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Yandex Cloud Logging Fluent Bit output plugin

Fluent Bit is a fast and lightweight log processor and forwarder or Linux, OSX and BSD family operating systems.

Yandex Cloud Logging read and write logs of services and user applications by grouping messages into log groups.


  1. Create a Service account in Yandex Cloud
  2. Create Authorized Key for the service account
  3. Create Logging Group
  4. Create your values.yaml as described in the Configuration example section

To add the fluent helm repo, run:

helm repo add fluent

To install a release named fluent-bit, run:

helm install fluent-bit fluent/fluent-bit --values example-values.yaml

Configuration example

  tag: "latest"
  pullPolicy: Always

  service: |
        Daemon Off
        Flush 1
        Log_Level info
        Parsers_File parsers.conf
        Parsers_File custom_parsers.conf
        HTTP_Server On
        HTTP_Port 2020
        Health_Check On

  inputs: |
        Name tail
        Path /var/log/containers/*_default_*.log
        multiline.parser docker, cri
        Tag kube.*
        Mem_Buf_Limit 5MB
        Skip_Long_Lines On
  filters: |
        Name kubernetes
        Match kube.*
        Merge_Log On
        Keep_Log Off
        K8S-Logging.Parser On
        K8S-Logging.Exclude On
  outputs: |
        Name fluent-bit-yc-logging
        Match kube.*
        ServiceAccountId <service account id>
        LogGroupId <log group id>
        KeyId <key id>
        PublicKey <base64 encoded public key>
        PrivateKey <base64 encoded private key>
        Retry_Limit 5

  customParsers: |
        Name docker_no_time
        Format json
        Time_Keep Off
        Time_Key time
        Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L