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A handy CRUD wrapper with soft deletion over MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient.

This wrapper is designed with less-code-is-better in mind. It uses code-first aproach, just install the nuget and start working on the database!

Usage | Examples | List of all methods


Install NuGet package MongoDB.Wrapper

dotnet cli:

dotnet add package MongoDB.Wrapper

.csproj edit:

	<PackageReference Include="MongoDB.Wrapper" Version="*" />


Dependency Injection

MongoDB.Wrapper.MongoDb requires a MongoDB.Wrapper.Settings.MongoDbSettings settings instance to work

Examples here use ASP .Net Core DI container and appsettings.json to store the settings. Wrapper is registered as a singleton, because that's what the docs recommend

// appsettings.json
	"MongoDbSettings": {
		"ConnectionString": "<YOUR CONNECTION STRING>",
		"DatabaseName": "<YOUR DATABASE NAME>"
// Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	// get the settings from appsettings.json
	var mongoDbSettings = Configuration.GetSection(nameof(MongoDbSettings)).Get<MongoDbSettings>();
	// register the settings and the wrapper
	services.AddSingleton<IMongoDb, MongoDb>();
	// OR
	// register only the instance of the wrapper
	services.AddSingleton<IMongoDb>(new MongoDb(mongoDbSettings));

Normal class instantiation

var mongoDbSettings = new MongoDbSettings
	ConnectionString = "<YOUR CONNECTION STRING>",
	DatabaseName = "<YOUR DATABASE NAME>"

var mongoDb = new MongoDb(mongoDbSettings);


The wrapper will work on any entity that derive from MongoDB.Wrapper.Entity or implement MongoDB.Wrapper.Abstractions.IEntity

public class Person : Entity
	public string Name { get; set; }
	public int Age { get; set; }

var person = new Person
	Name = "Steve",
	Age = 21

Every method exposed by the wrapper interface (except for Query<>) is asynchronous, so the -Async suffix is omitted.

Add an entity to the database

// assigns a new Id to entity and adds it to collection of type TEntity
await mongoDb.Add(person);

// id can be accessed straight from the object
Guid assignedId = person.Id;

Access the entities

// get list of all persons in the database
var persons = await mongoDb.Get<Person>();
// get single entity by its' Id
var person = await mongoDb.Get<Person>(personId);

// get all entities with age of 10
var persons = await mongoDb.Get<Person>(p => p.Age == 10);

// get all entites with name Frank, older than 18, including the deleted ones
var persons = await mongoDb.Get<Person>(p => p.Name == "Frank" && p.Age > 18, includeDeleted: true);

Update the entities

person.Name = "Frank";

// replace the entity by its' Id
await mongoDb.Replace(person);

List of all methods exposed by the wrapper

Returned type Method Description
IMongoQueryable<TEntity> Query<>(includeDeleted)
Query<TEntity>(bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns an open query to operate on
Task Add(entity)
Assigns a new Id to entity and adds it to collection of type TEntity
Task<bool> Any(includeDeleted)
Any<TEntity>(bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns whether the collection of type TEntity contains entites
Task<bool> Any(predicate, includeDeleted)
Any<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns whether the collection of type TEntity contains entites matching the predicate
Task<int> Count(includeDeleted)
Count<TEntity>(bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns the count of entites in the collection of type TEntity
Task<int> Count(predicate, includeDeleted)
Count<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns the count of entites in the collection of type TEntity that match given predicate
Task<TEntity> Get(id)
Get<TEntity>(Guid id)
Returns entity of type TEntity, which Id equals passed Guid. Default if not found
Task<List<TEntity>> Get(includeDeleted)
Get<TEntity>(bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns list of entities from collection of type TEntity
Task<List<TEntity>> Get(predicate, includeDeleted)
Get<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns list of entities from collection of type TEntity, that match the predicate
Task<TEntity> FirstOrDefault(predicate, includeDeleted)
FirstOrDefault<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns the first entity from collection of type TEntity, that matches the predicate
Task<TEntity> SingleOrDefault(predicate, includeDeleted)
SingleOrDefault<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, bool includeDeleted = false)
Returns the entity from collection of type TEntity, that matches the predicate. If more than one entity matches the predicate, an exception is thrown
Task<bool> Replace(entity)
Replace<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
Replaces the object of type TEntity with passed object, compared by IEntity.Id. If IEntity.Id equals default, entity is added. When entity with given id is not found, an exception is thrown.
Task<bool> Delete(id)
Delete<TEntity>(Guid id)
Soft deletes (sets Deleted flag) on entity with given id. Throws an exception if the entity doesn't exist.
Task<bool> Restore(id)
Restore<TEntity>(Guid id)
Reverts a soft delete (un-sets Deleted flag) of an entity with given id. Throws an exception if the entity doesn't exist.
Task<bool> DeleteHard
DeleteHard<TEntity>(Guid id)
Deleted an entity with given id from the database. This is irreversible. Throws an exception if the entity doesn't exist.


  1. Update() method that will update only given properties of an entity

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A handy CRUD wrapper with soft deletion over MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient







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