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Circuit shaders are small programs run by Circuit Diagram to modify the appearance of a circuit.


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Circuit Shaders

Circuit shaders are small programs run by Circuit Diagram to modify the appearance of a circuit.

Some examples of what circuit shaders can do are:

  • Change the color of circuit elements
  • Apply formatting to text
  • Render new elements
  • Change the thickness of wires
  • Change how connection points are rendered

Circuit shaders are WebAssembly modules built on the WebAssembly Component Model. It is possible to write shaders in a variety of languages, but documentation is only provided for doing so using Python at this time.


This repository is intended to be used for developing new shaders. To render circuits using existing shaders, use the Web Editor. You can also browse the available existing shaders in the Shader Gallery.

For developing new shaders please see the Development section below.


This section explains how to build and run shaders locally. These instructions are for Linux, but you can also use Windows or macOS.

Get started quickly with a pre-configured environment in GitHub Codespaces, or see the Setup section for the manual setup instructions. When using Codespaces you can skip to the Run instructions below.

Open in GitHub Codespaces


Building shaders requires Python 3.11 or newer.

$ python3 --version
Python 3.11.8

To set up the virtual environment and build the common shader dependencies, run source ./ If your default Python version is older than 3.11, you will need to adjust the commands from this setup file and run them manually. For example, python3.11 -m venv .venv instead of python3.


Circuit shaders can be run in development by first building the Python script as a shader program, then executing the shader on a circuit using the Circuit Diagram Shader Tool.

Step 1: Building the Shader

Building involves compiling the shader into a WebAssembly module.

Run the below command from the root of this repository to build a into a shader.wasm file:

# Change `dark_theme` to the name of your shader.
./ dark_theme

Step 2: Create a Circuit

To run the shader on a circuit, you will need to either create a circuit using the Web Editor, or choose from one of the public circuits listed on

Copy the URL of the saved circuit as this will be required for the next step.

For example:

Step 3: Download the Shader Tool

Download the Circuit Diagram Shader Tool from This is available for the following platforms:

  • Windows x64
  • Linux x64
  • macOS Apple silicon

Choose the appropriate download for your operating system.


Copy the download URL from the Downloads page above, then run the below command to download the file:

curl -sLO <URL>

The download is normally a .tar.xz file. You can extract this with the below command:

tar -xJf ./cd-shader.*.linux-x64.tar.xz && rm ./cd-shader.*.linux-x64.tar.xz

Run the below command to check the shader tool is working:

$ ./cd-shader --help
Circuit Diagram shader tool. (c) Circuit Diagram 2024.

Usage: cd-shader run --circuit <CIRCUIT> --shader <FILE>... -o <PATH>

Sign in to your Circuit Diagram account in the shader tool. If you don't have an account you can create one for free.

./cd-shader login

This will display a link to open in your browser. Open the link to connect the shader tool to your account.

Step 4: Run the Shader

This step will execute the shader and render the circuit as a PNG image.

Please note that fetching the input circuit and rendering the final result are performed by the Circuit Diagram web service. This means that the output of the shader is sent to Circuit Diagram for final rendering. However, the shader, and Python code used to build it, are only used locally.

You can now run the shader tool to render the circuit:

# Replace the URL with the link to your circuit and `dark_theme` with the name of your shader.
./cd-shader run --circuit "" \
    --shader ./build/dark_theme.wasm -o ./circuit.png

You should now see an image called circuit.png in your working directory. If there were any errors running the shader, they will be printed to the console.

Python Packages

When installing any new dependencies inside the Python virtual environment, run the below command to save these to the requirements.txt that can be checked into git.

pip freeze > requirements.txt


The shader programs in this repository are licensed under GPLv3. The Circuit Diagram Shader Tool binary (used to execute shaders, not included in this repository) is proprietary and must not be distributed separately.


Circuit shaders are small programs run by Circuit Diagram to modify the appearance of a circuit.








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