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The Go package that can map anything into anything.


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The go-anymapper package is a fast and convenient tool for mapping data between different types, including basic Go types like strings and integers, as well as more complex data structures. It allows you to create custom mapping rules to fit the unique requirements of your application. This means you can use go-anymapper to easily convert data in the most useful way for your specific needs.


go get -u


The simplest way to use the go-anymapper package is to use the Map function. It takes two arguments: the source and the destination. The function will try to map the source to the destination using the following rules:

  • If the dst value is an empty interface, the src value is assigned to it.
  • boolintX, uintX, floatXtrue1, false0 (if source is number, then ≠0true).
  • intX, uintX, floatXintX, uintX, floatX ⇒ cast numbers to the destination type.
  • intX, uintX, floatX[]byte ⇒ converts using binary.Read and binary.Write.
  • intX, uintX, floatX[X]byte ⇒ converts using binary.Read and binary.Write.
  • stringintX, uintX ⇒ converts using big.Int.SetString and big.Int.String.
  • stringfloatX ⇒ converts string to or from number using big.Float.SetString and big.Float.String.
  • string[]byte ⇒ converts using []byte(s) and string(b).
  • sliceslice ⇒ recursively map each slice element.
  • slicearray ⇒ recursively map each slice element if lengths are the same.
  • arrayarray ⇒ recursively map each array element if lengths are the same.
  • mapmap ⇒ recursively map every key and value pair.
  • structstruct ⇒ recursively map every struct field.
  • structmap[string]X ⇒ map struct fields to map elements using field names as keys and vice versa.

The above types refer to the type kind, not the actual type, hence type MyInt int is also considered as int.

In addition to the above rules, the default configuration of the mapper supports the following conversions:

  • time.Timestring ⇒ converts string to or from time using RFC3339 format.
  • time.Timeuint, uint32, uint64, int, int32, int64 ⇒ convert using Unix timestamp.
  • time.Timeuint8, uint16, int8, int16 ⇒ not allowed.
  • time.TimefloatX ⇒ convert to or from unix timestamp, preserving the fractional part of a second.
  • time.Timebig.Int ⇒ convert using Unix timestamp.
  • time.Timebig.Float ⇒ convert using Unix timestamp, preserving the fractional part of a second.
  • time.Timeother ⇒ try to convert using int64 as intermediate value.
  • big.IntintX, uintX, floatX ⇒ convert using big.Int.Int64 and big.Int.SetUint64.
  • big.Intstring ⇒ converts using big.Int.String and big.Int.SetString.
  • big.Int[]byte ⇒ converts using big.Int.Bytes and big.Int.SetBytes.
  • big.Intbig.Float ⇒ coverts using big.Float.Int and big.Float.SetInt.
  • big.FloatintX, uintX ⇒ convert using big.Float.Int64 and big.Float.SetUint64.
  • big.FloatfloatX ⇒ convert using big.Float.Float64 and big.Float.SetFloat64.
  • big.Floatstring ⇒ converts to or from string using big.Float.String and big.Float.SetString.
  • big.Ratstring ⇒ converts to or from string using big.Rat.String and big.Rat.SetString.
  • big.Ratbig.Float ⇒ converts using big.Float.SetRat and big.Float.Rat.
  • big.Ratslice, [2]array ⇒ convert first element to/from numerator and second to/form denominator.
  • big.Ratother ⇒ try to convert using big.Float as intermediate value.

Mapping will fail if the target type is not large enough to hold the source value. For example, mapping int64 to int8 may fail because int64 can store values larger than int8.

When mapping numbers from a byte slice or array, the length of the slice/array must be the same as the size of the variable in bytes. The size of int, uint is always considered as 64 bits.

The mapper will not overwrite the values in the destination if they do not have corresponding values in the source. For slices, if the destination slice is longer than the source slice, the extra elements will remain unchanged.

When using the mapper to convert values to interface types, it will attempt to use existing elements in the destination if possible. For example, mapping []int{1, 2} to []any{"", 0} will result in []any{"1", 2}, allowing to easily assign values to a specific implementation of an interface.

Mapping structures

Structures are treated by mapper as key-value maps. The mapper will try to map recursively every field of the source structure to the corresponding field of the destination structure or map.

Field names can be overridden with a tag (whose name is defined in Mapper.Tag, default is map).

As a special case, if the field tag is "-", the field is always omitted.

If the tag is not set, struct field names will be mapped using the Mapper.FieldNameMapper function.

Tags can be defined for both source and target structures. In this case, the names used in the tags must be the same for both structures.

If destination structure has fields that are not present in the source structure, the mapper will set zero values for those fields.

Strict types

If Context.StrictTypes is set to true, strict type checking will be enforced for the mapping process. This means that the source and destination types must be exactly the same for the mapping to be successful. However, mapping between different data structures, such as structstruct, structmap and mapmap is always allowed. If the destination type is an empty interface, the source value will be assigned to it regardless of the strict type check setting.

Additionally, the strict type check applies to custom types as well. For example, a custom type type MyInt int will not be treated as int anymore.

Custom mapping functions

If it is not possible to implement the above interfaces, custom mapping functions can be registered with the Mapper.Mapper map. The keys of this map are the types of the destination or source values, and the values are functions that return a MapFunc function that can map the source value to the destination value.

If the function returns a nil value, it means that the mapping is not possible. If both the source and destination types are registered, the source type will be used first. If it returns a nil value, the destination type will be used. If neither of them returns a nil value, the mapping will fail.

MapTo and MapFrom interfaces:

This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, set Mapper.Hooks to Mapper.MappingInterfaceHooks.

The go-anymapper package provides two interfaces that can be implemented by the source and destination types to customize the mapping process.

If the source value implements MapTo interface, the MapTo method will be used to map the source value to the destination value.

If the destination value implements MapFrom interface, the MapFrom method will be used to map the source value to the destination value.

If both source and destination values implement the MapTo and MapFrom interfaces then only MapTo will be used.

Default mapper instance

The package defines the default mapper instance Default that is used by Map and MapRefl functions. It is possible to change configuration of the default mapper, but it may affect other packages that use the default mapper. To avoid this, it is recommended to create a new instance of the mapper using the New method.


Mapping between simple types

package main

import (


func main() {
	var a int = 42
	var b string

	err := anymapper.Map(a, &b)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println(b) // "42"

Mapping between structure and map

package main

import (


type Data struct {
	Foo int `map:"bar"`
	Bar int `map:"foo"`

func main() {
	a := Data{Foo: 42, Bar: 1337}
	b := make(map[string]uint64)

	err := anymapper.Map(a, &b)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println(b) // map[bar:42 foo:1337]

MapFrom and MapTo interfaces

package main

import (


type Val struct {
	X *big.Int

func (v *Val) MapFrom(m *anymapper.Mapper, x reflect.Value) error {
	return m.Map(x.Interface(), &v.X)

func (v *Val) MapTo(m *anymapper.Mapper, x reflect.Value) error {
	if v.X == nil {
		return m.Map(0, x.Addr().Interface())
	return m.Map(v.X, x.Addr().Interface())

func main() {
	var a int = 42
	var b Val
	// Enable MapTo and MapFrom interfaces:
	anymapper.Default.Hooks = anymapper.MappingInterfaceHooks

	err := anymapper.Map(a, &b)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println(b.X.String()) // "42"

Custom mapping function

package main

import (


type Val struct {
	X *big.Int

func main() {
	var a int = 42
	var b Val

	typ := reflect.TypeOf(Val{})
	anymapper.Default.Mappers[typ] = func(m *anymapper.Mapper, src, dst reflect.Type) anymapper.MapFunc {
		if src == typ {
			return func(m *anymapper.Mapper, _ *anymapper.Context, src, dst reflect.Value) error {
				return m.MapRefl(src.FieldByName("X"), dst)
		if dst == typ {
			return func(m *anymapper.Mapper, _ *anymapper.Context, src, dst reflect.Value) error {
				return m.MapRefl(src, reflect.ValueOf(&dst.Addr().Interface().(*Val).X))
		return nil

	err := anymapper.Map(a, &b)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println(b.X.String()) // "42"


Following benchmarks compare the performance of the go-anymapper package with the mapstructure package.

package main

import (


func Benchmark(b *testing.B) {
	type Object struct {
		A string
		B int
		C []string
		D []any
		E map[string]string
	b.Run("anymapper/map-struct", func(b *testing.B) {
		for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
			input := map[string]interface{}{
				"A": "a",
				"B": 1,
				"C": []string{"a", "b", "c"},
				"D": []any{1, "2", 3.0},
				"E": map[string]string{"a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c"},
			var result Object
			err := anymapper.Map(input, &result)
			if err != nil {
	b.Run("anymapper/struct-map", func(b *testing.B) {
		for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
			input := Object{
				A: "a",
				B: 1,
				C: []string{"a", "b", "c"},
				D: []any{1, "2", 3.0},
				E: map[string]string{"a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c"},
			var result map[string]any
			err := anymapper.Map(input, &result)
			if err != nil {
	b.Run("mapstructure/map-struct", func(b *testing.B) {
		for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
			input := map[string]interface{}{
				"A": "a",
				"B": 1,
				"C": []string{"a", "b", "c"},
				"D": []any{1, "2", 3.0},
				"E": map[string]string{"a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c"},
			var result Object
			err := mapstructure.Decode(input, &result)
			if err != nil {
	b.Run("mapstructure/struct-map", func(b *testing.B) {
		for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
			input := Object{
				A: "a",
				B: 1,
				C: []string{"a", "b", "c"},
				D: []any{1, "2", 3.0},
				E: map[string]string{"a": "a", "b": "b", "c": "c"},
			var result map[string]any
			err := mapstructure.Decode(input, &result)
			if err != nil {


BenchmarK/anymapper/map-struct         	  972992	      1174 ns/op
Benchmark/anymapper/struct-map         	  903348	      1311 ns/op
BenchmarK/mapstructure/map-struct      	  339668	      3501 ns/op
Benchmark/mapstructure/struct-map      	 1354458	      889.5 ns/op



The Go package that can map anything into anything.







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