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Merging Pull Requests

Franklin Yu edited this page Apr 15, 2020 · 5 revisions
  1. PR should pass tests.

  2. Use Squash Commit to merge the PR into a single commit and make the repository history clean.

  3. Commit name should be short.

    • If the PR is related to sites fixes, name it like Fixes for and describe the changes on the second line, e.g.:

      Fixes for (#101)
      - Fixed background here.
      - Fixes something there.
      - Fixed #100.
    • If the PR is related to dark sites list, name the merge commit like is dark (#102).

  4. A single PR should fix one bug, add one feature, or fix problems for one website.

  5. If there are source code changes, use npm run code-style to see or fix code style issues before merging PR.

  6. Don't merge PRs that have links to prohibited content, as it can have legal consequences (e.g. distributing links to adult websites is punished in Belarus).

  7. Don't commit directly to master.

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