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Covid Stats Ireland:

This is a Covid dashboard designed to provide an overview of the currently available stats for Ireland.

View it here:

I've tried to make it easy to see the current state of Covid in the country, with case totals, hospital totals, testing percentages and vaccination numbers. It also offers a historical view by surfacing daily numbers when hovering over the two main time-based graphs.

You can also dig into county-based data which has been illustrated as a percentage of each county's population along with corresponding county case numbers.

Latest numbers

Latest Covid numbers

How it was built

The charts are put together from data provided by and Our World In Data.

This data is pulled in to an Eleventy project which renders static HTML of the graphs using D3. The server-rendered static HTML is then hosted on Github Pages and the deployment process is handled by Github Actions.

An Action runs several times each day on a schedule to ensure the data is current.

The graphs are pre-rendered so that as little data as possible needs to be sent to the browser before they can be seen, resulting in a faster load time and no requirement for JavaScript to access the data.

Running locally

To run this project locally, clone the repo, cd into the resulting folder and install with npm or yarn.

npm i

You can then run the project with:

npm run dev

Caching data

On first run, the project will cache the API data locally in a cached.json file. This will then be used for subsequent runs to save hitting the APIs all the time. You can delete this file and run the npm run dev command to re-generate it. It is not used in production.


If you use this project or any of the graphs, please link back to the source, using something like:

Source: by Donovan Hutchinson

Questions and feedback

Any issues, please let me know by email or on Twitter.


MIT license applies.