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Source code to my personal website, currently served via Github Pages at The webpage is deployed through a simple bash script which acts as a handy wrapper around the pandoc tool, generating html files based on templates and given markdown pages. Please feel free to take snippets and ideas. If so, please reference this work, it would be much appreciated.


The purpose of this repository is not only to easily deploy a static website, but also serve as a minor working example of how one can start a blog with no use of frameworks. The pro's to that approach are nothing other than just having a better understanding of how the website is created and how one can modify it further. Generally, to deploy a static website of any kind, the steps can be generalized as such:

  • Structure website: (manually or ssg)
  • Obtain a domain.
  • Install/Deploy a Web Server: (Nginx, Apache, etc)
  • Upload to Server/Cloud platform service (Optionally Netlify).
  • Optionally set up SSL certificates for HTTPS.

Through writing files in pandoc-markdown leveraging the pandoc tool, it becomes easier to generate a static website based on markdown files. In addition to that, Github Pages facilitates the rest leaving us to only specify a URL and place the content correctly on the specified branch.



sudo apt install pandoc wkhtmltopdf
sudo apt install texlive-latex-base texlive-xetex
# need to install docker and add yourself to docker group

Docker is only needed to be able to serve your website locally, so one can visualize its deployment either before shooting it off to github pages or one's own personal deployment method.





make deploy

Serve Locally

make serve

Stop local serving

make stop


These files are released under the GPL 3.0 license. See LICENSE.

