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Tools for Gitea API


This project is a toolbox for viewing Gitea settings.

For detailed information, consult the docs.


The code was tested with the following:


Using Poetry

Run poetry install on the project root to get started. This will grant access to the gitea-api script. Once created, gitea-api can be sym-linked from wherever the environment is to a more convenient place like ~/.local/bin.


You can also run pip install pyproject.toml. Once installed, you can simply run python3 -m gitea_api_tools while in the project directory. If you choose this method, replace any mentions of gitea-api below with that command.


Create an access token. (Reference) The minimum permissions used by this project are "Read" for both "Repository" and "User".

You can now run gitea-api configure to interactively configure your settings.

Manual (not recommended)

Copy config.json.example and make config.json, replacing the temporary values:

  • "host" is the URL to access the Gitea instance. Do not add the Swagger API path as it will be handled by the program.
  • "token" is the API token. Follow the setup steps at the top of this section for the token.
  • "uid" is an optional integer representing your user account. It can be easily retrieved from gitea-api user_id. Although it can also be manually found using the API, the aforementioned command is faster and allows the user to save it to settings at once.
  • "search_archived_repos" defaults to false. If true, the initial repository search will include archived repositories, which may be undesirable.

Move the configured config.json into a directory named gitea-api-tools under one of the following directories, based on OS:

Linux (and most likely Cygwin)

The settings file goes into a sub-directory named gitea-api-tools under your XDG configuration directory (environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME) or if that's not set, ${HOME}/.config. The resulting path should look like ${HOME}/.config/gitea-api-tools.


%LOCALAPPDATA% is approximately close to XDG_CONFIG_HOME (and XDG_STATE_HOME). In recent Windows versions, the resulting path should look like C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\gitea-api-tools.

MacOS and other OSes

Currently unsupported, as I'm unsure what paths are analogous to those provided.


This project is not affiliated with or endorsed by Gitea. See LICENSE for more detail.


A script toolbox for Gitea API








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