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Severity color settings

Johan Godfried edited this page Feb 18, 2017 · 2 revisions

An alert send to Slack through the slackalert script will contain a colored bar at the left side.

You can define the color of that bar based on the value of the severity field.

A default value can be configured, which will be used when there is no match found to map the severity to a color.

To configure colors for specific severity, create a JSON collection where the field name is a severity value and the value is the color of the bar for that severity. For the color, you can use the HEX value, color name or RGB notation for HTML colors. For instance #FF0000, red or rgb(255,0,0)

{ 'CRITICAL': '#FF0000', 'INFORMATION': 'rgb(173,216,230)', 'WARNING': 'orange' }

Now, when the severity value is INFORMATION, the bar will be light blue, for WARNING it will be orange and for CRITICAL the bar will be red