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v1.21.1: Bug and minor fixes

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@rfay rfay released this 17 Aug 21:29
· 1132 commits to master since this release

I apologize that I typoed the version number of this point release. It was supposed to be v1.20.1, and I put in v1.21.1, but it's too hard to call it back from all the places it went without jeopardizing version comparisons in all the places in the future, so I guess we'll leave it alone.

Can't start project: "the configured database type does not match the current actual database"

If you see

Failed to start : Unable to start project because the configured database type does not match the current actual database. Please change your database type back to “” and start again

(note the 'change your database type back to “”')

It most likely means you had a database from pre-v1.19.0, that didn't ever get upgraded. You can solve this problem by either: ddev delete and re-import:

  1. Have a backup or snapshot.
  2. ddev delete -Oy
  3. ddev start and import-db or restore snapshot.

or by using this tiny script. See #4129: 1.21.1 - Can't start project: "the configured database type does not match the current actual database"

or by using DDEV HEAD, with homebrew this would be brew unlink ddev && brew install --HEAD --fetch-head ddev

Failed to start project: "name' does not match any of the regexes: '^x-'"

DDEV v1.21.1 no longer supports docker-compose v1, so you are using docker-compose v1 somehow. To fix this, ddev config global --required-docker-compose-version="" --use-docker-compose-from-path=false


  • A few yarn 3+ users had trouble with ddev start on particular projects due to a change in the cache configuration. That's fixed here.
  • In v1.20.0+, the default behavior ofconfig.*.yaml is to merge instead of just overwriting other values. However, there were those of you counting on the ability to override, or to clear values, and that is now possible using the override_config: true in the config.*.yaml that needs to override instead of merging. See docs.
  • New commands ddev debug check-db-match, ddev debug get-volume-db-version, and ddev debug migrate-database. ddev debug migrate-database can actually attempt a migration of MariaDB or MySQL databased between various versions, but it won't normally work with MySQL 8.0 as the source type.
  • Special thanks to @mikesnoeren for super-important work on the docs, including navigation, accessibility, and overall presentation.


See the installation instructions for details, but it's easy:

  • macOS: brew install drud/ddev/ddev or just brew upgrade drud/ddev/ddev ). (You may need a brew update for homebrew to find the new release.).
  • Traditional Windows: Use choco upgrade -y ddev, or download the ddev_windows_installer below.
  • Linux or WSL2 (macOS works too): Use apt install ddev or apt upgrade ddev see apt/yum installation or use the curl -fsSL | bash
  • And anywhere, you can just download the tarball or zipball, untar or unzip it, and place the executable in your $PATH where it belongs.
  • Consider ddev delete images or ddev delete images --all after upgrading to free up disk space used by previous docker image versions. This does no harm.

Minor changes

  • Support for docker-compose v1 is removed, as it's not compatible with a number of current features. Remember that DDEV doesn't actually care what version of docker-compose you have on your system, or even if you have it there, because it downloads its own version and puts it in ~/.ddev/bin/docker-compose.
  • Mutagen bumps to v0.15.1. Again, you don't need to download it, install it, or care what version it is, because DDEV downloads the required version to ~/.ddev/bin.
  • ddev start now checks on startup to see if the existing database binary information is compatible with the configured database version and fails if it is not the same.
  • In v1.20.0, ddev get auto-started the project, and it doesn't do that for now.
  • Improved
  • Fixed a bug where the ddev-dbserver never timed out when being started with the wrong database type.
  • Added the environment variable DDEV_VERSION inside the container.


  • The new behavior of merging config.yaml and config.*.yaml may affect some projects, but it also opens many new possibilities and resolves a number of workaround issues. Use overwrite_config: true in the config.*.yaml that you want to have overwrite instead of merge features, see docs.

What's Changed

  • [DOCS] Fix tabs for drupal section on the quickstart page by @mikesnoeren in #4084
  • [docs] Mention home directory requirement for colima by @rfay in #4086
  • [docs] Add using curl and diagnosing DNS rebinding to troubleshooting by @rfay in #4085
  • [docs] Fix bad formatting in platform by @rfay in #4087
  • Bump rojopolis/spellcheck-github-actions from 0.25.0 to 0.26.0 by @dependabot in #4093
  • Bump actions/setup-python from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0 by @dependabot in #4092
  • Provide DDEV_VERSION env variable in container by @cmuench in #4080
  • [tests only] Bump colima caches again by @rfay in #4094
  • Don't use docker-compose to wait for db container to become healthy by @rfay in #4095
  • Make yarn cachedir setting dependent on version, fixes #4088 by @rfay in #4090
  • Try to fix golangci-lint crash with update by @rfay in #4101
  • [docs] Fix code highlighting in docs performance page by @mikesnoeren in #4097
  • Fix broken [skip ci] by @rfay in #4103
  • [docs] fix colima installation step 2 by @mikesnoeren in #4102
  • [tests only] Try to sort out colima test failures in startup by @rfay in #4111
  • Improve and ddev debug test by using docroot and adding more docker info [skip ci] by @rfay in #4110
  • Check database type, allow migration, fixes #4089, fixes #3923 by @rfay in #4105
  • Update platform integration documentation by @bserem in #4106
  • [tests only] Improve to work on Windows [skip ci] by @rfay in #4116
  • [docs] Add info about installing the windows sdk etc by @rfay in #4115
  • [tests only] Attempt to chase Windows NFS homeadditions failure by @rfay in #4104
  • [docs] Add info about mutagen windows and settings things executable, fixes #4108 by @rfay in #4117
  • Bump mutagen to 0.15.1 by @rfay in #4121
  • Fix GetDBImage, improve RemoveVolume() and RemoveImage() by @rfay in #4120
  • [docs] Improve doc readability by changing the theme and style by @mikesnoeren in #4009
  • [docs] Minor changes to Colima installation by @rfay in #4123
  • Remove support for docker-compose v1, Include 'name' in compose-yaml so PhpStorm doesn't have to specify it by @rfay in #4124
  • Allow overriding config in config.*.yaml using override_config: true, fixes #4100, fixes #4079, fixes #4099 by @rfay in #4118

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.20.0...v1.21.1