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@yasserf yasserf released this 10 Jul 17:47
· 764 commits to master since this release

[1.0.0] - 2016-07-10


Merge Conflict Resolution #4

Users can now set a global and per record merge strategy. This allows the application to respond to VERSION_EXISTS and use a REMOTE_WINS, LOCAL_WINS or a custom merge strategy


const client = deepstream( 'localhost:6020', {
    mergeStrategy: deepstream.MERGE_STRATEGIES.REMOTE_WINS


const record = client.record.getRecord( 'user/1' )
record.setMergeStrategy( ( record, remoteValue, remoteVersion, callback ) => {
  callback( null, remoteValue )
} )


Connection Redirects

deepstream protocol now has a connection establishment handshake that allows the client to be redirected to another deepstream before requesting/publishing data

Record deletes #111

Users can now delete content within records by setting it to undefined

record.set( path, undefined )
Reduced client size #75

Client size bundle has been reduced by not including mocks for the tcp connection

Discard/Delete only on ready #94

Record discards and deletes now get called after when ready, which makes the API cleaner


record = client.record.getRecord( 'user1' )
record.set( 'name', 'bob' )
record.onReady( () => {


record = client.record.getRecord( 'user1' )
  .set( 'name', 'bob' )
Exposed Constants

You can now access constants on deepstream

// on the constructor
const C = deepstream.CONSTANTS;
// and instance
const client = deepstream( 'localhost:6020' )

Breaking Changes

Login callback

The login callback now only takes two arguments instead of three. This is to make it easier for the user to send their own custom data from an authentication hander or when using the http authentication handler

client.login( {}, ( success, data ) => {
  if( success ) {
    // data is meta data associated with user session
    // or null
  } else {
    // data is error message or custom error object
    // with reason why or null
} )
EngineIO Default Path

We now use deepstream instead of as the default engineio path

Bug Fixes

  • Login after logout doesn't overide auth parameters #88
  • Deepstream not updating object properties #96 ( @drsirmrpresidentfathercharles )