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A Swift Package providing implementations of Encoder and Decoder


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Provides implementations of Encoder and Decoder, which I created for personal use.

Be aware, that this is a very early release, which "works for me" for the moment.

CSVEncoder & CSVDecoder

Provides CSVEncoder and CSVDecoder following the example set by JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder. They allow encoding and decoding of CSV-files.


  • Instantiate a CSVEncoder or CSVDecoder.
  • Optionally configure options via methods on .configuration (currently only supported by CSVDecoder.)
  • Use methods of Encoder / Decoder

Example: Decoding

The CSV-file:

"John Doe";"23";"0"
"Jane Doe";"42";"1"

The code:

struct Person: Decodable {
    let name: String
    let age: Int
    let doesLikeBurgers: Bool

let decoder = CSVDecoder()
    .decodeBoolean(trueValue: "1", falseValue: "0")

do {
    let listOfPeople = try decoder.decode([Person].self, fromFile: URL(fileURLWithPath: "listofpeople.csv"))
} catch let error {


[Person(name: "John Doe", age: 23, doesLikeBurgers: false), Person(name: "Jane Doe", age: 42, doesLikeBurgers: true)]

Example: Encoding

Configuration not yet supported.

The code:

struct Person: Encodable {
    let name: String
    let age: Int
    let doesLikeBurgers: Bool

let listOfPeople = [
    Person(name: "John Doe", age: 23, doesLikeBurgers: false),
    Person(name: "Jane Doe", age: 42, doesLikeBurgers: true)

do {
    let csvData = try CSVEncoder().encode(listOfPeople)
    print(String(data: csvData, encoding: .utf8)!)
} catch let error {


"John Doe","23","false"
"Jane Doe","42","true"


As CSV-files are tables, some limitations with regards to data-structures exist. To have simple support for Codable, the optimal model is a flat struct of simple types, for example:

struct Demo: Codable {
    let aBool: Bool
    let aString: String
    let aDouble: Double
    let anInt: Int

Nested structures, like properties of non-primitive types or arrays of anything are not supported, for example:

struct Demo: Codable {
    let anArray: [String]
    let nestedType: Nested
    struct Nested: Codable {
        let aString: String

In decoding, though, custom decoders can be configured, for example:

struct Demo: Decodable {
    let custom: Custom
    struct Custom: Decodable {
        let first: Int
        let second: Int

    .addCustomDecoder {
        let values = $0.split(separator: "|")
        Custom(first: String(values[0]), second: String(values[1]))

With a CSV-file like:


LogEncoder & LogDecoder

I created LogEncoder and LogDecoder to help me with understanding, how Encoder and Decoder works. I didn't find a lot of useful information. Most of it was "do this, do that", but no explanation of what is happening when and why.

LogEncoder will "encode" by writing output using print(), describing the current coding-path and function. LogDecoder decodes random-values and also prints the steps taken. Both helped me a lot to understand what is actually happening, especially weird cases.

So, if you have a use-case, a certain model that needs encoding into a format, you want to write an encoder for, you could do this:

struct Demo: Codable {
    let aBool: Bool
    let anOptional: Int?
    let aNested: Nested
    let anArray: [String]
    struct Nested: Codable {
        let anotherBool: Bool
        let anotherString: String

let demo = Demo(
    aBool: true,
    anOptional: nil,
    aNested: Nested(
        anotherbool: false,
        anotherString: "Wahtuuup?"
    anArray: ["Hello", "World", "!"]

do {
    try LogEncoder().encode(demo)
} catch let error {


/ _LogEncoder.container(keyedBy:)
/ _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value(Bool)=true key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "aBool", intValue: nil)
/ _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value<T>(Nested)=Nested(anotherBool: false, anotherString: "Wahtuuup?") key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "aNested", intValue: nil)
/ _LogEncoder.codingPath = /aNested
/aNested _LogEncoder.container(keyedBy:)
/aNested _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value(Bool)=false key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "anotherBool", intValue: nil)
/aNested _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value(String)="Wahtuuup?" key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "anotherString", intValue: nil)
/aNested _LogEncoder.codingPath = /
/ _LogKeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>.encode(_:forKey:) value<T>(Array<String>)=["Hello", "World", "!"] key=CodingKeys(stringValue: "anArray", intValue: nil)
/ _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray
/anArray _LogEncoder.unkeyedContainer()
/anArray _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.encode(_:) count=0 value<T>(String)=Hello
/anArray _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray/0
/anArray/0 _LogEncoder.singleValueContainer()
/anArray/0 _LogSingleValueEncodingContainer.encode(_:) value(String)="Hello"
/anArray/0 _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.count = 1
/anArray/0 _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray
/anArray _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.encode(_:) count=1 value<T>(String)=World
/anArray _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray/1
/anArray/1 _LogEncoder.singleValueContainer()
/anArray/1 _LogSingleValueEncodingContainer.encode(_:) value(String)="World"
/anArray/1 _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.count = 2
/anArray/1 _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray
/anArray _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.encode(_:) count=2 value<T>(String)=!
/anArray _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray/2
/anArray/2 _LogEncoder.singleValueContainer()
/anArray/2 _LogSingleValueEncodingContainer.encode(_:) value(String)="!"
/anArray/2 _LogUnkeyedEncodingContainer.count = 3
/anArray/2 _LogEncoder.codingPath = /anArray
/anArray _LogEncoder.codingPath = /


A Swift Package providing implementations of Encoder and Decoder







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