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Repository files navigation





Title: GitHub Finder

Description: Welcome to GitHub Finder, a user-friendly web application built using React, Tailwind CSS, and the DaisyUI plugin. This application allows you to search for GitHub users and retrieve their profiles, repositories, and other relevant information using the GitHub API.

Key Features:

User Search: Easily search for GitHub users by their username. User Profiles: View detailed user profiles, including their avatar, username, bio, followers, and following counts. Repository List: Access a list of the user's repositories, complete with repository names, descriptions, star counts, and forks. Responsive Design: The application is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes. Technology Stack:

React: The front end of the application is developed using React.js, providing a dynamic and interactive user interface. Tailwind CSS: The project utilizes Tailwind CSS for effortless and customizable styling, allowing for a visually appealing design. DaisyUI Plugin: DaisyUI is integrated for additional UI components and styles, enhancing the overall user experience. GitHub API: The application fetches user data and repository information from the GitHub API, enabling real-time access to GitHub profiles. Usage:

Clone the repository to your local machine. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies. Create a .env.local file in the project root and add your GitHub API token as REACT_APP_GITHUB_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY. Run npm start to start the development server. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000. Feel free to explore the code, make improvements, and use this project as a reference for building similar applications. Contributions and feedback are always welcome!

Enjoy using the GitHub Finder and happy coding!