
configopts += '--with-libxc=${EBROOTLIBXC} '

# hdf5/netcdf4 support
configopts += '--with-netcdf="${EBROOTNETCDF}" '
configopts += '--with-netcdf-fortran="${EBROOTNETCDFMINFORTRAN}" '
configopts += '--with-hdf5="${EBROOTHDF5}" '

# Wannier90
configopts += '--with-wannier90="${EBROOTWANNIER90}" '
preconfigopts = 'export WANNIER90_LIBS="-L$EBROOTWANNIER90/lib -lwannier" && '

# Enable double precision for GW calculations
configopts += '--enable-gw-dpc '

# 'make check' is just executing some basic unit tests.
# Also running 'make tests_v1' to have some basic validation
runtest = "check && make test_v1"

sanity_check_paths = {
'files': ['bin/%s' % x for x in ['abinit', 'aim', 'cut3d', 'conducti', 'mrgddb', 'mrgscr', 'optic']],
'dirs': ['lib/pkgconfig'],

moduleclass = 'chem'
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions easybuild/easyconfigs/a/ABRA2/ABRA2-2.23-GCC-10.2.0.eb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
easyblock = 'MakeCp'

name = 'ABRA2'
version = '2.23'

homepage = ''
description = "Assembly Based ReAligner"

toolchain = {'name': 'GCC', 'version': '10.2.0'}

source_urls = ['']
sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz']
patches = ['ABRA2-2.22_fix-Makefile.patch']
checksums = [
'3993f66a493070ee49df2865b6786a45a0cf6c379bae83e94b8339abbe673289', # v2.23.tar.gz
'05090efb306fc84d09f007a848ce0d0472f8633633b0a6eaf86ab075d092bc0d', # ABRA2-2.22_fix-Makefile.patch

builddependencies = [('Maven', '3.6.3', '', True)]

dependencies = [
('Java', '11', '', True),
('BWA', '0.7.17'),

parallel = 1

buildopts = 'CXX="$CXX" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"'
buildopts += '&& make standalone CXX="$CXX" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS"'

files_to_copy = [
(['abra'], 'bin'),
(['target/libAbra.%s' % SHLIB_EXT], 'lib'),

postinstallcmds = ["cd %(installdir)s && mv abra2-%(version)s-jar-with-dependencies.jar abra2-%(version)s.jar"]

sanity_check_paths = {
'files': ['abra2-%(version)s.jar', 'bin/abra', 'lib/libAbra.%s' % SHLIB_EXT],
'dirs': [],

# required to work around localization bug, see
modextravars = {'LC_ALL': 'en_US.UTF-8'}

moduleclass = 'bio'
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ source_urls = ['']
sources = ['AFNI_%(version)s.tar.gz']
patches = ['AFNI-18.1.09_omp-pragma-statement-fix.patch']
checksums = [
'01ecba09b1dfe270937f8cde204c18f38f9c4d543b1af3a7ccb17b04688f632d', # AFNI_18.3.00.tar.gz
# AFNI_18.3.00.tar.gz
'8b739ddc09d6e398ac7fa86d89f6a02f26f2b58b17caea627d5c07de5282aab2', # AFNI-18.1.09_omp-pragma-statement-fix.patch

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'

name = 'ANTLR'
version = '2.7.7'
versionsuffix = '-Java-%(javaver)s'

homepage = ''
description = """ANTLR, ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS)
is a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers,
compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing
Java, C#, C++, or Python actions."""

toolchain = {'name': 'GCCcore', 'version': '10.3.0'}

source_urls = ['']
patches = ['%(name)s-%(version)s_includes.patch']
checksums = [
'853aeb021aef7586bda29e74a6b03006bcb565a755c86b66032d8ec31b67dbb9', # antlr-2.7.7.tar.gz
'd167d3248a03301bc93efcb37d5df959aae6794968e42231af0b0dd26d6a2e66', # ANTLR-2.7.7_includes.patch

builddependencies = [('binutils', '2.36.1')]
dependencies = [('Java', '11', '', True)]

configopts = '--disable-examples --disable-csharp --disable-python'

sanity_check_paths = {
'files': ['bin/antlr', 'bin/antlr-config'],
'dirs': ['include'],

moduleclass = 'tools'
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions easybuild/easyconfigs/a/ANTs/ANTs-2.3.5-foss-2021a.eb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
easyblock = 'CMakeMake'

name = 'ANTs'
version = '2.3.5'

homepage = ''
description = """ANTs extracts information from complex datasets that include imaging. ANTs is useful for managing,
interpreting and visualizing multidimensional data."""

toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2021a'}
toolchainopts = {'pic': True}

source_urls = ['']
sources = ['v%(version)s.tar.gz']
checksums = ['2fddfd5f274a47f1c383e734a7e763b627c4a8383d2d3b9971561f335016bb0a']

builddependencies = [('CMake', '3.20.1')]

dependencies = [
('Python', '3.9.5'),
('VTK', '9.0.1'),

separate_build_dir = True

configopts = '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release '
configopts += '-DUSE_VTK=ON -DUSE_SYSTEM_VTK=ON '
configopts += '-DSuperBuild_ANTS_USE_GIT_PROTOCOL=OFF'

preinstallopts = "cd ANTS-build && "

sanity_check_paths = {
'files': ['bin/ANTS', 'bin/'],
'dirs': ['lib'],

modextravars = {'ANTSPATH': '%(installdir)s/bin'}

moduleclass = 'data'

0 comments on commit dc9a371

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