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Releases: dhis2/dhis2-android-capture-app

Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v3.0)

29 May 12:51
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The new DHIS2 Android App allows offline data capture across all DHIS2 data models. Data and metadata are automatically synchronized whenever there is internet access, always keeping the most relevant data for the logged user in the device. The app is compatible and we support 41, 40, 2.39.

Cross product

Support for customized Tracker terminology: Some DHIS2 terminology is not familiar for the end users. For this reason, we are gradually enabling the possibility to customize it to each particular use case. In this version, the term "event" and "enrollment" are customizable. The admin user will be able to configure it for each program using the Maintenance App, and the Android Capture App will display the customized term instead of the generic one.

Documentation link:

Multiselect value type: DHIS2 already supports the introduction of multiple options for data elements for data aggregation. In this version it will also support it for individual data. The Android App will support both aggregated and individual multi select data elements from this version.

Documentation link:

Custom Icons: DHIS2 now supports uploading custom Icons to be used in addition to the built in Icon library. This is useful for use cases not related to health or that require very specific iconography. The Android App will render the custom icons that need to be uploaded and configured using the Maintenance DHIS2 Web App.

Documentation link:

User Experience

Improvements in forms layout: When creating an event or an enrollment, there are a number of fields that are not data elements or attributes, for example, event date, org unit, coordinates, enrollment date, category combinations. Those elements are referred to as event/enrollment details and in previous versions they were displayed in different screens separated from the data elements or attributes. They were difficult to find when users wanted to edit or consult them. In this version the details are displayed inside the form, as the first opened section for completion. Once they are filled in, for example when the user reopens the event or enrollment form, the details section will be visible and easily available, but collapsed to leave more space for the data collection. 

Documentation link:

Improve TEI search user experience: The search form has been improved to provide a cleaner look and a more intuitive user experience. The buttons have been made more explicit for differencing search from creation. In addition the flow for searching TEIs using attributes rendered as bar / QR codes has been made more agile. If there is only one result and the attribute is unique, the app will open the TEI Dashboard directly. If there are multiple results, the app will display all the cards on the TEI list (this is equal to the current workflow), and if there are no results, the app will display the create button and allow the user to “search outside the program” if the configuration allows it.

Documentation link:

Improve TEI dashboard user experience: In the previous version of the application, the TEI header part of the dashboard was improved. In continuation to that effort, the bottom part, where all program stages are displayed, has been redesigned in this version. The changes include a fresh and more clean look of the list of events, with more space and less -not critical- information displayed. In addition, the button for creating new events has been moved to the top (in timeline view).

Documentation link:

New inputs for value types: ****The inputs for all value types have been gradually redesigned from the 2.9 version of the app. The signature input field as well as the complete legend description are included now to improve user experience at data entry. The new input fields are now displayed by default and admin users are able to opt-out to use the old forms through the Android Settings web app.

Documentation link:

Improvements in tracker programs data entry flow: ****Several improvements have been made in the tracker programs user flow. An informative dialog has been added for confirmation when the user deletes a TEIs. The dialog for scheduling events after compilation has also been redesigned and improved. The selection of org. Units when the user only has access to one org. Unit for data collection has been removed and pre-filled, and lastly, the program rule “Hide program stage” behavior has been aligned with Capture web.

Documentation link:

Improve App behavior when working in offline mode: ****Some parts of the Android App are not responsive when there is no connection available (i.e. sync buttons…). The behavior is now improved and the App will inform the user that actions are not started because there is no internet connection available when buttons that require connection are tapped.

Documentation link: NA

New functionality and Web Parity

Line listing analytics: This version of the Android App includes the possibility to render and display line listing as part of the offline analytics functionalities. The line list has to be created using the Line Listing DHIS2 web App, and then configured to be displayed in Android using the Android Settings Web App (ASWA), as any other offline analytics in Android. In this case Line lists can be displayed in the home screen, and event or tracker programs (as they do not really apply to aggregated data, they are not displayed in Datasets). Users will be able to search by period, Org. unit, or any of the columns added in the Line List.

There are some limitations to the line lists to be displayed in the Android App. The Org. units and Periods must be relative, not fixed. And there is a maximum number of columns of 15. 

Android Local Analytics are built using local data, and wil, update instantly as more data gets collected (or downloaded) in the device. The App will display a maximum of 500 rows and will inform the user when the limit is reached.

Documentation link:


Configurable basemap layer: DHIS2 supports the configuration of custom map layers for the Maps Web App. From this version of the DHIS2 Android App, those custom layers will be downloaded and rendered in the Maps. The custom layers will be presented as additional layers to the default ones.

Documentation link:

Implementation Support

Import/Export App database: ****As part of troubleshooting, some errors can be hard to replicate and can lead to data loss because of being unable to sync. With this functionality the end user will be able to export the local database and share it with an admin who will be able to import it for troubleshooting, being able to replicate the exact environment (database, device, configuration). The exported database is encrypted and the administrator will require the user credentials to be able to access the database.

Documentation link:

[**Improve end-user config erro...

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Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v2.9.1.1) - Patch version

20 May 13:17
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This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait to the next version. It includes no functional improvements neither changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.

Bugs fixed

  • ANDROAPP-6160 Attribute option combo is not saved in events
  • This patch release updates the Android SDK to version 1.9.1.

You can find in Jira details on the bugs fixed in this version.

Remember to check the documentation for detailed
information of the features included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it.

Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or
you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component:

Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v2.9.1) - Patch version

30 Jan 07:16
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This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait for the next version. It includes no functional improvements or changes in the User Interface. It means that users can update it without experiencing any changes in the UI.

Bugs fixed

  • ANDROAPP-5895 Correct misalignment when entering text for inputShell
  • ANDROAPP-5885 [Data set] indicators don't update until the user moves to a different cell
  • ANDROAPP-5881 Input with virtual keyboard not working correctly
  • ANDROAPP-5872 Search in stock management is not updating the list
  • ANDROAPP-5871 App Not Responding when local db is encrypted
  • ANDROAPP-5856 ANR ReadableStoreImpl.addObjectsToCollection in DataSetDetailRepositoryImpl
  • ANDROAPP-5825 Input date value changes on click in schedule new event screen
  • ANDROAPP-5821 NoSuchElementException: List is empty.
  • ANDROAPP-5807 Crash when parsing value to input in InputDateTime
  • ANDROAPP-5804 Incorrect label on bar codes, QR codes and GS1
  • ANDROAPP-5803 On schedule event due date incorrect when last previous event does not have a report date
  • ANDROAPP-5788 Keyboard hides helper text if the selected field is near the bottom of the screen
  • ANDROAPP-5773 Analytics are not being displayed as tables.
  • ANDROAPP-5770 IllegalStateException: Expected BringIntoViewRequester to not be used before parents are placed.
  • ANDROAPP-5769 ApplicationNotResponding: ANR for at least 5000 ms.
  • ANDROAPP-5767 RuntimeException in teidashboardActivity Sentry issue
  • ANDROAPP-5764 BottomSheetDialog shows barcode expanded with old form
  • ANDROAPP-5749 Incorrect behavior when tapping on Next on sections that are too long
  • ANDROAPP-5746 Exception when trying to add a file from downloads directory
  • ANDROAPP-5743 Calculated variables save integer values with ".0"
  • ANDROAPP-5742 [Local Analytics] App isn't plotting all the points (per event), only the first one.
  • ANDROAPP-5741 [Local Analytics] App crashes if charts are empty
  • ANDROAPP-5740 Display error correctly when date or time is incomplete
  • ANDROAPP-5726 RTS workflow needs to allow for translating the 3 transaction types
  • ANDROAPP-5716 Filters not responsive to rapid changes when there are many programs
  • ANDROAPP-5710 Keyboard not showing for certain fields
  • ANDROAPP-5704 Overdue date in patient line list follows inconsistent format
  • ANDROAPP-5700 User can select out-of-scope OUs on the enrollment form
  • ANDROAPP-5698 Incorrect list of points in a polygon
  • ANDROAPP-5663 Tei dashboard event list scrolling
  • ANDROAPP-5662 Search button is behind the nav bar
  • ANDROAPP-5630 Due date in Tracker program does not follow standard interval days
  • ANDROAPP-5606 Active filter counter mismatched with workinglist's filters
  • ANDROAPP-5604 App crashes when one attempts to synchronise TEI and events imported via QR code
  • ANDROAPP-5570 Changes to enrollment date not respected by program rules
  • ANDROAPP-5567 DHIS2-RTS Capture app limited to 60 TEIs
  • ANDROAPP-5484 Images block creating relationships (Capture Android)
  • ANDROAPP-5294 Filter by ACCESSIBLE org units
  • ANDROAPP-5261 The animation of the input bottom bar is not smooth.
  • ANDROAPP-5249 Resizing for all columns difficult use
  • ANDROAPP-5130 Follow-up clicks can be skipped by the app when entering data into tables.
  • This patch release updates the Android SDK to version 1.9.1.

You can find in Jira details on the bugs fixed in this version.

Remember to check the documentation for detailed
information of the features included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it.

Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or
you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component:

DHIS2 Android App version (2.9)

23 Nov 07:10
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The new DHIS2 Android App allows offline data capture across all DHIS2 data models. Data and metadata are automatically synchronized whenever there is internet access, always keeping the most relevant data for the logged user in the device. The app is compatible and we support 2.38, 2.39, 40. And has no breaking changes with 2.37, 2.36, 2.35 and 2.34.


Disable referral in tracker programs: When users add events in a tracker program, the DHIS2 Android Capture app offers three options: Add (for new events), Schedule (for planning future evetns) and Refer (for referrals or transfers). As this third option is not used in many implementations, this new feature enables the admin user to remove that option from the menu to simplify the user experience. The referral option can be hidden using the Android Settings Web App for all programs or for each specific program. Jira | Documentation App | Documentation Webapp | Screenshot

Skip home screen if users only have access to one program: The home screen of the DHIS2 Android App shows the list of programs and datasets available for the user. The first thing a user must do when using the app is to select the program or dataset to work with. In some implementations, users have access to only one program or dataset. To reduce the number of clicks and streamline the process of data entry, the App will now skip the home screen in the cases where the user has access to only one program or dataset, and will instead open directly to the program or dataset screen with the event, TEI or dataset list. Jira | Documentation | Screenshot

Display program stage description: The description for program stage sections was not available to the end user in previous versions of the App. To provide more context and information at the moment of data collection, the description has now been brought to the user interface and will be displayed below the section name. Jira | Documentation | Screenshot

Disable collapsible sections in forms: Stage sections in the Android App are displayed with collapsible menus that enable the user to open one section at a time. The purpose of this accordion-like implementation is to help the user navigate very long forms. However, some implementations would prefer to list the sections one after the other. This new version of the application enables the admin user to decide if the sections should appear in extended mode. This configuration is made through the Android Settings Web App and will display the sections one after the other with the section name acting as a separator. Jira | Documentation App | Documentation Webapp | Screenshot

Move working lists under the search bar: The working lists have been moved from the filters section to the main program screen. In earlier versions, the user had to open the filters to be able to see and select a working list. From this version, the working lists are always visible under the search bar, facilitating their use for filtering out Tracked Entity Instances. Jira | Documentation | Screenshot

New design for Dataset, Event and TEI cards: Cards are used for listing datasets, events and TEIs. The new design offers a cleaner and more intuitive layout, replacing the use of colored icons by descriptive text when relevant. Jira | Documentation datasets | Documentation events | Documentation TEI | Screenshot

Implement changes in TEI Dashboard details: The TEI Dashboard has been redesigned for both portrait and landscape view. The new design offers a cleaner and more intuitive layout, replacing the use of colored icons by text when relevant and moving some secondary actions to the hidden menus. Jira | Screenshot | Documentation

Data entry forms - New inputs per value type: The inputs for all value types have been redesigned. Tappable areas and texts have been increased and selection modes are improved to offer a cleaner and more intuitive user experience. By default, the Android App will display the previous forms. Admin users are able to opt-in to use the new forms through the Android Settings Web App. Jira | Documentation App | Documentation Webapp | Screenshot

[EXPERIMENTAL] TEI Header: The TEI Header is a title that can be added to the TEI cards and dashboards in the app. The title helps identify a TEI by displaying a summary of key information. It is formed by a concatenation of Tracked Entity Attributes and fixed text. The title is configured through a Program Indicator in the Maintenance app and is assigned to the tracker program in the Android Settings web app. This feature is experimental, and depending on feedback and adoption it will be refined and incorporated in the web Capture app. Jira | Documentation App | Documentation Webapp | Screenshot

Other improvements for User Experience

  • Smaller improvements focussing on user experience like a new org unit selector Jira | | Screenshot, or adding a loading spinner during the deletion of big databases. Jira | Screenshot


Bug fixing: You can find the list of bugs fixed here.

You can find in Jira details on the new features in this version.

Remember to check the documentation for detailed
information of the features included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it.

Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or
you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component:

Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v2.8.2) - Patch version

31 Aug 14:06
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This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait to the next version. It includes no functional improvements neither changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.

Bugs fixed

  • ANDROAPP-5463 Wrong password in already authenticated account throws invalid url
  • ANDROAPP-5452 Notifications not displaying on devices with android 13
  • ANDROAPP-5426 DataSet tables not saving text values
  • ANDROAPP-5425 App crashing when opening orgUnit field in event creation on android 5 and 6 devices
  • ANDROAPP-5424 App not functional in Android 5.0 and 6.0 devices due to expression-parser library
  • ANDROAPP-5403 The app displays the keyboard over the selecting menu when the user has multiple apps to use the email or phone number
  • ANDROAPP-5401 Infinite loading when applying date filters in tracker program
  • ANDROAPP-5399 Improve recomposition on input field in tables
  • ANDROAPP-5389 Validation Strategy - Errors
  • ANDROAPP-5385 Program dashboard: filter by EventDate includes all EventStatus as side effect
  • ANDROAPP-5384 Persist dataset column size when adjusted by the user and revert to default
  • ANDROAPP-5380 Sync button crashes app after rotating device in search screen
  • ANDROAPP-5377 A TEI enrolled in many programs display to many icons blocking the TEI info card
  • ANDROAPP-5376 Login button doesn't work and doesn't present any error
  • ANDROAPP-5375 App crashes with some icons
  • ANDROAPP-5370 Navigation button does not open in some programs.
  • ANDROAPP-5369 NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String java.lang.String.replaceAll(java.lang.String, ...
  • ANDROAPP-5368 Org Unit value type opens the hierarchy incorrectly
  • ANDROAPP-5363 Wrong label displayed while navigating an error or warning
  • ANDROAPP-5348 Errors in program rules are not shown after they have been displayed once despite the program rule being reexecuted
  • ANDROAPP-5343 Sync flow backwards
  • ANDROAPP-5342 Form actionable icons launch action from stored value
  • ANDROAPP-5340 Store image and files before value type validation
  • ANDROAPP-5335 In TEI dashboard filters appears items related to TEI
  • ANDROAPP-5334 "All enrollments" cards show incident date even when not configured
  • ANDROAPP-5330 App crash when deleting quantities in "Review" stage
  • ANDROAPP-5329 The selected cell is hidden in RTStock program (and datasets) table if the first cell is selected after scroll
  • ANDROAPP-5328 Default language not respected (or inconsistent) when changing between servers.
  • ANDROAPP-5323 IllegalStateException: Attempting to launch an unregistered ActivityResultLauncher with contract androidx.activity.resul...
  • ANDROAPP-5255 [LANDSCAPE] Loading bar never hides in overview screen
  • ANDROAPP-5253 Event status filter doesn't remove checkmarks after the reset
  • ANDROAPP-4710 Validation Strategy - Mandatory Fields
  • ANDROAPP-4322 Analytics legends don't show event's exact date
  • ANDROAPP-3106 [Bug]Error when searching with comma char in the values
  • This patch release updates the Android SDK to version 1.8.2.

You can find in Jira details on the bugs fixed in this version.

Remember to check the documentation for detailed
information of the features included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it.

Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or
you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component:

Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v2.8.1.1) - Hotfix

09 Jun 15:31
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This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait to the next version. It includes no functional improvements neither changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.

Bugs fixed

Bug fixing: You can find the list of bugs fixed here.

Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v2.8.1) - Patch version

08 Jun 08:10
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This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait to the next version. It includes no functional improvements neither changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.

Bugs fixed

Bug fixing: You can find the list of bugs fixed here.

Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v2.8)

11 May 06:52
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The new DHIS2 Android App allows offline data capture across all DHIS2 data models. Data and metadata are automatically synchronized whenever there is internet access, always keeping the most relevant data for the logged user in the device. The app is compatible and we support 2.40, 2.39, 2.38. And has no breaking changes with 2.37, 2.36, 2.35 and 2.34.


Resized dataset tables: This feature allows users to resize the columns in datasets, making it easier to view and work with larger tables. Now it is possible to resize all columns by clicking on the header of the column. The resizing can be done through drag and drop. A maximum and minimum size limit is given for the columns that can be resized to ensure a good layout. Users can resize all columns at once by clicking on the top left of the table. Jira | Screenshot

New sync error navigation: This version of the app improves the navigation of sync errors on the user interface. The app will display the sync errors in a simple and clean manner allowing the user to navigate from the home screen to the exact field that is causing the error inside the event or data set. Jira | Screenshot

Collected handwritten signatures for image Data Elements: This feature allows users to collect handwritten signatures from the device. The signatures will be saved as an image data elements in the app. Jira | Screenshot

Made phone number and email Data Elements actionable in the form and allowed external actions for phone number, email and URL value types: This feature enables users to take action on phone numbers, email addresses, and URLs directly from the app, such as dialing a phone number or opening a web page from the event or enrollment data entry form. Jira | Screenshot

Improved visual configuration and rendering of option sets: This feature improves the way option sets are displayed and configured when configured visualy by enabling render option sets with any value type as Radio buttons or check box and supporting other value types for visual data entry. Jira | Jira2 | Screenshot

Added loading banners when actions take a long time to improve user experience: This feature provides visual annimations to users when they perform actions that take longer than usual to complete, such loading maps or searching, so that they know that the system is processing their request. Jira | Screenshot

Improved user experience for better functionality when offline: This feature enhances the functionality of the app when it is used offline, ensuring that menus are disabled when the online actions are not available. Jira

Improved management of long texts: This feature enables users to view long text in fields that are limited in size, such as a stage names or datasets headers. Jira | Jira


Provided support for Android app version control from DHIS2 user interface: This feature enables implementation administrators to manage and control the version of the Android app from the DHIS2 user web interface, making it easier to manage app updates and ensure compatibility with the DHIS2 system. Managers will be able to upload the desired version and users will get a prompt message to update when they are not in the last updated version. The management of versions is made through a new Web App. Jira | Screenshot

Removed the maximum number of offline accounts: This feature removes the limitation on the number of offline accounts that users can create, allowing them to work with as many offline accounts as needed. Jira


Supported file value type: This feature adds support for file value type in the Android app, allowing users to attach files to their data elements or attributes. Jira | Screenshot

Supported new tracker working lists (filter by DE): This feature adds support for new tracker working lists that allow users to filter by data elements. The working lists need to be configured in web using the web Capture App. The Android app will download the working lists that are configured and saved on the server side. Jira


Integrated a new module for real stock monitoring use case: This feature adds a new module for real stock monitoring use case to the app, enabling users to manage and monitor their stock levels in real-time. Integrating a module implies that the app will open a completely new and different user interface and experience to respond to a different data entry flow. To use this modules the program will need to be configured using the new web app for program use case configuration. Jira | Screenshot


Bug fixing: You can find the list of bugs fixed here.

Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v2.7.1.1) - Hotfix version

13 Feb 10:42
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This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait to the next version. It includes no functional improvements neither changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.

Bugs fixed

  • ANDROAPP-5194 RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.dhis2/org.dhis2.usescases.eventsWithoutRegistration.ev...
  • This patch release updates the Android SDK to version 1.7.1.

You can find in Jira details on the bugs fixed in this version.

Remember to check the documentation for detailed
information of the features included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it.

Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or
you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component:

Android Capture App for DHIS 2 (v2.7.1) - Patch version

02 Feb 14:43
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This is a patch version of the DHIS2 Android App It builds upon the last version including bug fixes that couldn't wait to the next version. It includes no functional improvements neither changes in the User Interface. It means that yours users can update without experiencing any change in the UI.

Bugs fixed

  • ANDROAPP-5173 Error when using an option set or a value type different than number or text in a data set
  • ANDROAPP-5172 Crash when multiple DEs have warnings/errors
  • ANDROAPP-5138 Category Option Dialog for autogenerated events not working properly
  • ANDROAPP-5137
  • ANDROAPP-5133 TableView resizing persistence
  • ANDROAPP-5113 Android App doesn't respect "Generate events by enrollment date" setting
  • ANDROAPP-5093 Crash when rotating the screen
  • ANDROAPP-5084 Data set table header resizing
  • ANDROAPP-5063 Error in zScore d2 functions
  • ANDROAPP-5061 Use open source map engine
  • ANDROAPP-5056 [DRAFT] Using RTL language might make the Home label be placed under the sync icon
  • ANDROAPP-5055 Crash when rotating device on search screen
  • ANDROAPP-5054 RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.dhis2/org.dhis2.usescases.splash.SplashActivity}: java...
  • ANDROAPP-5041 Long option sets containers are not properly expanded when big fonts are used
  • ANDROAPP-5033 Front sheet is cut off after a search
  • ANDROAPP-5030 Map crash when working offline
  • ANDROAPP-5027 Incorrect date when adding a note
  • ANDROAPP-5026 Allow to change table dimension by configuration
  • ANDROAPP-5023 Crash when adding an image
  • ANDROAPP-5020 The automatic scrolling of the table when a cell is selected for centering could confuse the user.
  • ANDROAPP-5019 Navigation bar and the cell editing bar for tables are displayed at the same time.
  • ANDROAPP-5017 To open the QR/barcode camera for a dataElement does not hide the keyboard on search
  • ANDROAPP-5016 App crashes when trying to enter a coordinate through the my position button.
  • ANDROAPP-5014 Autogenerated fields should expose the longclick menu to allow copying
  • ANDROAPP-5010 [Home] App freezes after entering an event or TEI
  • ANDROAPP-4962 Changing an empty SMS configuration blocks its edition
  • ANDROAPP-4957 [Data Set] Configuring input periods disables all periods
  • ANDROAPP-4956 Long program stage names overflow
  • ANDROAPP-4951 NEXT button doesn't appear to create a program stage under certain circumstances
  • ANDROAPP-4940 Selecting "Enable SMS" checkout does not download sms module unless a gateway number is configured
  • ANDROAPP-4939 Enrollment date filter doesn't loose the indicator when you reset it
  • ANDROAPP-4895 Android App marks as sync when server response is blocked. This can lead to data loss
  • ANDROAPP-4795 SMS Sync Unable to Send
  • This patch release updates the Android SDK to version 1.7.1.

You can find in Jira details on the bugs fixed in this version.

Remember to check the documentation for detailed
information of the features included in the App and how to configure DHIS2 to use it.

Please create a Jira Issue if you find a bug or
you want to propose a new functionality. [Project: Android App for DHIS2 | Component: