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Stock Management API

This project is a Node.js-based REST API server designed to handle stock management-related operations.

Backend Documentation:

Stock Management API Documentation



Stock App Frontend (Stock App Management)


Folder/File Structure:

Stock Management API

├── src
|    ├── configs
|    │   ├── dbConnection.js
|    │   └── swagger.json
|    ├── controllers
|    │   ├── auth.js
|    │   ├── brand.js
|    │   ├── category.js
|    │   ├── firm.js
|    │   ├── product.js
|    │   ├── purchase.js
|    │   ├── sale.js
|    │   ├── token.js
|    │   └── user.js
|    ├── helpers
|    │   ├── dateToLocaleString.js
|    │   ├── passwordEncrypt.js
|    │   ├── sendMail.js
|    │   └── sync.js
|    ├── middlewares
|    │   ├── authentication.js
|    │   ├── errorHandler.js
|    │   ├── findSearchSortPage.js
|    │   ├── logger.js
|    │   ├── permissions.js
|    │   └── upload.js
|    ├── models
|    │   ├── brand.js
|    │   ├── category.js
|    │   ├── firm.js
|    │   ├── product.js
|    │   ├── purchase.js
|    │   ├── sale.js
|    │   ├── token.js
|    │   └── user.js
|    ├── routes
|    │   ├── auth.js
|    │   ├── brand.js
|    │   ├── category.js
|    │   ├── document.js
|    │   ├── firm.js
|    │   ├── index.js
|    │   ├── product.js
|    │   ├── purchase.js
|    │   ├── sale.js
|    │   ├── token.js
|    │   └── user.js
├── index.js
├── pacgake-lock.json
├── pacgake.json
└── swaggerAutogen.js


Stock Management App GitHub

Stock Management App (Link)

Technologies Used

  • Express.js: A fast and minimal web framework used for API routing and handling HTTP request/response operations in this project.
  • Mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB used to create models and simplify database operations.
  • JWT (JSON Web Token): Used for user authentication and authorization, allowing users to authenticate and make authorized API requests.
  • Swagger UI Express: Utilized to automatically generate and visualize API documentation, enabling users to easily view the API endpoints.
  • Cors: Employed to solve Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issues, allowing requests from different origins to access the API.
  • Dotenv: Used to load and utilize environment variables, especially for storing sensitive data such as database connection information.
  • Nodemailer: Utilized for sending emails, particularly for sending verification emails to users after registration.

How to Use?

  1. Clone the project to your computer: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd StockAPI
  3. Install the necessary dependencies: npm install
  4. Connect your database or set up your local database. Update the .env file with the required environment variables, such as MONGODB_URI for MongoDB connection."
  5. Start the application: npm run start
  6. You can access the API at http://localhost:PORT.

API Documentation(local)

For more information about all the endpoints and how to use them, you can access the Swagger UI.


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you find a bug or want to add a feature, please open a pull request or create an issue.


This project is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for more information.