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Want to push metrics to Librato from your shell scripts?

Shellbrato is a shell library client for working with Librato. It works on Linux and Darwin systems that have:

  • The usual shell tools (echo, cat, tail, tr, cut)
  • sed and awk
  • curl
  • jq

Shellbrato uses jq to parse json from the API, and comes with 32 and 64 bit binary versions of jq for OSX and Linux. Shellbrato will attempt to detect and use the appropriate built-in jq if one isn't found on your system.


Installing shellbrato is pretty easy.

git clone
sudo cp -a shellbrato /opt #(or wherever)
export SBHOME=/opt/shellbrato #(or wherever)
export LBUSER=<your librato username>
export LBTOKEN=<your librato token>

you can now add the following line near the top of your shell scripts:

source /opt/shellbrato/

Sending metrics

You can send metrics immediately with the functions: "sendCounter", and "sendGauge", or you can queue up a bunch of metrics and send them all at once with "queueCounter", and "queueGauge", followed by "sendMetrics". For example:

#store the current time
now=$(date +%s)

#get three gauge metrics
read five ten fifteen <<< $(uptime | sed -e 's/.*average[^:]*: //'| tr -d ',')

#send the first one immediately
sendGauge "${now}||test_load5||${five}||homebase"

#queue up the other two
queueGauge "${now}||test_load10||${ten}||homebase"
queueGauge "${now}||test_load15||${fifteen}||homebase"

#get a counter metric
counter=$(date +%s)

#add the counter metric to the queue
queueCounter "${now}||test_counter||${counter}||homebase"

#now send everything in the queue

The argument to all four of these functions is the same, a single string, composed of four fields separated by double pipe characters (||). The fields are:

  1. The day/time stamp in epoch seconds format.
  2. The name of the metric as it will appear in the librato system.
  3. The numerical value of the measurement itself.
  4. An optional source name (if you don't specify a source, shellbrato will use $(hostname)

Fetching measurements for a given metric

The Current metric-fetching capabilities of shellbrato are pretty nascent. The getMetric function takes three arguments:

  1. The metric name
  2. The start time in epoch seconds
  3. Optionally, the end time in epoch seconds (if you don't specify an end time, shellbrato will use now)

For example:

#grab all values of test_load5 since yesterday
getMetric test_load5 $(date -d yesterday +%s)

You can influence the behavior of the search by setting the following variables:

The getMetric function returns an unformatted blob of json. You may use jq in your script to parse the blob however you want.

Fetching a list of metrics

You can use the listMetrics function to get a list of all of your metrics. It takes a single argument which is a pagination offset:

myList=$(listMetrics ${OFFSET})

The offset argument is optional, and will default to 0 if omitted. Like getMetric, listMetrics returns an unformatted JSON blob. You can use jq to dump it like so:

echo ${myList} | jq .


If you're working in the shell, you can export GET_FILTER to something handy, and shellbrato will run it's output through your filter. Eg:

export GET_FILTER="$(which jq) ."
paginate getMetric AWS.EC2.CPUUtilization $(date -v-5H +%s)

And now you'll have nicely formatted output instead of massive ugly blobs.

Send/List Annotations

Get a list of all Annotation streams


Add a "backup job" annotation to the "CronJobs" annotation stream:

sendAnnotation 'CronJobs||Backup Job||1442844778||1442844877'

List the annotations in the "Alert" stream

getAnnotation 'Alerts 1442844778 1442844877'

Pagination now a thing

Read about how the API paginates your results here. Shellbrato handles pagination with a function called: paginate

If, for example you had a query that looked like this:

getMetric AWS.EC2.CPUUtilization $(date -v-5H +%s)

And you wanted to paginate the results, you could wrap your query in the paginate function like so:

paginate getMetric AWS.EC2.CPUUtilization $(date -v-5H +%s)

The paginated results will potentially contain metadata from several queries to the api. If for example we needed to make three queries to get all of your data down from that getMetric call, then the blob returned by paginate will have two query{} objects in it. To get rid of the extranious metadata and just get your measurements, [jq] is your friend.

getMetric AWS.EC2.CPUUtilization $(date -v-5H +%s) | jq .measurements

Pagination support is new and possibly a little fragile. Let me know if you have problems with it.

Design Considerations and Gotchas

I've attempted to keep this library agnostic to the type of shell you're using (I wrote this using bash, so that's probably your best bet), and also agnostic to the unix you're using (I've only tested with Linux and Darwin). This meant avoiding things like in-memory data structures for the send queue, and other elegant nice-to-haves. So if you're looking at the source and are wondering wtf I was thinking, compatibility probably has something to do with it.

I used double-pipe delimiters because many metric names are themselves deliminted with all sorts of interesting and creative characters. Very few people use multiple-character delimiters though (and they're all masochists so they wouldn't use this library anyway), so although double pipes introduce an awk dependency, they make things generally a lot safer. Sorry about that.


Alerts support - Functions to create and fetch alerts


A proper shell library client for the Librato API







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