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Additional fields

Johan Godfried edited this page Feb 19, 2017 · 11 revisions

Any fields from the search results can be referenced in the alert message. In addition, you can add fields to the message in a table like style: a header on the left and the field value on the right. In fact, you can add any value you like here. Be that a fixed value, a result value via the macro system or Splunk token system or any other Splunk token value. Simply put it in a JSON structure. Put the header value as field name and the contents as the value:

    'Header 1': 'fixed value',
    'Header 2': '$name$',
    'Header 3': '$result.fieldname$',
    'Header 4': '{fieldname}'
  • Header 1 shows the fixed value "fixed value"
  • Header 2 shows the alert (savedsearch) name
  • Header 3 shows the contents of the field "fieldname" from the search results. Only 1 of the results is used by Splunk so if there are multiple results, this value will always be the same
  • Header 4 shows the contents of the field "fieldname" from the search results. However, if there are multiple results, it will be expanded for each of the results.