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A php extension which wraps TagLib for tagging MP3, OGG, and FLAC audio files (php5 only...)

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A php extension which wraps TagLib.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation/Configuration
  3. A note on Errors and Exceptions
API Reference
  1. TagLib
  2. TagLibFLAC
  3. TagLibMPEG
  4. TagLibOGG
Known Issues
  1. On ID3v2 and FLAC...
  2. Bitrates returned by getAudioProperties()



At first I wanted to make a full-fledged, 1:1 extension to the entire TagLib API for php, similar to Perl's Audio::TagLib. swig can probably accomplish such a thing, but is too ambitious a task and not really necessary for what I need at this time.

Present Day

This extension aims to provide a unified, quasi-lowlevel interface to audio file metadata tagging:

  • for MP3, OGG, and FLAC files only
  • getters and setters for the actual tags in a file
    • using their actual field names rather than any abstractions.
  • common, consistent parameters and naming in the interface whereever possible
    • for example, all embedded picture data is required to be set and returned as base64 encoded data

This extension is meant to be used to:

  • extract all metadata from an audio file in a single operation
  • remove all metadata from an audio file * in a single operation
  • write a complete set of metadata to an audio file in a single operation

The user is free to implement abstractions on top of this extension on their own, in PHP.

* See On ID3v2 and FLAC...

linux only at the moment (not tested on BSD or OSX, or anything else for that matter)

PHP5 only at the moment

no support for PHP7 planned yet (different extension API)

no support for HHVM planned yet (way different extension API)

no support for windows planned ever

this is very much a proof-of-concept, work-in-progress, no-warranty-guaranteed, use-at-your-risk, here-be-dragons, no-good-very-bad, you-might-not-need, considered-harmful, disclaimer-of-damages-notwithstanding, etc, etc

don't use this if you're not ready to break fast and move stuff.

If you know C++ and/or have familiarity with the TagLib API and/or the PHP Extension API in addition to knowing PHP please consider contributing :3


  1. gcc, g++, cmake, etc
  2. taglib
  3. php
  4. any prerequisites thereof


  1. get taglib v.1.9.1 and compile
  • please see the README and installation instructions included with their release.
  1. get the source code for your current php version by either:
  1. extract the files

  2. cd /path/to/php-source-code/ext/

  3. git clone

  4. cd taglib-php

  5. edit and change the following text:

  6. /usr/local/include/taglib to where the taglib .h files maybe found.

    • (if you don't know, something like sudo find / -name "tstringlist.h" might help)
    • sudo find /usr -name "tstringlist.h" might be faster
  7. /usr/local/lib/php/modules to where your php extension directory is

    • see extension_dir in your php.ini
    • php -i from CLI and <?php phpinfo(); ?> from a web script might also be really useful.
  8. run ./ --no-tests

    • this script will attempt to copy the built module to the extension directory you already specified, if you get a password prompt that's because it's doing exactly this:
  9. sudo cp -R modules/* /path/to/extension_dir

  10. add to your php.ini

  11. be sure to restart apache2 (for mod_php) or restart php5-fpm if you're using that.

To Run Tests:

From taglib-php directory

$ cd test
$ php -f taglib-php-tests.php | less -r

Please note that all audio files included with the test suite are 1 second clips of silence.

It may be advantageous to test this extension against actual audio files of a typical length with actual tags.

To add additional audio files to run against, you'll need the following utilities:
# apt-get install flac vorbis-tools sox libsox-dev libsox-fmt-all libsox-fmt-mp3 mp3info id3v2 oggz-tools

(names of packages in debian, might be different for your platform, don't know where the source to all of these individually are)

Then, from taglib-php/test directory

$ cp /path/to/some.mp3 testfiles/
$ cp /path/to/some.ogg testfiles/
$ # and so on..., then:
$ php -f generate-taglib-php-tests.json.php > taglib-php-tests.json

If contributing back, please don't include any of your own audio files or a modified taglib-php-tests.json file with your pull request...

To Write Tests:

From taglib-php/test:

$ cd testcases
$ ls

Pick a file at random and prepare for eyebleed.

PHP Errors

The methods provided by this extension will issue PHP errors of level E_WARNING and return FALSE by default if they encounter an error.

It is therefore recommended that you have error_reporting visible in your development environment in order to view the error messages during development, e.g:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

The one exception to this being class constructors, which will throw Exception *

It is therefore recommended that you wrap class constructors in a try-catch block, e.g:

try {
	$t = new TagLibMPEG($path_to_mp3);
} catch(Exception $e) {
	echo "Whoops! That wasn't a valid file!\n", $e->getMessage();

* because this is the only way I found to return NULL from a class constructor in a PHP extension. (RETURN_NULL does nothing as far as I can tell...)

Segmentation fault

Also, please be aware that there is the very real possiblity of Segmentation fault errors occuring.

It is a high priority of mine to fix these programming errors (which are entirely my fault) but they may be hard to detect for the casual PHP user who has come to expect not running into segfaults during development.

Segmentation faults will bring down the entire running PHP process immediately regardless of any preventative measures taken.

The only indication that a Segmentation fault has occurred will be in the error log for your webserver*, or from stderr if you're using php-cli.

* maybe php-fpm has its own error log as well idk...

Please file a bug report for any Segmentation faults you come across thank you very much.

  • If the extension works for you except that you come across this in some PHP code you wrote, please include in your report a complete PHP script which will reliably (as in, always) reproduce the Segmentation fault.
  • If you can't load the extension, or the Segmentation fault occurs outside PHP userspace, a description will suffice.

You should be able to debug cli php scripts using gdb (GNU Debugger) because the build script provided should include debugging symbols.

$ gdb php
(gdb) set args -f /path/to/some.php
(gdb) run
(gdb) bt

Or something.


If you have OCD about overly bloated binaries, you can use strip

Really just a container for the Predefined Constants.

NOTE: The other classes in this extension: TagLibFLAC, TagLibMPEG, and TagLibOGG do not inherit from, extend from, implement anything from or in any other way relate to this class. All of these classes exposed to the PHP userspace are distinct, independent entities.

For use with get/set ID3v2 functions in this extension:

see also TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame::Type in attachedpictureframe.h

TagLib::APIC_OTHER              = 0x00
TagLib::APIC_FILEICON           = 0x01
TagLib::APIC_OTHERFILEICON      = 0x02
TagLib::APIC_FRONTCOVER         = 0x03
TagLib::APIC_BACKCOVER          = 0x04
TagLib::APIC_LEAFLETPAGE        = 0x05
TagLib::APIC_MEDIA              = 0x06
TagLib::APIC_LEADARTIST         = 0x07
TagLib::APIC_ARTIST             = 0x08
TagLib::APIC_CONDUCTOR          = 0x09
TagLib::APIC_BAND               = 0x0A
TagLib::APIC_COMPOSER           = 0x0B
TagLib::APIC_LYRICIST           = 0x0C
TagLib::APIC_COLOUREDFISH       = 0x11
TagLib::APIC_ILLUSTRATION       = 0x12
TagLib::APIC_BANDLOGO           = 0x13
TagLib::APIC_PUBLISHERLOGO      = 0x14


Convenience method to turn the integers into their respective strings.

public static getPictureTypeAsString(int $type)


type - one of the above Predefined Constants

Return Values

A string representation of the associated constant, with each word Capitalized.

Returns FALSE if $type is not an int or is not in the range 0..20.


// example usage
echo TagLib::getPictureTypeAsString(TagLib::APIC_FRONTCOVER); // "Front Cover"

class TagLibFLAC {
    public __construct( string $filename )
    public array getAudioProperties( void )
    public bool hasID3v1( void )
    public bool|array getID3v1( void )
    //public bool|array setID3v1( array $frames ) // disabled, always returns false
    public bool hasID3v2( void )
    public bool|array getID3v2( void )
    //public bool setID3v2( array $frames ) // disabled, always returns false
    public bool hasXiphComment( void )
    public array getXiphComment( void )
    public bool setXiphComment( array $newProperties[, bool $overwrite_existing_tags = TRUE ])
    public bool hasPicture( void )
    public array getPictures( void )
    public bool setPicture( array $arr )
    public bool stripTags( void )


Attempts to open the file path provided by $filename.

public __construct( string $filename )


filename - the file to open, must be a valid FLAC file and php must have read and write permissions for the file.


Throws Exception on error.

Return Values

Returns a new TagLibFLAC object on success or NULL on failure.


// example usage
try {
	$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
    echo "File is open and ready for reading/writing tags!";
} catch(Exception $e) {
	echo "Something happened.\n", $e->getMessage();


Get information about the FLAC file.

public array getAudioProperties( void )



Return Values

An array with the following keys and possible values:

  • length - int duration of audio in seconds
  • bitrate - int bitrate of audio in kilobits per second (kbps)
  • sampleRate - int sample rate of audio in Hz
  • channels - int number of audio channels (mono = 1, stereo = 2, ...)
  • sampleWidth - int bits per sample of audio
  • sampleFrames - int number of frames in audio


// example usage
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
 * Array
 * (
 *	[length] => 1,
 *	[bitrate] => 107,
 *	[sampleRate] => 44100,
 *	[channels] => 2,
 *	[sampleWidth] => 16,
 *	[sampleFrames] => 44100
 * )


Check whether file on disk has ID3v1 tag.

public bool hasID3v1( void )



Return Values

TRUE if file has an ID3v1 tag, FALSE otherwise.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
if($t->hasID3v1()) {
	// do stuff


If the file on disk has an ID3v1 tag, get the ID3v1 tag as an associative array.

public bool|array getID3v1( void )



Return Values

Returns an associative array of string frameIDs as keys and their string values.

Returns FALSE if file does not have an ID3v1 tag.

Also returns FALSE on failure.

See also and wikipedia for more information about ID3v1.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file_with_id3v1_tag.flac');
 * Array
 * (
 * 	[ALBUM] => album,
 * 	[ARTIST] => artist,
 * 	[COMMENT] => comment,
 * 	[DATE] => 2000,
 * 	[GENRE] => New Age,
 * 	[TITLE] => title,
 * 	[TRACKNUMBER] => 99
 * )

Always returns FALSE. Don't use.

See also On ID3v2 and FLAC...


Check whether file on disk has ID3v2 tag.

public bool hasID3v2( void )



Return Values

TRUE if file has an ID3v2 tag, FALSE otherwise.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
if($t->hasID3v2()) {
	// do stuff


If the file on disk has an ID3v2 tag, get the ID3v2 tag as an associative array.

public bool|array getID3v2( void )



Return Values

Returns an associative array of string frameIDs as keys and their string values.

Returns FALSE if file does not have an ID3v2 tag.

Also returns FALSE on failure.

See also and wikipedia for more information about ID3v2.


Always returns FALSE. Don't use.

See also On ID3v2 and FLAC...


Check whether file on disk has a XiphComment.

public bool hasXiphComment( void )



Return Values

TRUE if the file has a XiphComment, FALSE otherwise.

FALSE on failure


// example usage
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
if($t->hasXiphComment()) {
	// do stuff


If the file on disk has a XiphComment, gets it as an associative array.

public bool|array getXiphComment( void )



Return Values

Returns an associative array of string field names as keys and their string values.

Returns FALSE if file does not have a XiphComment

Also returns FALSE on failure.

See also and for more information about FLAC metadata tags.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
 * Array
 * (
 * 	[ALBUM] => album,
 * 	[ARTIST] => artist,
 * 	[COMMENT] => comment,
 * 	[DATE] => 2000,
 * 	[GENRE] => New Age,
 * 	[TITLE] => title,
 * 	[TRACKNUMBER] => 99
 * )


Writes new entries to the XiphComment in the file on disk.

public bool setXiphComment( array $newProperties[, bool $overwrite_existing_tags = TRUE ])


  • newProperties - associative array argument of string field names as keys and string new values
  • ovewrite_existing_tags - boolean whether to overwrite (TRUE) or append to (FALSE) existing tags.

I can't stress enough that $overwrite_existing_tags = FALSE is a bad idea.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
 * Array(
 * 	[TITLE] => something
 * )
$t->setXiphComment(['TITLE' => 'new title'])
 * Array(
 * 	[TITLE] => new title
 * )

// $overwrite_existing_tags = FALSE is a bad idea, here's what it would do:
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
 * Array(
 * 	[TITLE] => new title
 * )
$t->setXiphComment(['TITLE' => 'new title'], false)
 * Array(
 * 	[TITLE] => new title new title
 * )
// see? absolutely useless.


Check if the file on disk has a METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE.

public bool hasPicture( void )



Return Values

Returns TRUE if there is a


// example usage


Please note the "s" in getPictures (it's plural not singular)

Returns a numerically indexed array of all METADATA_BLOCK_PICTUREs in the file on disk.

public array getPictures( void )



Return Values

If the file has no pictures, it returns an empty array ([]).

Otherwise it's a numerically indexed array of associative arrays with the following values:

  • data - string base64 encoded data of the picture
  • mime - string mimetype of the picture
  • type - int one of the APIC_* constants, see Predefined Constants
  • desc - string short description (think "caption") of the picture


$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
if($t->hasPicture()) {
	$pictures = $t->getPictures();
    foreach($pictures as $index => $picture) {
    	$ext = '';
    	switch($picture['mime']) {
        case 'image/jpeg':
        case 'image/jpg':
        	$ext = '.jpg';
        case 'image/png':
        	$ext = '.png';
        // add more mimetype support here, for TIFF or GIF or whatever
        // most images will be JPEG or PNG however
        	echo "Unsupported mimetype {$picture['mime']}!!\n";
        $filename = "picture_$index$ext";
        file_put_contents($filename, base64_decode($picture['data']));
        // should find your image in e.g. picture_0.jpg
        echo "Wrote ", TagLib::getPictureTypeAsString($picture['type']), " image to ", $filename, "\n";


Writes a METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE to the file on disk.

public bool setPicture( array $arr )


arr - an associative array with the following fields:

  • data required - string base64 encoded image data to write
  • mime required - string mimetype of associated image
  • type (optional) - int one of the APIC_* constants, see Predefined Constants
  • desc (optional) - string short description (think "caption") of the picture

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
$success = $t->setPicture([
	'data' => base64_encode(file_get_contents('my_image.jpg')),
    'mime' => 'image/jpg',
    'type' => TagLib::APIC_FRONTCOVER,
    'desc' => 'sunset on my rooftop last summer'
if($success) {
	echo "Wrote image to file successfully.\n";
} else {
	echo "Something happened.\n";


Attempts to remove all metadata tags from file.

See also On ID3v2 and FLAC...

public bool stripTags( void )



Return Values

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

May return true and FAIL to remove tags from file, see also On ID3v2 and FLAC...


// example usage
$t = TagLibFLAC('file.flac');
if( $t->hasXiphComment() && !($t->hasID3v1() || $t->hasID3v2()) )
    assert($t->hasXiphComment() === false);
} else {
	// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

class TagLibMPEG {
    public __construct( string $filename )
    public array getAudioProperties( void )
    public bool hasID3v1( void )
    public bool|array getID3v1( void )
    public bool|array setID3v1( array $frames )
    public bool hasID3v2( void )
    public bool|array getID3v2( void )
    public bool setID3v2( array $frames )
    public bool stripTags( void )


Attempts to open the file path provided by $filename.

public __construct( string $filename )


filename - the file to open, must be a valid MP3 file and php must have read and write permissions for the file.

May work just fine with other MPEG types (.mpeg, .mp2, etc) but this is untested.


Throws Exception on error.

Return Values

Returns a new TagLibMPEG object on success, NULL on failure.


// example usage
try {
	$t = new TagLibMPEG('file.mp3');
    echo "File is open and ready for reading/writing tags!";
} catch(Exception $e) {
	echo "Something happened.\n", $e->getMessage();


Get information about the MP3 file.

public array getAudioProperties( void )



Return Values

An array with the following keys and possible values:

  • length - int duration of audio in seconds
  • bitrate - int bitrate of audio in kilobits per second (kbps)
  • sampleRate - int samplerate of audio in Hz
  • channels - int number of audio channels (mono = 1, stereo = 2, ...)
  • version - string one of the following possible values:
    • "MPEG Version 1"
    • "MPEG Version 2"
    • "MPEG Version 2.5"
    • "Unknown"
  • channelMode- string one of the following possible values:
    • "Mono"
    • "Dual Mono"
    • "Stereo"
    • "Unknown"
  • layer - int, e.g. MP3 is MPEG layer 3
  • protectionEnabled - bool
  • isCopyrighted - bool
  • isOriginal - bool


// example usage
$t = new TagLibMPEG('file.mp3');
 * Array
 * (
 * 	[length] => 1234,
 * 	[bitrate] => 320,
 * 	[sampleRate] => 44100,
 * 	[channels] => 2,
 * 	[version] => MPEG Version 1,
 * 	[channelMode] => Stereo,
 * 	[layer] => 3
 * 	[protectionEnabled] =>
 * 	[isCopyrighted] =>
 * 	[isOriginal] => 1
 * )


Check whether file on disk has ID3v1 tag.

public bool hasID3v1( void )



Return Values

TRUE if file has an ID3v1 tag, FALSE otherwise.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibMPEG('file.mp3');
if($t->hasID3v1()) {
	// do stuff


If the file on disk has an ID3v1 tag, get the ID3v1 tag as an associative array.

public bool|array getID3v1( void )



Return Values

Returns an associative array of string frameIDs as keys and their string values.

Returns FALSE if file does not have an ID3v1 tag.

Also returns FALSE on failure.

See also and wikipedia for more information about ID3v1.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibMPEG('file_with_id3v1_tag.mp3');
 * Array
 * (
 * 	[ALBUM] => album,
 * 	[ARTIST] => artist,
 * 	[COMMENT] => comment,
 * 	[DATE] => 2000,
 * 	[GENRE] => New Age,
 * 	[TITLE] => title,
 * 	[TRACKNUMBER] => 99
 * )


Write ID3v1 tag fields to file.

public bool|array setID3v1( array $frames[, bool $overwrite_existing_tags = TRUE ] )


$frames is an associative array of string values with UPPERCASE string frame IDs as keys e.g.:

$frames = ['ALBUM' => 'Abbey Road', 'ARTIST' => 'The Beatles'];


  • if TRUE (default), tags already present in the file with frame IDs matching the keys of $frames will be overwritten with the values passed in.
  • if FALSE, tags already present will not be overwritten and will be returned by this function.

TagLib will truncate values greater than 28-30 bytes. See also and wikipedia for more information about ID3v1.

Additionally, this function will issue E_WARNING errors and return FALSE if $frames is any other variable type than the one described here.

In other words, this function will not do any type conversion but instead issue PHP errors and return FALSE if it encounters any unexpected type.

So for something like TRACKNUMBER, ALWAYS convert to string:

$tracknumber = 99;
$frames['TRACKNUMBER'] = sprintf("%d", $tracknumber);


$tracknumber = 99;
$frames['TRACKNUMBER'] = $tracknumber; // will cause errors!

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success.

Returns any values from $frames which could not be set as an associative array of string values.

Returns FALSE on failure.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibMPEG('file.mp3');
$frames = ['ALBUM' => 'Abbey Road', 'ARTIST' => 'The Beatles'];
$ret = $t->setID3v1($frames);
if($ret === true) {
	echo "Tag set successfully!";
} elseif(is_array($ret)) {
	echo "Failed to set these values:\n", print_r($ret,1);
     * Array
     * (
     * 	[ALBUM] => 'Abbey Road'
     * )
} else {
	echo "Something happened."


Check whether file on disk has ID3v2 tag.

public bool hasID3v2( void )



Return Values

TRUE if file has an ID3v2 tag, FALSE otherwise.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibMPEG('file.mp3');
if($t->hasID3v2()) {
	// do stuff


If the file on disk has an ID3v2 tag, get the ID3v2 tag as an array.

public bool|array getID3v2( void )



Return Values

Returns an array with the following structure:

	0 =>	[
				"frameID" => "TPE1",
				"data"	=> "Artist Name"
    //1 => ...

See for possible frameIDs.

It is this way because an ID3v2 tag can contain multiple frames with the same frameID.

Although I would urge you not to treat this unfortunate fact as a feature.

Additionally, certain ID3v2 frames contain additional data, such as APIC (Attached Picture Frame aka cover art aka an image). See example usage.

Returns FALSE if file does not have an ID3v2 tag.

Returns FALSE on failure.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibMPEG('file.mp3');
$id3v2 = $t->getID3v2();
 * Array(
 * 	0 => Array(
 *		[frameID] => TPE1,
 *		[data] => Artist Name
 * 	),
 * 	1 => Array(
 *		[frameID] => TIT2,
 *		[data" => Track Title
 * 	),
 * 	2 => Array(
 *		[frameID] => APIC,
 *		[data] => (base64 encoded data that will likely flood your screen),
 *		[mime] => image/jpeg,
 *		[type] => 3
 *		[desc] => Optional Description of Image
 * 	)
 * )

if(!is_array($id3v2)) return;

// you can do something like this to work with this data:
$tags = [];
foreach($id3v2 as $frame) {
	$id = $frame['frameID'];
    $data = $frame['data'];
    $human_readable_id = '';
    $human_readable_data = '';
    switch($id) {
    case 'APIC':
    	$human_readable_id = 'Picture';
        // write the file to disk...
        // get filetype by reading $frame['mime']
    	$ext = 'unknown';
    	switch($frame['mime']) {
        case 'image/jpeg':
        	$ext = 'jpg';
        case 'image/png':
        	$ext = 'png';
        // most album art will be png or jpg
        // it is possible that any other image format might be here tho
        // in that case add more cases.
        	throw new Exception('this shouldn\'t happen');
        // optionally get picture type if you care
        switch($frame['type']) {
        case TagLib::APIC_COLOUREDFISH:
            echo "<°))))><";
        // add the other APIC_* constants here if you want
            echo "(boring image)";
        // write the data to a file
        $filename = "album_art$ext";
    	file_put_contents($filename, base64_decode($data));
		$human_readable_data = $filename
    // currently APIC is the only different case, structurally speaking
    // but more may prove necessary in future
	case 'TPE1':
    	$human_readable_id = 'Artist';
        $human_readable_data = $data;
	case 'TIT2':
    	$human_readable_id = 'Title';
        $human_readable_data = $data;
    // etc...
    $tags[$human_readable_id] = $human_readable_data;

 * (actually useful tag info hopefully)

See also Predefined Constants for possible Attached Picture Frame Types.

And again, see for possible frameIDs.


Writes new ID3v2 frames to file.

public bool setID3v2( array $frames[, bool $overwrite_existing_tags = TRUE ] )


  • frames - associative array of new frames with string frameID for keys and different values depending on the frameID:

  • APIC (Attached Picture Frame) - => an associative array with the following fields:

    • mime required - string mimetype of associated image
    • type (optional) - int one of the APIC_* constants, see Predefined Constants
    • desc (optional) - string short description (think "caption") of the picture
    and one of the following required fields, but not both:
    • data - string base64 encoded image data to write
    • file - string path to image file on disk to write
  • TXXX (User Text Identification Frame) - => an associative array with the following fields:

    • desc required - string Description of the Frame itself
    • text required - string contents of the frame
  • WXXX (User URL Link Frame) => an associative array with the following fields:

    • desc required - string link text
    • text required - string URL
  • OWNE (Ownership Frame) => an associative array with the following fields:

    • date required - string date in YYYYMMDD format
    • paid required - string a price, including currency symbol e.g. $0.99
    • seller required - string name of seller
  • PRIV (Private Frame) => an associative array with the following fields:

    • owner required - string usually an email address
    • data required - string whatever
  • UFID (Unique File Identifier Frame) => an associative array with the following fields:

    • owner required - string URL to some music identification database
    • id required - string id in that database corresponding to the sound in this file
  • Additionally, the following frameIDs are explicitly not allowed:

  • All others not listed above => a string value.

  • overwrite_existing_tags - boolean

    • if TRUE, will remove tags with matching frameIDs provided in $frames from file
    • if FALSE, will add new frames regardless of any previously set values.

See also for massive migranes all possible frameIDs defined by that specification.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success.

Returns FALSE and issues E_WARNING on failure.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibMPEG('file.mp3');
$t->setID3v2(['TPE1' => 'an artist']);
 * Array(
 * 	0 => Array(
 * 		[frameID] => TPE1
 * 		[data] => an artist
 * 	)
 * )

After making this extension I thoroughly hate ID3v2, everything about it and everything it represents.


Clear all tag information from file.

public bool stripTags( void )



Return Values

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibMPEG('file.mp3');
// say for argument's sake this file has both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags.
echo $t->hasID3v1() ? 'true' : 'false'; // true
echo $t->hasID3v2() ? 'true' : 'false'; // true


// now it has neither
echo $t->hasID3v1() ? 'true' : 'false'; // false
echo $t->hasID3v2() ? 'true' : 'false'; // false

TagLib provides ways to remove individual tags without affecting the other(s) but this causSegmentation fault

class TagLibOGG {
    public __construct( string $filename[, int $type = TagLibOGG::VORBIS ])
    public array getAudioProperties( void )
    public bool hasXiphComment( void )
    public array getXiphComment( void )
    public bool setXiphComment( array $newProperties[, bool $overwrite_existing_tags = TRUE ])
    public bool stripTags( void )
TagLibOGG::OPUS   = 2
TagLibOGG::FLAC   = 3
TagLibOGG::SPEEX  = 4 // don't use this one


Attempts to open the specified file path.

public __construct( string $filename[, int $codec = TagLibOGG::VORBIS ])


filename - the file to open, must be a valid OGG file of codec and php must have read and write permissions for the file. codec - int codec used in the OGG container

Most OGGs are vorbis, which is also the default for $codec, so you probably don't need to worry about this

But OGG is actually a container which supports multiple codecs. If your OGG is a different codec, you must specify it in the constructor with one of the Predefined Constants.

Except speex because speex is deprecated.


Throws Exception on error.

Return Values

Returns a new TagLibOGG object on success or NULL on failure.


// example usage
try {
	$t = new TagLibOGG('file.ogg');
    echo "File is open and ready for reading/writing tags!";
} catch(Exception $e) {
	echo "Something happened.\n", $e->getMessage();


Get Information about the OGG.

public array getAudioProperties( void )



Return Values

An array with the following keys and possible values, depending on the codec of the OGG:

  1. Common to all codecs:
  • length - int duration of audio in seconds
  • bitrate - int bitrate of audio in kilobits per second (kbps)
  • sampleRate - int samplerate of audio in Hz
  • channels - int number of audio channels (mono = 1, stereo = 2, ...)
  1. TagLibOGG::VORBIS only:
  • vorbisVersion - int Returns the Vorbis version, currently "0" (as specified by the spec).
  • bitrateMaximum - int maximum bitrate
  • bitrateNominal - int nominal bitrate
  • bitrateMinimum - int minimum bitrate
  1. TagLibOGG::OPUS only:
  • opusVersion - int Returns the Opus version, in the range 0...255.
  • inputSampleRate - int The Opus codec supports decoding at multiple sample rates, there is no single sample rate of the encoded stream. This returns the sample rate of the original audio stream.
  1. TagLibOGG::FLAC only:
  • sampleWidth - int bits per sample of audio
  • sampleFrames - int number of frames in audio


// vorbis
$v = new TagLibOGG('vorbis.ogg', TagLibOGG::VORBIS);
 * Array(
 * 	[length] => 1,
 * 	[bitrate] => 120,
 * 	[sampleRate] => 44100,
 * 	[channels] => 1,
 * 	[vorbisVersion] => 0,
 * 	[bitrateMaximum] => 0,
 * 	[bitrateNominal] => 120000,
 * 	[bitrateMinimum] => 0
 * )
// opus
$o = new TagLibOGG('opus.ogg', TagLibOGG::OPUS);
 * Array(
 * 	[length] => 1,
 * 	[bitrate] => 120,
 * 	[sampleRate] => 44100,
 * 	[channels] => 1,
 * 	[opusVersion] => 2,
 * 	[inputSampleRate] => 44100
 * )
// flac
$f = new TagLibOGG('flac.ogg', TagLibOGG::FLAC);
 * Array(
 * 	[length] => 1,
 * 	[bitrate] => 120,
 * 	[sampleRate] => 44100,
 * 	[channels] => 1,
 *	[sampleWidth] => 16,
 *	[sampleFrames] => 44100
 * )


Check whether file on disk has a XiphComment.

public bool hasXiphComment( void )



Return Values

TRUE if the file has a XiphComment, FALSE otherwise.

FALSE on failure


// example usage
$t = new TagLibOGG('file.ogg');
if($t->hasXiphComment()) {
	// do stuff


If the file on disk has a XiphComment, gets it as an associative array.

public bool|array getXiphComment( void )



Return Values

Returns an associative array of string field names as keys and their string values.

Returns FALSE if file does not have a XiphComment

Also returns FALSE on failure.

See also


// example usage
$t = new TagLibOGG('file.ogg');
 * Array
 * (
 * 	[ALBUM] => album,
 * 	[ARTIST] => artist,
 * 	[COMMENT] => comment,
 * 	[DATE] => 2000,
 * 	[GENRE] => New Age,
 * 	[TITLE] => title,
 * 	[TRACKNUMBER] => 99
 * )


Writes new entries to the XiphComment in the file on disk.

public bool setXiphComment( array $newProperties[, bool $overwrite_existing_tags = TRUE ])


  • newProperties - associative array argument of string field names as keys and string new values
  • ovewrite_existing_tags - boolean whether to overwrite (TRUE) or append to (FALSE) existing tags.

I can't stress enough that $overwrite_existing_tags = FALSE is a bad idea.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibOGG('file.ogg');
 * Array(
 * 	[TITLE] => something
 * )
$t->setXiphComment(['TITLE' => 'new title'])
 * Array(
 * 	[TITLE] => new title
 * )

// $overwrite_existing_tags = FALSE is a bad idea, here's what it would do:
$t = new TagLibOGG('file.ogg');
 * Array(
 * 	[TITLE] => new title
 * )
$t->setXiphComment(['TITLE' => 'new title'], false)
 * Array(
 * 	[TITLE] => new title new title
 * )
// see? absolutely useless.


Clear XiphComment from file.

public bool stripTags( void )



Return Values

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


// example usage
$t = new TagLibOGG('file.ogg');
// say for argument's sake this file has a XiphComment.
echo $t->hasXiphComment() ? 'true' : 'false'; // true


// now it doesn't
echo $t->hasXiphComment() ? 'true' : 'false'; // false

Known Issues

skip to tl;dr

FLACs are not meant to have ID3v2 tags [citation needed] but they can anyway. TagLib does a great job of reading information from FLACs with any combination of ID3v1, ID3v2, and XiphComments, in addition to any METADATA_BLOCK(s) found in the file.

The issues are:

  1. TagLib::FLAC::File::save

    Save the file. This will primarily save the XiphComment, but will also keep any old ID3-tags up to date. If the file has no XiphComment, one will be constructed from the ID3-tags.

    What this means is that a FLAC file with an ID3v1 or ID3v2 must have a XiphComment.

  2. [TagLib] Cannot remove ID3 tags from FLAC files.

So if a FLAC comes to you with an ID3v1 or ID3v2 tag you can never fully remove it and, as a side-effect of save(), the zombie tags will copy themselves into the XiphComment.

My advice to users of this extension in order to get around this sticky situation is to:

  1. Read all relevant data from ID3 tags using TagLibFLAC::getID3v1() and TagLibFLAC::getID3v2() first.

  2. Remove ID3 tags from FLAC files using external tools such as id3v2

  3. Never write new ID3 tags to FLAC files

This is why the tests are spurting out a bunch of tl;dr instead of "OK" atm. Speaking of tl;dr:

tl;dr FLAC files with ID3 tags will cause issues

MP3 bitrates returned by TagLibMPEG::getAudioProperties() in the "bitrate" field are known to be inaccurate.

OGG bitrates returned by TagLibOGG::getAudioProperties() in the "bitrate" field are also inaccurate, use "bitrateNominal" which is in bits per second and not the typical kbps...

Not an issue, just a note:

On the other hand, FLAC bitrates returned by TagLibFLAC::getAudioProperties() in the "bitrate" field are more accurate than any other tool or media player I've come across including soxi and even metaflac.

This is due to the fact that in order to get an accurate reading for the bitrate

bitrate = filesize in bytes * 8 / length in seconds

Metadata must not be included with the filesize. For audio files containing embedded images the discrepancy can be substantial.


A php extension which wraps TagLib for tagging MP3, OGG, and FLAC audio files (php5 only...)







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