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Repository files navigation


A library for working with files stored in databases in ASP.NET WebForms applications.

Applications using this library need to develop a custom control which inherits from MultiFileAttachmentBaseControl, and then deliver the file through the browser using an HTTP handler which inherits from BaseFileAttachmentHandler.


The behaviour is driven through values set in web.config and these are set for the entire application scope. If you have two applications which use this library, they must not share the same application scope in IIS or you will encounter a race condition where the application that is loaded first has its settings applied to both applications.

There is a known issue where uploading a file type that is not listed in the EsccWebTeam.NavigationControls\FileTypeNames section in web.config will display an empty link followed by a file size and delete button, rather than flagging this up as a validation error.

Example configuration

Example web.config:

    <sectionGroup name="Escc.DatabaseFileControls">
      <section name="FileAttachmentSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
      <section name="ImageSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
    <sectionGroup name="EsccWebTeam.NavigationControls">
      <section name="FileTypes" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
      <section name="FileTypeNames" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />

      <add key="FileAttachmentHandlerUrl" value="/{0}/FileAttachmentHandler.ashx?fileid={1}"/>
      <add key="MaximumFileSize" value="1048576" />
      <add key="FileEditPrompt" value="Attach file (eg flyer)&lt;br /&gt;Maximum size: 1MB&lt;br /&gt;Maximum files: six" />
      <add key="ErrorUploadFileAttachmentSize" value="Your file attachment is too big. It must be less than 1MB." />
      <add key="ErrorUploadFileAttachmentCount" value="A maximum of &lt;strong&gt;{0}&lt;/strong&gt; {1} can be attached to an event. You have already attached {0} {1}." />
      <add key="ErrorUploadFileAttachmentFormat" value="Your file attachment is the wrong type - it must be one of the following: Word, Excel or PowerPoint Office document; PDF or RTF document; JPEG, GIF or PNG image." />
      <add key="ImageHandlerUrl" value="/{0}/ImageHandler.ashx?imageid={1}"/>
      <add key="ImageExampleUrl" value="/example/path/your-image-here.gif" />
      <add key="ImageMaximumWidth" value="150" />
      <add key="ImageMaximumHeight" value="150" />
      <add key="ImageMaximumFileSize" value="20480" />

      <add key="ErrorUploadImageSize" value="Your picture is too big. It must be 150 pixels wide by 150 pixels high, or smaller." />
      <add key="ErrorUploadSize" value="Your picture is too big. It must be less than 20K." />
      <add key="ErrorUploadFormat" value="Your picture is the wrong type - it must be a JPEG, GIF or PNG" />
      <add key="ErrorImageDescLength" value="Your picture description must be 250 characters or fewer" />
      <add key="ErrorImageDescriptionRequired" value="Please add a short description of the image and select your picture again" />
      <add key="ImageEditPrompt" value="Picture" />
      <add key="ImageAdvicePixels" value="Your picture or photo can be up to 150 pixels wide by 150 pixels high." />
      <add key="ImageAdviceBytes" value="Your picture file size must be under 20K." />
      <add key="ImageDescEditPrompt" value="Description of picture" />
      <add key="ImageExampleAlt" value="Your picture could go here (maximum size 150 x 150 pixels)" />

      <add key="pdf" value="pdf"/>
      <add key="doc" value="doc"/>
      <add key="docx" value="docx"/>
      <add key="jpg" value="jpg"/>
      <add key="png" value="png"/>
      <add key="pdf" value="Adobe PDF" />
      <add key="doc" value="Word" />
      <add key="docx" value="Word" />
      <add key="jpg" value="Image" />
      <add key="png" value="Image" />



A library for working with files stored in databases in ASP.NET WebForms applications.







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