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wlpdrpat edited this page Aug 14, 2013 · 4 revisions

How to Install WP DMS

  1. Point all domains to your Server
  2. In your vhost-conf file point all these domains to your WordPress vhost

ServerName ServerAlias ServerAlias

  1. Install DMS via WordPress Plugin Page
  2. Create WP Pages (My Regular Product / My Special Product)
  3. Go to Settings -> DMS Options
  4. Enter your domain ( and select the corresponding WP Page (My Regular Product)
  5. Save.
  6. You're ready to rumble.

Additional steps for Multisite use with Domain Mapping and Multi-Domain plugins from

  1. Point all domains to your Server
  2. In your vhost-conf file point all these domains to your WordPress vhost

ServerName ServerAlias ServerAlias

  1. Install DMS via WordPress Network Plugin Page
  2. Network Activate DMS plugin
  3. Uncomment the following line of code (line 31) wp-content/plugins/domain-mapping/domain-mapping.php


Note: use network plugin editor go to network admin -> Plugins -> Editor -> select Domain Mapping plugin -> choose domain-mapping.php -> uncomment line 31 -> save changes.

  1. Go to Tools -> Domain Mapping and add the additional domains per blog.
  2. Create WP Pages (My Regular Product / My Special Product)
  3. Go to Settings -> DMS Options
  4. Enter your domain ( and select the corresponding WP Page (My Regular Product)
  5. Save.
  6. You're ready to rumble.
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