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Muck analyses dependencies between "components" in your Swift projects.


You can specify what constitutes a "component" using the granularity option. By default this is module meaning each Swift module will be considered a separate component. If you only have a single module (as is common), you can change this to folder, file, or type depending on how organised your source code is.

Running Muck

OVERVIEW: A dependency analyser for Swift projects

USAGE: muck <options>

  --granularity, -g
                    How to group components [type|file|folder|module] (defaults to module)
  --ignoreExterns, -i
                    Ignore dependencies external to specified modules
  --modules, -m     The modules to analyse (required)
  --project, -p     The Xcode project (specify either workspace or project but not both)
  --reports, -r     One or more reports to produce on stdout [decl|dep|dotdep|compclean|sysclean] (defaults to all)
  --scheme, -s      The Xcode scheme (required if workspace is specified)
  --target, -t      The Xcode target (permitted if project is specified)
  --verbose, -v     Verbose logging
  --workspace, -w   The Xcode workspace (specify either workspace or project but not both)
  --help            Display available options

You need to provide an Xcode workspace or project and the scheme you want to build for analysis. You also need to provide the list of Swift modules making up your project. In simple cases where you're building everything into a single app, this will probably just be the name of your app, but in cases where you have divided your code into separate frameworks, you'll need to include the names of those too.

Muck will then build your project and output some reports.

Common scenarios

You've got a simple iOS app with all your code organised into folders

muck -p MyApp.xcodeproj -s MyApp -m MyApp -i -g folder

You have all your code in one folder

Muck is less useful in this case since it will have to consider each file to be a component which can be a bit noisy:

muck -p MyApp.xcodeproj -s MyApp -m MyApp -i -g file

You have a complex project with many separate frameworks

muck -w MyApp.xcworkspace -s MyApp -m MyApp Entity Network Service Utility Wireframe -i -g module

You want to see a visualisation of the dependencies

Muck can output a Graphviz dot format report which you can visualise with dot. This requires Graphviz to be installed.

muck -p MyApp.xcodeproj -s MyApp -m MyApp -i -g folder -r dotdep | dot -Tpdf -o deps.pdf


Some of Muck's reports are about "cleanliness" in the sense defined by Uncle Bob in his Clean Architecture book. You can use Muck to find how far your components deviate from the main sequence.



A command line tool to analyse dependencies in your Swift projects






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