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Merge pull request #20284 from migueldiascosta/eb491
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prepare release notes for EasyBuild v4.9.1 + bump version to 4.9.1
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boegel committed Apr 4, 2024
2 parents 9a653b4 + 16f61a2 commit 04b386c
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Showing 2 changed files with 191 additions and 2 deletions.
191 changes: 190 additions & 1 deletion RELEASE_NOTES
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,199 @@ For more detailed information, please see the git log.

These release notes can also be consulted at

The latest version of easybuild-easyconfig provides 18,752 easyconfig files, for 3,369 different software packages,
The latest version of easybuild-easyconfig provides 19,487 easyconfig files, for 3,470 different software packages,
incl. 40 different (compiler) toolchains.

v4.9.1 (5 April 2024)

update/bugfix release

- added example easyconfig files for 101 new software packages:
- AMICA (#19842), AreTomo2 (#19681), btllib (#19779), bwa-mem2 (#20217), CENSO (#19826), Circlator (#19847), (#20149),
code-cli (#19645), Concorde (#19768), contextily (#19807), CUTLASS (#19304), DeepLoc (#19514), Delft3D (#19869), DeltaLake (#19758),
denseweight (#20139), desktop-file-utils (#19701), devbio-napari (#19586), DjVuLibre (#19701), Elmer (#19448),
EnergyPlus (#19565), EpiSCORE (#18618), evince (#19701), ExpressBetaDiversity (#19938), ExtremeLy (#19870), f90nml (#19171),
FFAVES (#19822), fugue (#19694), gcsfs (#20042), GenomeComb (#19749), GI-DocGen (#19701), GKlib-METIS (#20096), GRASP-suite (#19665),
gspell (#19701), GUIDANCE (#20063), hdWGCNA (#20124), HF-Datasets (#20166), IDG (#18924), igvShiny (#19714), inflection (#20036),
InterOp (#19303), IonQuant (#19812), Lab-Streaming-Layer (#19945), Levenshtein (#19771), libfyaml (#19856), libgxps (#19701),
libhandy (#19701), libspectre (#19701), lit (#20252), lmoments3 (#19870), Markdown (#20239), MetaDecoder (#20123), mfqe (#19781),
Miniforge3 (#20227), MLflow (#19893), MODFLOW (#20142), morphosamplers (#20000), MotionCor3 (#19681), MSFragger (#19811),
multiprocess (#19986), nf-core (#19107), noise (#20048), OpenMEEG (#19853), OpenSlide-Java (#19962), PAGAN2 (#19618), PASA (#19570),
pblat (#19570), PBZIP2 (#19677), PDM (#20012), Philosopher (#19383), phyluce (#19779), poppunk (#17402), PSASS (#20160), psycopg (#19107),
PyInstaller (#19519), PyQt-builder (#16703), pytest-workflow (#19107), python-casacore (#20089), pytorch-3dunet (#19290), pyXDF (#19916),
q2-krona (#19633), QuPath (#19962), radian (#19484), remake (#19581), rethinking (#19755), RHEIA (#19496), s3fs (#19576),
safestringlib (#20217), scikit-extremes (#19870), SemiBin (#19767), semla (#19747), Sentence-Transformers (#19509), sinto (#13846),
sktime (#19692), SQLAlchemy (#20242), tiny-cuda-nn (#19304), tox (#16178), Vamb (#17457), xpdf (#20024), yt (#20263), Zeo++ (#19555),
zUMIs (#19949)
- added additional easyconfigs for various supported software packages, including:
- Abseil 20240116.1, ABySS 2.3.7, AMS 2023.104, Anaconda3 2024.02, anndata 0.10.5.post1, anvio 8, ArchR 1.0.2,
archspec 0.2.2, Armadillo 12.8.0, arpack-ng 3.9.1, arrow-R, ASAP3 3.13.3, assimp 5.3.1, autopep8 2.0.4,
basemap 1.3.9, BerkeleyGW 3.1.0 + 4.0, BiG-SCAPE 1.1.5, Biopython 1.83, Blosc 1.21.5, Blosc2 2.13.2, Boost.MPI 1.82.0,
Boost.Python 1.83.0, Braindecode 0.8.1, Brotli-python 1.1.0, build 1.0.3, buildenv-default foss-2023b + intel-2023b,
bx-python 0.10.0, CapnProto, c-ares 1.27.0, Cartopy 0.22.0, casacore 3.5.0, Cbc 2.10.11, ccache 4.9, cclib 1.8,
CellBender 0.3.1, CellTypist 1.6.2, CFITSIO 4.3.1, Cgl 0.60.8, Clang-Python-bindings 16.0.6, Clp 1.17.9, CmdStanR 0.7.1,
COBRApy 0.29.0, code-server 4.22.1, CoinUtils 2.11.10, CoordgenLibs 3.0.2, CREST 2.12, cryoCARE 0.3.0, CSBLAST 2.2.4,
CUDA 12.3.2 + 12.4.0, cuDNN, CuPy 13.0.0, cuSPARSELt, cuTENSOR, CVXPY 1.4.2, Cython 3.0.8,
dask 2023.12.1, datalad 0.19.5, DB_File 1.859, deepdiff 6.7.1, DeepLabCut 2.3.6, DendroPy 4.6.1, Deprecated 1.2.14,
DFT-D4 3.6.0, DIAMOND 2.1.9, Dice 20240101, dlb 3.4, DLPack 0.8, dorado 0.5.1, EggLib 3.3.0, einops 0.7.0, ELPA 2023.11.001,
enchant-2 2.6.5, ESMF 8.4.2, eSpeak-NG 1.51, ETE 3.1.3, expecttest 0.2.1, fastjet 3.4.2, fastjet-contrib 1.053, FDS 6.8.0,
fineRADstructure 20210514, fio 3.36, Fiona 1.9.5, Flask 3.0.0, FLINT 3.1.1, Flye 2.9.3, fmt 10.2.0, freebayes 1.3.7,
GATK, gawk 5.3.0, geocube 0.4.3, geopandas 0.14.2, geopy 2.4.1, GHC 9.4.6, Ghostscript 10.02.1, GIMIC 2.2.1,
git-lfs 3.5.1, GitPython 3.1.42, GLFW 3.4, Go 1.22.1, GPAW 24.1.0, GPAW-setups 24.1.0, gperftools 2.14, Gradle 8.6,
graph-tool 2.55, Greenlet 3.0.3, GROMACS 2024.1, gRPC 1.62.1, GTK3 3.24.39, Gurobi 11.0.0, HDF5 1.14.3, HeFFTe 2.4.0,
HepMC3 3.2.6, hunspell 1.7.2, igraph 0.10.10, infercnvpy 0.4.3, iperf 3.16, IQ-TREE, ISA-L 2.31.0, Java/19 (19.0.2),
Java/21 (21.0.2), json-c 0.17, Julia 1.10.0, KaHIP 3.16, LAMMPS 2Aug2023_update2, LASTZ 1.04.22, LDC 1.36.0, leidenalg 0.10.2,
libcint 5.5.0, libgit2 1.7.2, librosa 0.10.1, librsvg 2.58.0, libSBML 5.19.7, libsigsegv 2.14, libtirpc 1.3.4,
libxml2-python 2.11.4, likwid 5.3.0, LLVM 14.0.6, MACS3 3.0.1, maeparser 1.3.1, Mamba 23.11.0-0, MATIO 1.5.26,
matplotlib 3.8.2, maturin 1.5.0, MCR R2023a, MDAnalysis 2.7.0, MDI 1.4.26, medaka 1.11.3, Meson 1.3.1, MiXCR 4.6.0,
MNE-Python-1.6., MOABB 1.0.0, molmod 1.4.8, MONAI 1.3.0, mpi4py 3.1.5, mrcfile 1.5.0, NCCL 2.20.5, NCO 5.1.9, NECI 20230620,
netcdf4-python-1.6.5, networkx 3.2.1, NGSpeciesID 0.3.0, NiBabel 5.2.0, nichenetr 2.0.4, Nilearn 0.10.3,
nlohmann_json 3.11.3, NLTK 3.8.1, ntCard 1.2.2, numba 0.58.1, NVHPC 24.1, OBITools3 3.0.1b26, OCaml 4.14.0, occt 7.8.0,
onedrive 2.4.25, ONNX 1.15.0, ONNX-Runtime 1.16.3, ont-fast5-api 4.1.2, OPARI2 2.0.8, OpenFOAM v2306 + v2312, OpenSSL/3,
Optuna 3.5.0, Osi 0.108.9, PAPI 7.1.0, Parallel-Hashmap 1.3.12, ParaView 5.12.0, PDT 3.25.2, PETSc 3.20.3, PGPLOT 5.2.2,
phonemizer 3.2.1, phono3py 2.7.0, Pillow 10.2.0, Pint 0.23, 5.18.0, poetry 1.7.1, presto-1.0.0 20230501,
PROJ 9.3.1, prompt-toolkit 3.0.36, protobuf 25.3, protobuf-python 4.25.3, psmc 0.6.5_20221121, pstoedit 3.78,
psycopg2 2.9.9, PuLP 2.8.0, PyCheMPS2 1.8.12, pycodestyle 2.11.1, pydantic 1.10.13 + 2.5.3 2.6.4, pydicom 2.4.4, pydot 2.0.0,
pyfaidx, PyFrag 2023-dev.20240220, pymatgen 2023.12.18, PyOpenCL 2023.1.4, PyOpenGL 3.1.7, pyparsing 3.1.1,
PyQt5 5.15.10, Pysam 0.22.0, PySCF 2.4.0, pyspoa 0.2.1, PyTables 3.9.2, pytest-rerunfailures 14.0, python-igraph 0.11.4,
python-irodsclient 2.0.0, python-isal 1.6.1, python-libsbml 5.20.2, python-xxhash 3.4.1, PyTorch-Ignite 0.4.13,
PyTorch-Lightning 2.2.1, PyZMQ 25.1.2, QIIME2 2023.7.0, Qt5 5.15.13, Qt6 6.6.3, Qtconsole 5.5.1, QtPy 2.4.1,
QuantumESPRESSO 7.3, R 4.3.3, rasterio 1.3.9, R-bundle-Bioconductor 3.18, rclone 1.66.0, RE2 2024-03-01, Redis 7.2.4,
redis-py 5.0.1, rioxarray 0.15.0, Rivet 3.1.9, rMATS-turbo 4.2.0, RNA-Bloom 2.0.1, rocm-smi 5.6.0, rpy2 3.5.15,
ruamel.yaml 0.18.6, Ruby 3.3.0, Rust 1.75.0 + 1.76.0, Salmon 1.10.1, Sambamba 1.0.1, Saxon-HE 12.4, SBCL 2.4.1,
ScaFaCoS 1.0.4, Scalene 1.5.35, scanpy 1.9.8, scib 1.1.4, scikit-bio 0.5.9, scikit-learn 1.4.0, scikit-lego 0.7.4,
scikit-misc 0.3.1, SCons 4.6.0, Score-P 8.4, scVelo 0.3.1, Seaborn 0.13.2, SentencePiece 0.1.99, Seqmagick 0.8.6,
Seurat 5.0.1, SIP 6.8.1, siscone 3.0.6, skorch 0.15.0, SLEPc 3.20.1, snakemake 8.4.2, SNAPE-pooled 20150707,
SOAPdenovo-Trans 1.0.5, Spark 3.5.1, spdlog 1.12.0, spoa 4.1.0, SRA-Toolkit 3.0.10, Stack 2.13.1, STAR 2.7.11b,
statsmodels 0.14.1, tensorboard 2.15.1, tensorboardX, tensorflow-probability 0.20.0, texinfo 7.1, timm 0.9.7,
torchvision 0.16.0, tqdm 4.66.2, TRIQS 3.2.0, TRIQS-cthyb 3.2.1, TRIQS-dft_tools 3.2.0, TRIQS-tprf 3.2.1,
typing-extensions 4.9.0, UCX 1.16.0, UDUNITS 2.2.28, umap-learn 0.5.5, UMI-tools 1.1.4, Vala 0.56.14, VEP 111,
Vim 9.1.0004, vsc-mympirun 5.4.0, WFA2 2.3.4, wget 1.21.4, WhatsHap 2.2, WIEN2k 23.2, wrf-python,
Xerces-C++ 3.2.5, XlsxWriter 3.1.9, XML-LibXML v2.0209, xxHash 0.8.2, yaff 1.6.0, YAXT 0.10.0, Yices 2.6.4, YODA 1.9.9
- minor enhancements, including:
- add build info message to easyconfig for NLTK 3.7 (#18550)
- enable KLU and CUDA solvers in SUNDIALS v6.6.0 (#19490)
- add extensions to R-bundle-CRAN v2023.12: tidybayes (#19712), spdep (#19729), fixest (#20055)
- add plyranges extension to R-bundle-Bioconductor (for zUMIs) (#19949)
- add PyOpenGL-accelerate extension to PyOpenGL v3.1.7 (#20007)
- use system architecture template in DB_File (#20014), GD (#20015), and GDGraph (#20016)
- add support for Vulkan software rendering in Mesa v23.1.9 by adding Wayland dependency (#20069)
- add MODIStsp extension (+ required dependencies) to R 4.2.2 (#20113)
- enable LittleCMS2 and WebP support in recent Pillow (#20195)
- improve test for validity of easyconfig files (#20205)
- add easyconfig test that checks if backdoored XZ versions are introduced (#20267)
- various bug fixes, including:
- add patch for Bison 3.7.1 to fix build error on old OS versions (#12291)
- add missing pkg-config build dependency for recent p11-kit easyconfigs (#16318)
- fix dependencies and configure flags of GnuTLS 3.7.x (#19070)
- remove numa configure option from hwloc 2.5+ (#19085)
- add patches for OpenBLAS v0.3.21 to disable -ftree-vectorize for netlib LAPACK (#19280)
- add patch to fix flaky scipy build in SciPy-bundle v2023.11 (#19481)
- add missing SciPy-bundle dependency to TensorRT easyconfig (#19486)
- fix lapack test failures in OpenBLAS 0.3.23/24 (#19495)
- add patch for Arrow v8.0.0 - v11.0.0 to add missing `__arrow_ext_class__` method to `BaseExtensionType` class (#19532)
- change homepage for argtable (#19551)
- add patches for PyTorch v2.1.2 with `foss/2022a` (#19571), `foss/2022b` (#19572), and `foss/2023a` (#19573) to fix test failures on non-x86 platforms
- use pocl with CUDA support as dependency for PyOpenCL v2023.1.4 (#19584)
- remove `osdependencies` from ccache easyconfigs using GCCcore toolchain (#19600)
- use https source URL for alsa-lib (#19628)
- add missing dm-tree dependency for dm-reverb 0.2.0 (#19653)
- add libyaml import check to PyYAML and fix builds since split to minimal Python (#19662)
- demote meson-python to a build dependency in recent matplotlib easyconfigs (#19670)
- add patch to fix upb CopyFrom error in protobuf-python 4.24.0 (#19671)
- demote poetry to build dep in expecttest (#19675)
- add zlib dependency to YODA and Rivet (#19679)
- fix missing spaces in Graphviz configure options (#19687)
- strip iconv from pkgconfig file for libarchive v3.6.2 (#19698)
- use separate bcrypt easyconfig (using CargoPythonPackage) as dependency for JupyterHub v4.0.2 (#19703)
- use maturin easyconfig using CargoPythonPackage as a dependency for fastparquet v2023.4.0 (#19704)
- add patches for Perl-bundle-CPAN v5.36.1 to fix installation of `Sys::Info::Driver::Linux*` extensions on Debian Bookworm (#19727)
- explicitly specify Fortran compiler for recent CDO versions to fix issues on non-x86_64 architectures (#19735)
- add patch for `jupyter_core` extension in `jupyter-server` to set jupyter path by `$EB_ENV_JUPYTER_ROOT` (#19737)
- add Python build dependency to 1.9.x Doxygen (#19743)
- fix Arrow v14.0.1 to install pyarrow as an extension (#19758)
- fix homepage + source URL for Gblocks 0.91b (#19797)
- make sure that Brunsli libraries are installed into `lib` (#19805)
- fix dependency with `` in tbl2asn v20220427 and v20230713 easyconfigs (#19821)
- add missing dependencies for fslpy in easyconfig for FSL v6.0.5.1 (#19829)
- remove numa configure option from hwloc 2+ (#19833)
- avoid spurious test failure when enabling RPATH for Perl (#19835)
- add missing Python deps and packages in PSI4 1.7 (#19836)
- add patch to fix `MS_RDONLY` error in OpenMPI 3.1.x and 4.0.0 (#20140), 4.0.3 (#19944), and 4.0.5 (#19837)
- demote meson-python to build dependency for matplotlib v3.7.2 w/ `iimkl/2023a` (#19892)
- demote hatchling to build dependency in easyconfig for einops 0.7.0 (#19915)
- add patch for adding a write memory barrier to all OpenMPI 4.1.x easyconfigs (#19940)
- stop using non-existent `--disable-libdeflate` option for LibTIFF 4.1.0 (#19951)
- add patch to remove git version check and fix test command for molmod 1.4.8 (#19952)
- replace SYSTEM-level GCC dependency in git-annex with binutils (#19956)
- stop using non-existing `--with-doc` configure option for groff 1.23 (#19969)
- fix test failures of Perl-bundle-CPAN-5.38 in non-English locales (#19971)
- add patch to fix tree-optimization bug in GCC 12.3.0 + 13.1.0 + 13.2.0 for ARM architectures with SVE support (#19974, #20218)
- drop checksum from easyconfig for VSCode 1.85.0 since tarball are not stable (#19995)
- respect `sysroot` in recent Pillow-SIMD easyconfigs, when in use (#19996)
- remove `--disable-docs` configure option from FriBidi 1.0.5+ (#19998)
- fix geotiff configure option in GDAL (#19999)
- unpack SCG database to 'db' subdirectory for DAS_Tool (#20008)
- remove Jasper dependency and configure option from GDAL 3.5+ (#20009)
- update homepage and source URLs for SPAdes (#20018)
- fix GDAL 3.5.0 install on high-core-count machines (#20027)
- remove disable-visibility configure flag from GTK3 (#20028)
- remove mpi configure option from libfdf 0.2.2 (#20034)
- add patch to fix multiarch support for RISC-V to all GCCcore 12.x and 13.x easyconfigs (#20035)
- fix invocation typo and unneeded folder change on invocation in fgbio 1.3.0 easyconfig (#20039)
- remove hdf5 configure option from MDSplus 7.96.12 (#20041)
- fix python configure option of MEME (#20043)
- fix configure options of FFLAS-FFPACK (#20052)
- find the correct Python in xtensor (#20056)
- fix geotiff configure option in GDAL 2.2.3 (#20057)
- fix configure option and remove gperftools dependency for MIRA 5.0 (#20061)
- fix confgure options in GRASS (#20062)
- fix configure of LinBox 1.7.0 (#20064)
- remove unknown configure option from GnuTLS 3.7.2 (#20065)
- use 32-bit indexing for SUNDIALS 6.6.0 (with foss/2023a) to enable sunmatrix-cusparse (#20075)
- find correct Python for MDI (#20083)
- add `pixman` and `FriBidi` dependencies to recent ImageMagick easyconfigs (#20086)
- add patch to fix failing tests with OpenSSL 3.x for Net-SSLeay v1.92 extension in Perl-bundle-CPAN v5.36.1 (#20090) and v5.38.0 (#20118)
- add patches for minimus2 in AMOS-3.1.0 (#20114)
- fix download url for cuSPARSELt (#20129)
- add patches to fix test issues for PyTorch 2.1.2 with `foss/2023a` + CUDA 12.1.1 (#20156)
- remove easyconfig for UCX-CUDA 1.15.0 using incompatible combo of CUDA 12.3.0 + GCC 13.2.0 (#20158)
- remove flake8 suppressions for invalid escape sequences (#20161)
- fix post-install command for SuperLU_DIST in case library prefix is `lib` instead of `lib64` (#20162)
- switch to gitlab source URL for libxc + add alternative checksum (#20163)
- enable `download_dep_fail` in Pythonpackage easyconfigs where it was wrongly disabled (#20174)
- add patch to fix PyTorch 1.12.x and 1.13.x for Linux 6+ (#20176, #20177, #20178, #20179, #20180, #20181, #20182)
- disable tests for `Time::HiRes` extension in Perl-bundle-CPAN v5.36.1 (#20187)
- fix several typos in GlobalArrays 5.8 configure step (#20188)
- fix broken homepage from older SCOTCH easyconfigs (#20192)
- remove dead URL for ISL from `source_urls` in easyconfigs for GCCcore 10.3.0, 11.1.0, 11.2.0 (#20193)
- fix package installation in easyconfigs for Python 2.7.15 and 3.7.2 (using `GCCcore/8.2.0`) (#20194)
- add missing zlib + OpenSSL deps to Ruby easyconfigs + promote binutils to runtime dependency (#20214)
- fix cuSPARSELt easyconfigs for aarch64 (#20216)
- fix python shebang in napari easyconfigs (#20219)
- add patch to fix scipy test failure for SciPy-bundle 2023.02 with `gfbf/2022b` (#20235)
- fix `incompatible types` errors when building the R extension `dbarts` on Arm (#20238)
- add patch to fix for libarchive to fix error reporting in tar (#20254)
- add patch for GCCcore 13.2.0 to fix unguarded use of is_convertible builtin (#20260)
- fix download for python-parasail 1.3.4 by adding missing source URL (#20263)
- other changes:
- update DualSPHysics easyconfig to use custom easyblock (#19400)
- fix name for DETONATE in existing easyconfig (was `detonate`) (#19569)
- rename `VSCode` to `code-cli` (to match with existing `code-server`) (#19585, #19645)
- remove urllib3 extension from wandb easyconfig, not neeed since Python-bundle-PyPI dependency already provides it (#19725)
- stop using custom easyblock for Doxygen (#19742)
- move `setuptools_scm` extension from hatchling to Python easyconfig (#19777, #20200)
- move xtb v6.6.1 to gfbf/2023a (#19826)
- unify Z3 4.12.2 easyconfigs into a single one with Python bindings (and fix Z3 dependency for PyTorch 2.1.2 accordingly) (#20050)
- use GPAW-setups v24.1.0 in existing GPAW easyconfigs (#20117)
- fix duplicate dict entries and enable fatal error checking for easyconfigs via `flake8` (#20173)
- move Greenlet 2.0.2 to GCCcore toolchain (#20241)
- update Java/8 wrapper to Java 8.402 (#20261)
- update copyright lines to 2024 (#20276)

v4.9.0 (30 December 2023)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
# recent setuptools versions will *TRANSFORM* something like 'X.Y.Zdev' into 'X.Y.Z.dev0', with a warning like
# UserWarning: Normalizing '2.4.0dev' to '2.4.0.dev0'
# This causes problems further up the dependency chain...
VERSION = '4.9.1.dev0'
VERSION = '4.9.1'

MAJ_VER = VERSION.split('.')[0]
MAJMIN_VER = '.'.join(VERSION.split('.')[0:2])
Expand Down

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