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ngorogiannis committed Jul 13, 2015
1 parent 326b9e2 commit ec52486
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Showing 5 changed files with 897,560 additions and 0 deletions.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions README.TABLEAUX15
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
This file contains instructions about the tool described in
the TABLEAUX'15 paper

J. Brotherston and N. Gorogiannis.
Disproving Inductive Entailments in Separation Logic
via Base Pair Approximation

If you downloaded the binary release from GitHub a x64 binary
should be already present in this directory. If you
do not have such a binary, look at the file README.compiling.

Running the executable (sl_disprove.native) without options will produce
some help text explaining its usage.

There are three classes of benchmarks described in the paper. The classes
SLL and UDP are from the SL-COMP14 competition:

The benchmarks for SLL and UDP can be downloaded from the repository above.

The third class (LEM) is included in this tree, in


The definitions are in "all.defs" and the sequents in "seqs". The ""
script will execute the LEM benchmark.

See papers/TABLEAUX15.{pdf,bib}

Questions and help to get things working:


URL (papers and software):

225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions tests/sl_disproof/all.defs
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
BinListFirst {
emp => BinListFirst(x) |
nil!=x * x->yp',xp' * BinListFirst(yp') => BinListFirst(x)
} ;
BinListSecond {
emp => BinListSecond(x) |
nil!=x * x->yp',xp' * BinListSecond(xp') => BinListSecond(x)
} ;
BinPath {
x=y => BinPath(x,y) |
nil!=x * x->xp',yp' * BinPath(xp',y) => BinPath(x,y) |
nil!=x * x->xp',yp' * BinPath(yp',y) => BinPath(x,y)
} ;
BinTree {
emp => BinTree(x) |
nil!=x * x->yp',xp' * BinTree(yp') * BinTree(xp') => BinTree(x)
} ;
BinTreeSeg {
x=y => BinTreeSeg(x,y) |
nil!=x * x->xp',yp' * BinTreeSeg(xp',y) * BinTree(yp') => BinTreeSeg(x,y) |
nil!=x * x->xp',yp' * BinTree(xp') * BinTreeSeg(yp',y) => BinTreeSeg(x,y)
} ;
x=y => BSLL(x,y) |
nil!=xp' * xp'->yp',y * BSLL(x,xp') => BSLL(x,y)
} ;
clist {
in=self_19' * in->p_18' * lseg(p_18',self_19') => clist(in)
} ;
DLL1_plus {
hd->nil,p => DLL1_plus(hd,p) |
hd->x',p * DLL1_plus(x',hd) => DLL1_plus(hd,p)
} ;
DLL2_plus {
hd=tl * hd->n,p,down_hd' * DLL1_plus(down_hd',hd) => DLL2_plus(hd,p,tl,n) |
hd->x',p,down_hd' * DLL1_plus(down_hd',hd) * DLL2_plus(x',hd,tl,n) => DLL2_plus(hd,p,tl,n)
} ;
DLL2_plus_rev {
hd=tl * hd->n,p,down_hd' * DLL1_plus(down_hd',hd) => DLL2_plus_rev(hd,p,tl,n) |
tl->n,x',down_hd' * DLL1_plus(down_hd',tl) * DLL2_plus_rev(hd,p,x',tl) => DLL2_plus_rev(hd,p,tl,n)
} ;
p=tl * hd=n => DLL(hd,p,tl,n) |
hd->x',p * DLL(x',hd,tl,n) => DLL(hd,p,tl,n)
} ;
dll_e1 {
in=s' * q=p1' * dll(q1',s') * in->p1',q1' => dll_e1(in,q)
} ;
dll_e2 {
n'=q1' * p1'=p2' * in=s' * q=p2' * in->p1',n' * dll(q1',s') => dll_e2(in,q)
} ;
dll_e3 {
p=q' * dll(in,q') => dll_e3(in,p)
} ;
DLL_plus {
hd=tl * hd->n,p => DLL_plus(hd,p,tl,n) |
hd->x',p * DLL_plus(x',hd,tl,n) => DLL_plus(hd,p,tl,n)
} ;
DLL_plus_mid {
hd=tl * hd->n,p => DLL_plus_mid(hd,p,tl,n) |
hd->tl,p * points_to(tl,n,hd) => DLL_plus_mid(hd,p,tl,n) |
x'->y',z' * DLL_plus(y',x',tl,n) * DLL_plus_rev(hd,p,z',x') => DLL_plus_mid(hd,p,tl,n)
} ;
DLL_plus_rev {
hd=tl * hd->n,p => DLL_plus_rev(hd,p,tl,n) |
tl->n,x' * DLL_plus_rev(hd,p,x',tl) => DLL_plus_rev(hd,p,tl,n)
} ;
elseg {
in=p => elseg(in,p) |
in->a' * a'->b' * elseg(b',p) => elseg(in,p)
} ;
enode {
p=p0' * l=l0' * r=r0' * n=n0' * in->p0',l0',r0',n0' => enode(in,p,l,r,n)
} ;
eright_nil {
p0'=p1' * l0'=l1' * r0'=r1' * n0'=n1' * nil=r1' * in->p0',l0',r0',n0' => eright_nil(in)
} ;
eright_nnil {
p0'=p1' * l0'=l1' * r0'=r1' * n0'=n1' * nil=r1' * in->p0',l0',r0',n0' * tree(l1') * tree(r1') => eright_nnil(in)
} ;
etll {
p=p1' * t=t1' * tll(in,p1',r,t1') => etll(in,p,t,r)
} ;
List {
nil!=x * x->y => List(x,y) |
nil!=x * x->xp' * List(xp',y) => List(x,y)
} ;
ListE {
nil!=x * x->xp' * ListO(xp',y) => ListE(x,y)
} ;
ListO {
nil!=x * x->y => ListO(x,y) |
nil!=x * x->xp' * ListE(xp',y) => ListO(x,y)
} ;
ListX {
ListO(x,y) => ListX(x,y) |
ListE(x,y) => ListX(x,y)
} ;
ll {
nil=in => ll(in) |
in->q_18' * ll(q_18') => ll(in)
} ;
ll_e1 {
in->q' * ll(q') => ll_e1(in)
} ;
ll_e2 {
p'=q' * in->p' * ll(q') => ll_e2(in)
} ;
ls {
x=y => ls(x,y) |
nil!=x * x!=y * x->xp' * ls(xp',y) => ls(x,y)
} ;
lseg {
in=p => lseg(in,p) |
in->a' * lseg(a',p) => lseg(in,p)
} ;
lseg_e1 {
p=q' * lseg(in,p) => lseg_e1(in,p)
} ;
lso {
in=out => lso(in,out) |
in!=out * in->u' * lso(u',out) => lso(in,out)
} ;
lsso {
in=out => lsso(in,out) |
in->u',u' * lsso(u',out) => lsso(in,out)
} ;
ltll {
in->p,l,r,D * tll(l,in,v,l1') * tll(r,in,l1',t) => ltll(in,p,l,r,D,v,t)
} ;
nll {
in=out => nll(in,out,boundary) |
in!=out * in->u',Z1' * lso(Z1',boundary) * nll(u',out,boundary) => nll(in,out,boundary)
} ;
node2_e1 {
p=p1' * q=n1' * in->p1',n1' => node2_e1(in,p,q)
} ;
node_e1 {
q=p' * in->p' => node_e1(in,q)
} ;
olseg {
in->p => olseg(in,p) |
in->a' * a'->b' * olseg(b',p) => olseg(in,p)
} ;
points_to {
a->b,c => points_to(a,b,c)
} ;
right1 {
lseg(in,u') * u'->p => right1(in,p)
} ;
right2 {
lseg(in,u') * lseg(u',p) => right2(in,p)
} ;
right3 {
lseg(in,u') * lseg(u',u2') * lseg(u2',p) => right3(in,p)
} ;
right4 {
lseg(in,u') * lseg(u',w') => right4(in)
} ;
right5 {
lseg(in,w') => right5(in)
} ;
right {
elseg(in,u') * elseg(u',p) => right(in,p)
} ;
right_nil {
nil=r' * in->p',l',r',n' => right_nil(in)
} ;
right_nnil {
nil!=r' * in->p',l',r',n' * tree(l') * tree(r') => right_nnil(in)
} ;
RList {
nil!=x * x->y => RList(x,y) |
nil!=xp' * xp'->y * RList(x,xp') => RList(x,y)
} ;
skl1 {
hd=ex => skl1(hd,ex) |
hd!=ex * hd->nil,tl' * skl1(tl',ex) => skl1(hd,ex)
} ;
skl2 {
hd=ex => skl2(hd,ex) |
hd!=ex * hd->tl',Z1' * skl1(Z1',tl') * skl2(tl',ex) => skl2(hd,ex)
} ;
skl3 {
hd=ex => skl3(hd,ex) |
hd!=ex * hd->tl',Z2',Z1' * skl1(Z1',Z2') * skl2(Z2',tl') * skl3(tl',ex) => skl3(hd,ex)
} ;
x=y => SLL(x,y) |
nil!=x * x->xp',yp' * SLL(xp',y) => SLL(x,y)
} ;
TLL_aux {
x->back,r',up',nil * TLL_aux(up',p,lr',x,top,mright) * TLL_plus(r',x,z,lr') => TLL_aux(x,p,z,back,top,mright) |
x=top * x->back,r',p,nil * TLL_plus(r',x,z,mright) => TLL_aux(x,p,z,back,top,mright)
} ;
tll {
nil=l_23' * in=ll * lr=lr_28' * in->p_21',D1_22',l_23',lr_28' => tll(in,p,ll,lr) |
nil!=r_25' * p=p_29' * in=self_30' * ll=ll_31' * in=self_32' * z_33'=z_27' * lr=lr_34' * in->p_29',l_24',r_25',D2_26' * tll(l_24',self_30',ll_31',z_27') * tll(r_25',self_32',z_33',lr_34') => tll(in,p,ll,lr)
} ;
TLL_plus {
root=ll * root->nil,nil,par,lr => TLL_plus(root,par,ll,lr) |
root->l',r',par,nil * TLL_plus(l',root,ll,z') * TLL_plus(r',root,z',lr) => TLL_plus(root,par,ll,lr)
} ;
TLL_plus_rev {
top=mleft * top->nil,nil,p,mright => TLL_plus_rev(top,p,mleft,mright) |
mleft=x' * x'->nil,nil,up',lr' * TLL_aux(up',p,lr',x',top,mright) => TLL_plus_rev(top,p,mleft,mright)
} ;
TLL_tail {
root=ll * root=tr * root->nil,nil,par,lr => TLL_tail(root,par,ll,tr,lr) |
root->l',r',par,nil * TLL_plus(l',root,ll,z') * TLL_tail(r',root,z',tr,lr) => TLL_tail(root,par,ll,tr,lr)
} ;
TPP_aux {
x->down,right',up' * TPP_plus(right',x) * TPP_aux(up',x,top,b) => TPP_aux(x,down,top,b) |
x->left',down,up' * TPP_plus(left',x) * TPP_aux(up',x,top,b) => TPP_aux(x,down,top,b) |
x=top * x->down,right',b * TPP_plus(right',x) => TPP_aux(x,down,top,b) |
x=top * x->left',down,b * TPP_plus(left',x) => TPP_aux(x,down,top,b)
} ;
TPP_plus {
x->nil,nil,back => TPP_plus(x,back) |
x->y',z',back * TPP_plus(y',x) * TPP_plus(z',x) => TPP_plus(x,back)
} ;
TPP_plus_rev {
top->nil,nil,b => TPP_plus_rev(top,b) |
x'->nil,nil,up' * TPP_aux(up',x',top,b) => TPP_plus_rev(top,b)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tests/sl_disproof/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

cat seqs | tr '\n' '\0' | nice xargs -n 1 -P 4 -0 ./
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions tests/sl_disproof/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@

NAME=$(echo "$QUERY" | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' ')

exec > "$LOG"
exec 2>&1

"$CMD" -s -t 60 -IP -D "$DEFS" -S "$QUERY" > "$OUT" 2>&1

if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
elif [ $STATUS -eq 255 ]; then

echo ============
echo -e "Query: $QUERY"
echo ============
echo -e "Status: ${PROVER_STATUS}"
echo ============

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