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Getting Started

  1. Clone or fork the project
  2. Install all the required dependencies - npm install
  3. Run the project - npm start

This Repo is a simple React SPA (Single Page Application) development.

The project involves use of SASS / SCSS for styling to maintain the consistency of the styles throughout and to make it easier to style the elements and the children using nesting feature of SASS/SCSS.

npm install sass --save-dev

The project also involves use of React-Bootstrap 5.1.1.

Bootstrap can be very easily installed using Terminal window.

npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap

Once installed from terminal window, we need to import the following dependencies in src/index.js file :

import '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css'; 
import 'bootstrap-css-only/css/bootstrap.min.css'; 
import 'mdbreact/dist/css/mdb.css';

React Typing Effect is a simple typing animation in ReactJS. We need to install the package for achieving it.

npm i react-typewriter-effect

Once installed, we can import the ReactTypingEffect from 'react-typing-effect'

import ReactTypingEffect from "react-typing-effect";

AOS Animations -

npm install aos --save

import AOS from 'aos';

(for class components)
componentDidMount() {

(for functional components)
useEffect(() => {
}, []);

Make sure to add import "aos/dist/aos.css"; in index.js

Unicode for emojis -