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Corda 4.1

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@fenryka fenryka released this 14 Jun 14:43
· 436 commits to master since this release

It's been a little under 3 1/2 months since the release of Corda 4.0 and all of the brand new features that added to the powerful suite of tools Corda offers. Now, following the release of Corda Enterprise 4.0, we are proud to release Corda 4.1, bringing over 150 fixes and documentation updates to bring additional stability and quality of life improvements to those developing on the Corda platform.

Information on Corda Enterprise 4.0 can be found here.

Corda 4.1 brings the lessons and bug fixes discovered during the process of building and shipping Enterprise 4.0 back to the open source community. As mentioned above there are over 150 fixes and tweaks here. With this release the core feature sets of both entities are far closer aligned than past major releases of the Corda that should make testing your CorDapps in mixed type environments much easier.

As such, we recommend you upgrade from Corda 4.0 to Corda 4.1 as soon possible.