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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 15, 2021. It is now read-only.


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* Microsoft.NET 4 Framework
* Visual Studio 2010
* Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 2 for Windows Desktop.
It can be downloaded from here:

Install the x86 version of SQL Compact 3.5 SP2 (SSCERuntime_x86-ENU.exe)

Installation Instructions

* Run the script SETENV.ps1 from powershell (reopen the shell for the settings to take effect)
* open the solution Seal.sln in VS 2010
* build the solution
* Run the script CREATEDB.ps1 (this could take several minutes)
* Check the installation by running the testsuites "BasicTests" and "LibTests" using VS 2010.


* CREATEDB.ps1 analyses the "mscorlib", "system", "system.core" dlls of the .NET4 framwork. 
By default it uses the directory "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\". 
The user can change the paths of the above dlls if necessary.

* Some of the tests in the test suite "LibTests" may fail due to the differences in 
the .NET version used during the development and the one installed in the user end.

See the tutorial in the project homepage for more information about the tool.

Running Source-Sink or Cast Analysis Utility from Console

See the for a sample usage.
The input via the console includes the DLL file to be analyzed and the type of analysis ("sourcesinkanalysis" or "castanalysis"). If the type of analysis is not specified, it will run the default Side-Effect Analysis.

Depending on the analysis, the following parameters must also be stated:

SourceSink Analysis Parameters:
* Source File Name
* Source Line Number
* Sink File Name
* Sink Line Number
* Entry Function

Cast Analysis Parameters:
* Cast File Name
* Cast Line Number
* Entry Function

To display progress and logging, set the "DumpProgressToConsole" in configs/sourcesink.config to true.

Using the plugin for Source-Sink or Cast Analysis

Install the plugin using the "SourceSinkPackage.vsix" in the PlugIn Folder.
After the installation, a menu which contains the required analysis commands should be available when right clicking in the editor.
P.S. The plugin contains some bugs which will be removed soon.


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