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ChatGPT x PopClip x Keyboard Maestro = ?

While PopClip does support ChatGPT extension, in my opinion it lacks sufficient power. Therefore, I aim to further customize its functionalities to better suit my needs. As a result, I have attempted to integrate all three together.

Let me show it to you

demo gif****


Features (customizable and optional)

  • Translate to Chinese
  • Translate to English
  • Polish
  • Summarize
  • AMA (ask me anything)
  • Extract keywords

Get Started

  1. git clone ~/.km
  2. cd ~/.km
  3. git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. cd openai-assistant && yarn
  5. Modify to set custom paths of Node.js and jq.
  6. open ~/.km
  7. Double click ChatGPT Macros.kmmacros, ChatGPT Menu Macros.kmmacros and UI Macros.kmmacros to import them to Keyboard Maestro.
  8. Set OpenAI API key in ChatGPT Macros -> Start Call API.
  9. Enable ChatGPT Macros and ChatGPT Menu Macros.
  10. Install custom PopClip extension via script
    # popclip
    name: OpenAI
    Icon: iconify:ri:openai-fill
    javascript: |
      popclip.pressKey('command C');
  11. Done. Try it :)

💝 Support

  • Bitcoin: 1Dy2inaXtHczPvu5HnHinpdHtoWkLYMKQ6
  • Ethereum: 0xB2d511611EaD5bC5B3a101DC9E7658CfBcf57a58