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This file contains the license agreement on individual file in the blueMSX
source tree.

blueMSX was originally derived from fMSX but now it is free from all
fMSX source. All source used in blueMSX is either under BSD license,
GPL or freeware.

Most files are developed within the blueMSX project but some have their
origin from other sources. All blueMSX developed code is released under
a BSD style license but some of the other code is released under other
license. Most notable are source from:

- openMSX    released under GPL license

Technical information needed to develop blueMSX has sometimes been found
in the source code and documentation of other emulators. These emulators

- openMSX
- RedMSX
- fMSX-SDL  
- no$msx

The following paragraph contains the license for the blueMSX created source files:

**  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
**  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
**  arising from the use of this software.
**  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
**  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
**  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
**  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
**     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
**     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
**     appreciated but is not required.
**  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
**     misrepresented as being the original software.
**  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

The tree below shows all source code files in the blueMSX, their origin and license.
blueMSX files that have been implemented using information from other emulators
are not explicitly shown. The files developed by the blueMSX team under BSD license
are not shown in this tree.

        |       Fmopl.c                 fMSXSDL - GPL
        |       Fmopl.h                 fMSXSDL - GPL
        |       OpenMsxYM2413.cpp       openMSX - GPL
        |       OpenMsxYM2413.h         openMSX - GPL
        |       OpenMsxYMF262.cpp       openMSX - GPL
        |       OpenMsxYMF262.h         openMSX - GPL
        |       OpenMsxYMF278.cpp       openMSX - GPL
        |       OpenMsxYMF278.h         openMSX - GPL
        |       Ymdeltat.c              fMSXSDL - GPL
        |       Ymdeltat.h              fMSXSDL - GPL
        |       tinystr.cpp             3rd party - ZLIB
        |       TinyStr.h               3rd party - ZLIB
        |       tinyxml.cpp             3rd party - ZLIB
        |       tinyxml.h               3rd party - ZLIB
        |       tinyxmlerror.cpp        3rd party - ZLIB
        |       tinyxmlparser.cpp       3rd party - ZLIB
        |       crypt.h                 3rd party - ZLIB
        |       ioapi.c                 3rd party - ZLIB
        |       ioapi.h                 3rd party - ZLIB
        |       iowin32.c               3rd party - ZLIB
        |       iowin32.h               3rd party - ZLIB
        |       miniunz.c               3rd party - ZLIB
        |       minizip.c               3rd party - ZLIB
        |       unzip.c                 3rd party - ZLIB
        |       unzip.h                 3rd party - ZLIB
        |       zconf.h                 3rd party - ZLIB
        |       zip.c                   3rd party - ZLIB
        |       zip.h                   3rd party - ZLIB
        |       ziphelper.c             3rd party - ZLIB
        |       ziphelper.h             3rd party - ZLIB
        |       zlib.h                  3rd party - ZLIB
        |       V9938.c                 Alex Wulms - Freeware
        |       V9938.h                 Alex Wulms - Freeware
        |       Scale2x.h               ? - BSD
        |       Scale3x.h               ? - BSD
        |       Scalebit.c              ? - BSD
        |       Scalebit.h              ? - BSD
                R800Dasm.c              openMSX - GPL