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Security: complexdatacollective/Interviewer


Security Policy

In the event that we uncover a security issue in the software, we will make every effort to notify users and issue a fix as soon as possible. This does not constitute a warranty or obligation on our part, and will only happen as long as the project has funding for this work, or community members are able to volunteer their own time.

Supported Versions

Security updates will only be issued for the most recent version(s) of the software. These are the only versions of the apps that you should consider to be supported. We will review and accepts backports of security fixes for older versions of the software should you wish to create them.

Reporting a Vulnerability

To report a security issue to us, please help us to troubleshoot it by creating a topic on our community page. We will work with you to resolve the issue.

There aren’t any published security advisories