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Auto report of AB testing report includes both pretest and post-test. The auto report contains methods for sample size calculation, test duration calculation, calculating effect size, performing AA test, AB test, Normality check, Homogenity check, Novelty effect test, Chi-square tests, and more.


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AB Test AutoReport 🤖

Description 🧩

ABTestAnalyzer is a Python class for performing A/B testing analysis. The class includes methods for sample size calculation, test duration calculation, calculating effect size, performing AA test, AB test, Normality check, Homogenity check, Novelty effect test, Chi-square tests, and more.
The class uses a configuration file in YAML format to set various parameters for the analysis.

Navigating the Project 🗺️

To navigate to the project directory after cloning the repository, you can use the cd command in your terminal. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Use the cd command followed by the path of your directory to navigate to the project. For example:
cd path/to/your/directory/AB_Test_AutoReport
  1. If you want to know your current directory location, you can use the pwd (Print Working Directory) command: pwd

Installation 🔌

  • clone the repo
  • Make sure Python and pip are installed
  • Install dependencies with pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Change parameters in configuration file config.yaml
  • Run python3 to run the initial test of AB testing
  • Run python3 to run the after test of AB testing
  • Check the auto reports of .txt and .png files generated under /output folder
  • Check the logs under /logs folder

AB test one-stop automation 🎯

The ABTestAnalyzer class provides a comprehensive suite of methods for A/B testing analysis:


  • Missing Value Check: The class includes a method for checking missing values in the dataset. It will provide a report of the number and percentage of missing values in each column.
  • Outliers Check: The class includes a method for detecting outliers in the dataset. It uses the IQR method to detect outliers and provides a report of the number and percentage of outliers in each column.
  • Data Loading and Effect Size Calculation: The class includes methods for loading data and calculating effect size.
  • Sample Size Calculation: The class includes a method for calculating the required sample size based on the desired power and significance level.
  • Test Duration Calculation: The class includes a method for calculating the required test duration based on the desired sample size and the expected traffic.
  • Budget Need for Test: The class includes a method for estimating the budget needed for the test based on the sample size, expected traffic, and average spend per observation.
  • Chi-square Test: The class includes a method for performing a Chi-square test to compare the conversion rates of the two groups.
  • AA Test: The class includes a method for performing an AA test to check if the two groups are identical before the actual A/B test.

Post test

  • Normality Test: The class includes a method for testing if the data follows a normal distribution.
  • Homogeneity Test: The class includes a method for testing if the variances of two or more groups are equal.
  • SRM Test: The class includes a method for performing a Sequential Ratio Method (SRM) test to detect any significant changes over time.
  • Novelty Effect Analysis: The class includes a method for analyzing the novelty effect, i.e., the initial surge in performance due to the novelty of the new version.
  • AB Test: The class includes a method for performing the actual A/B test, comparing the performance of the two versions.
  • Confidence Interval Calculation: The class includes a method for calculating the confidence interval of the difference in performance between the two versions.
  • Absolute Lift Calculation: The class includes a method for calculating the absolute lift, i.e., the absolute difference in performance between the two versions.
  • Relative Lift Calculation: The class includes a method for calculating the relative lift, i.e., the percentage increase in performance of the new version compared to the old version.

Generate conclusion

  • Based on the performance, decide wheter or not to use the new version of AB test.

Features 🏵️

  • Automated Analysis: The ABTestAnalyzer class automates the process of performing A/B testing analysis. Just run the scripts and get your results.
  • Configurable: The class uses a configuration file in YAML format, allowing you to easily adjust various parameters for the analysis.
  • Comprehensive: The class includes methods for sample size calculation, test duration calculation, calculating effect size, performing AA test, AB test, Novelty effect test, Chi-square tests, and more.
  • Visualizations: The class generates visualizations of the test results, which are saved as .png files in the /output folder.
  • Report Generation: The class generates a report of the test results, which is saved as a .txt file in the /output folder.
  • Pretest and Posttest Analysis: The repository includes scripts for both pretest ( and posttest ( analysis.
  • Easy Installation: The repository includes a requirements.txt file for easy installation of dependencies.

Data Preparation 📊

Before using the ABTestAnalyzer class, you need to prepare your data in the following format:

  • The data should be on an ID level, meaning each row corresponds to a unique ID. The ID data should be unique and not duplicated.
  • The data should be in two separate CSV files (If pretest and post-test are in one file, you can also use the same.): one for the pretest data and one for the posttest data.
  • Each file should include the following columns:
    • Date: The date of the observation.
    • ID: The ID of the observation (this could be a user_id, impression_id, etc.).
    • Conversion: The conversion metric. This can be either binary (1 for a conversion, 0 for no conversion) or continuous (sales, signups, etc.). The type of conversion metric should be specified in the configuration file.
    • Experiment: The name of the test ('ab_test','AA_test','landingpage_test', etc.).
    • Group: The group of the observation (0 for "control", 1 for "treatment").
    • Spend (Optional): The spend for the observation, if budget calculation is needed.
    • etc.
  • The names of these columns should be specified in the configuration file.

Here's an example of how your data might look:

Date ID Conversion Experiment Group Spend
2021-01-01 1 1 Test1 0 100
2021-01-02 2 0 Test1 1 150
2021-01-03 3 1 Test1 0 200
2021-01-04 4 0 Test1 1 250
... ... ... ... ... ...

Contributing 🤝

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.

License 📝

This project is MIT licensed.


Auto report of AB testing report includes both pretest and post-test. The auto report contains methods for sample size calculation, test duration calculation, calculating effect size, performing AA test, AB test, Normality check, Homogenity check, Novelty effect test, Chi-square tests, and more.








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