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Version 0.4.16

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@tamarrow-zz tamarrow-zz released this 24 Feb 00:35
· 677 commits to master since this release

FEATURE: --private-ip option for dcos node ssh
FEATURE: --proxy-ip option for dcos node ssh
FEATURE: only request with DC/OS Auth if request is to DC/OS cluster
FEATURE: use metadata endpoint to determine logs source
FEATURE: update supported version to python3.5 (from 3.4)
FEATURE: default core.dcos_url scheme to https
FEATURE: show environment variable overrides in dcos config show
FEATURE: update log entry format
FEATURE: improve error message for dcos task exec
FEATURE: improve error message for dcos task log
FEATURE: improve readability in package commands
FEATURE: improve packagemanager error message when minimum requirement is not met
FEATURE: improve packagemanager error message when config variable missing
FIX: flush stdoout after print
FIX: allow read-only permissions when enforcing file permissions
FIX: bugs in dcos task exec
FIX: update HTTP headers for dcos task exec based on Mesos changes
FIX: --leader flag for dcos-log
FIX: handle clusters with no auth
FIX: grammar in help text
TEST: cleanup redundant test files
TEST: use template url instead of template name
