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Dan Avery edited this page Oct 29, 2013 · 2 revisions

To The Trails: Admin Users

This document explains the capabilities of users who are granted "admin" privileges.

Summary of the Admin User Role

Administrators ("admin users") are users who have been granted "admin" privileges by another admin user. The system is initially created with a single admin user, who can then create other administrators as necessary. Admin users approve new users for initial login and change the table of organizations as needed. They also can upload or modify any organizations trail, trailhead, or segment data.


An admin user account works like a non-admin user account, with the following additional capabilities:

Approve New Users and Modify Existing Users

Users can create accounts at any point with an email address and password, choosing an existing organization to associate with their account. But they will be unable to log in with their credentials until approved by an admin user.

To approve a user, go to the Users tab in the left navigation bar, find the user in the list presented, and click "Edit" to open the user's record. Then check the "Approved" checkbox and click "Update User". Users can also be unapproved by unchecking this box and updating the record.

Admin users can also create new admin users by checking the "Admin" box on the same edit screen. Admin users can also be returned to non-admin status, although setting the final remaining admin user to non-admin status is forbidden.

Users' organization affiliation can be changed using the "Organization" popup menu on this screen. Non-admin users without an organization affiliation will have no ability to modify or upload data.

Upload/Modify Data for Any Organization

Admin users can upload and modify data on behalf of any organization. To upload data for a particular organization, select that organization in the menu in the file upload form. Note that only records in your uploaded file where the "source" field matches the organization code selected will be saved.

Admin users can also edit any record from the Trails, Trailheads, Segments, and Organizations tabs. The "Edit" and "Delete" links are active for all records for admin users.

Create New Organization Records

If an organization that is not currently in the organization table wishes to create an account, their organization needs to be created. Admin users are the only users that can create an organization record. The "Add New Organization" button on the Organizations page will present a form to create a new organization. Only the "code" field is required to create an organization--a user in that organization can update that organization's data once logged in--but any other fields may be completed on initial organization creation.

Organization records can be deleted, but be aware that deleting an organization record will delete all data associated with that organization. The only exception is that if the organization is listed as a "steward" of a trail, and not a "source" of the data for that trail, the trail will remain, but the steward field will be set to an empty value, and no steward information will be shown for that trail in the public application.