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School project implementing 5 tier architecture.



  1. Download or clone this project.
  2. Make sure you have unixodbc package installed as well as an odbc driver (preferably 64bit) for your dbms of choice.
  3. If you don't have a webserver and don't want to configure one yourself you can download XAMPP from here and install it.
  4. Start your webserver with the dbms installed and use the ddl.sql script from the sql folder of this project to create the required db.
  5. Configure a dsn in your odbc.ini with the name m151 connecting to the previously created db.
  6. If you havent installed the unix build tools for your distribution yet do that now and also install python 2.7.x.
  7. Run npm install and npm start in the project root directory.
  8. If everything worked fine you can acces the webpage at http://localhost:3000


  1. Download or clone this project.
  2. Download XAMPP from here and install it.
  3. Download the mysql odbc connector fromhere
    On windows you need the 32bit connector because XAMMP for Windows is a 32bit application unlike the Linux and OSX versions.
    Install it.
  4. Start apache and mysql from XAMMP Control Panel and execute the sql script in ddl.sql located in the sql folder of this project.
  5. Create a dsn with the bult in 32bit odbc manager (Windows 7 user may need to run c:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe in order to open the 32bit odbc manager).
    Name it m151.
  6. Run npm install -g windows-build-tools (installs visualc++ build tools as well as python.
    Windows 7 Users need to install .NET Framework 4.5.1)
  7. Run npm install in the project root directory.
  8. If everything went well you can run npm start in the project root and access the page at http://localhost:3000


Address management webapplication written in JavaScript.








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