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Picross engine

Master: Build Status
Staging: Build Status

A small CLI program aiming at allowing the user to create picross (nonogram) grids and manipulate them, save them, load them, solve them, etc.

Quick roadmap

  • ✔ Complete game representation
  • ✔ Save/load XML games
  • ✔ CLI display capabilities
  • ✔ Interactive CLI app
  • ☐ Iterative solver
  • ☐ Inferring solver

Project state

  • ✔ Git repo
  • ✔ Tests
  • ✔ Continuous integration


Building the project

  • Install CMake
  • Make sure your compiler is C++17-compliant.
  • Open a command line, go to a directory of your choice and do the following:
  • git clone
  • cd PicrossEngine
  • mkdir build && cd build
  • cmake ..

You can customize the generated buildsystem by running cmake .. -G <generator>, replacing <generator> with the buildsystem you want. Use cmake -G to get a complete list. Here are some of them: (include the double-quotes in the command line)

  • "Unix Makefiles" for most Unix-based systems
  • "MinGW Makefiles" for a MinGW toolchain (make sure where g++ returns something)
  • "MSYS Makefiles" for a MSYS installation (make sure where g++ returns something)
  • "Visual Studio <ver> <year>" [-A <arch>] for Visual Studio solutions

If you generated a makefile-based buildsystem, simply run make afterwards.


CMake "CXX compiler identification is unknown" on Windows

If CMake complains that cl is not a full path and was not found in the PATH:

  • Install the Visual C++ Build Tools 2015
  • Make sure where cl returns something before retrying
  • Alternatively, if MinGW is installed on your system, you can go for it and run cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles".

If CMake complains the same as above but for g++:

  • Make sure MinGW is properly installed and your PATH is set to point to its bin folder (mostly likely something along the lines of C:\MinGW\bin).
  • where g++ should return something before you retry.

CMake can generate MSYS makefiles but running those fails

Please avoid using MSYS makefiles.

MinGW linker complains about vsnprintf being defined multiple times

Open the MinGW installation manager and install packages mingw32-libmingwex-*.

Windows executable produced with MinGW displays an error dialog

"The procedure entry point ... could not be located in the dynamic link library ..."
Copy C:\MinGW\bin\libstdc++-6.dll (or similar) into the same folder as the executable. If you don't have it, one is provided in the v1.0 release.

If you encounter an issue that is not filed here, please open an issue and I will have a look.
If you have a solution, please edit this README and open a pull request with your changes.