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Warning I am sorry to say that as of June 28 2023, DecaUI is no longer actively maintained.

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DecaUI provides a set of accessible and customizable React components that make it make it easy to quickly prototype and develop stunning websites.

Getting Started

npm install @deca-ui/react

Using a component

Here is a simple example of a basic app using DecaUI's Button component

import { Button } from '@deca-ui/react';

function App() {
  return <Button variant="solid">Hello World</Button>;

What's so different about DecaUI

With DecaUI, developers can use the centralized theming system anywhere within their application with shorthand names for css properties.

Custom CSS with other UI libraries

<Box sx={{
  marginRight: "2rem",
  marginLeft: "2rem",
  marginTop: "2rem",
  marginBottom: "2rem"
  <Input placeholder="Email Address" />
  <Input placeholder="Password" />
  <Button sx={{ 
    width: "100%"
  }}>Create Account</Button>

Custom CSS with DecaUI

<Box css={{ m: "md" }}>
  <Input placeholder="Email Address" />
  <Input placeholder="Password" />
  <Button maxWidth>Create Account</Button>

Our focus is consistancy

The main problem with other UI libraries is that it's confusing to create consistant webpage layouts with them. DecaUI allows developers to utilize a root theme object which serves properties following the System UI specification.